SWA now getting involved with slot (s) possibilities

What is good for dl may or may not or ever be good for the country. Dl may have political backing but id bet aa has them just as wn b6 as us and others... point is the anti trust suit has been settled aa ch 11 judge lane heard arguments and so far NO OBJECTIONS except from a group of business folks... lets see who is right come next 2 weeks....
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  • #167
WT pay attention:
you can't seem to comprehend (maybe has to do with 3 year olds) that saying you can bid all you want but there are qualifications that will prevent from actually achieving something is not much different from saying "don't bother to bid at all."
--I have never claimed this as you have said I have. You are the one that has stated DL was told they cannot bid on the slots--NOT ME FREAK!!!

If you and WN have nothing to fear about the process then open all of it to any airline.. and let's be clear that the process is not open to any LCC. It is open to B6 and WN.
--- Trust me WT, we do not fear Delta at LF, PERIOD. It is open for all airlines to bid, PERIOD. And your wrong again, it is open to all LCC carriers to bid as well as legacies to bid. I have told you this over and over and over again,--JUST LIKE REPEATING TO A 3 YEAR OLD!!!

I don't care whether you think I am after brownie points or not. The minute the settlement agreement was announced, it was a given that it would be challenged but yet DL is the only one who publicly has.
--- So what, who cares? Your point is?

The rest of your points are pointless. DL has the option and has had the option to increase their presence as well as grow at DAL for many years.
Once again you are crying and whining about nothing. YES, we all know Delta is also crying and whining about all this, nothing new. Stop repeating and repeating yourself over and over again, you look like an idiot, when you want everyone out here to view you as an intelligent individual. Get over the fact that the DOJ originally said they will only allow the LCC's to obtain the slots. GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
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  • #168
go talk to your law buddies... there are legal provisions to challenge the suit....

again, you are so anxious to get the deal out the door and shut DL out... DL has as many if not more political connections and most importantly DL knows that what is good for the country is good for DL. AÁ/US and WN are interested in ramrodding a deal thru so they singularly benefit. There are more than enough people smart enough to see thru that and to ensure that the country isn't shortchanged.

I continue to stand by my statement that the settlement agreement as it stands now won't be implemented.

Glad you acknowledge the possibility that things will change.
Your free-fallin off the cliff again. Step back, take deep breath, and regroup. BTW, this was not ANY kind of back door deal being done, it was all done out in the open and your beloved Delta had their chance to participate early on within the courts just as JB and SWA did, Delta chose not to, plain and simple. Move on, get over it, and it all play out...
I'm sorry but this deal was not done in the open if competitors didn't know the details and neither did Congressional leaders.

We can debate (and you can throw your childish insults) all you want but at the end of the day I am still certain that the settlement agreement will not be implemented as it was announced, and/or DL will gain access to some of the slots, B6 and WN will not have preferential bidding on assets, and/or DL will have a significant operation at DAL.

Given that DL will be doing at DAL and DFW the same thing it does at MDW and ORD by serving its hubs from both airports, DL will have an advantage that will likely lead to it being the largest carrier in the overall market. At DAL/DFW unlike its hubs, DL is willing to throw in service to LGA and LAX. The N. Texas aviation industry will look very strange if Georgia based DL manages to be the dominant carrier to markets like DAL and DFW over its two Texas based rivals.

I for one can't wait for the fun to begin!

I'll be filming it all to show the DOJ how good some legacies really can compete.
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  • #170
WorldTraveler said:
I'm sorry but this deal was not done in the open if competitors didn't know the details and neither did Congressional leaders.
It was done out in the open.  If Delta's attorneys did not know or how to get involved during the legal process as did JB and SWA as they filed at the correct time to file, and then the judge gave an open deadline to have all briefs in by all airlines by the 15th of Nov. and this was put out by the courts via court presses as well as the media.  If I am not mistaken JB and SWA was the only 2 that submitted briefs by the deadline given by the judge. Sorry if Delta missed that.  Rules and regs were followed by both JB and SWA.  I think Delta's attorneys were asleep at the wheel.  Maybe, just maybe DL might have a chance to bid over at the DAL slots...
It was done out in the open.  If Delta's attorneys did not know or how to get involved during the legal process as did JB and SWA as they filed at the correct time to file, and then the judge gave an open deadline to have all briefs in by all airlines by the 15th of Nov. and this was put out by the courts via court presses as well as the media.  If I am not mistaken JB and SWA was the only 2 that submitted briefs by the deadline given by the judge. Sorry if Delta missed that.  Rules and regs were followed by both JB and SWA.  I think Delta's attorneys were asleep at the wheel.  Maybe, just maybe DL might have a chance to bid over at the DAL slots...
please post the legal requirements that said that filing a brief with the court was necessary in order to participate in the divestiture process? You can't do it because it didn't happen.

And even if did happen, it would have been ruled illegal.

If it is a bidding process, you can't preselect the winners. That's the way it is done in 3rd world countries.

When the slot deal is finished, let me know. I am still betting that the settlement agreement won't be implemented as it was originally announced. The chances are real high that the number of slots that are open to low fare carriers will drop and that even among the slots that are not earmarked for small/medium sized cities, WN will be competing with other carriers.

The process that the DOJ used and which you so gleefully support doesn't pass the muster of the US legal system. There are procedures in place to challenge the process for two months after it is approved.
Swamt bro we read what was given to the news media ur right that B6 and Wn were the only 2 to file friends of the court for the slot divestures again the doj Said Dl and Ua CAN FILE FOR SLOTS BUT IT IS UNLIKELY TO BE GIVEN TO THEM GIVEN THEIR PRESENCE AT DCA AND LGA by the time dl gets done filing if they do file the merger of us and aa will be complete
so does that mean, mr.allsmallletters that you are willing to bet that the settlement will stand?

We all know what the DOJ said. The problem is that there could well be legal problems with what the DOJ has done (remember that this is the same DOJ that the US fanclub beat on regarding the gun running operation). Add in that Congress and American citizens do have the right to challenge the settlement and I'm betting that someone is dworking over the THX weekend to keep the merger from getting derailed.

We'll see... we always do.
WorldTraveler said:
so does that mean, mr.allsmallletters that you are willing to bet that the settlement will stand?We all know what the DOJ said. The problem is that there could well be legal problems with what the DOJ has done (remember that this is the same DOJ that the US fanclub beat on regarding the gun running operation). Add in that Congress and American citizens do have the right to challenge the settlement and I'm betting that someone is dworking over the THX weekend to keep the merger from getting derailed.We'll see... we always do.
ok mr delta has to conquer the world.... u cannot seem to understand a dam thing that goes against delta.... ur the only person b! tch! ng bec dl found out that they and ual may not win the slots at dca and lga are you that petrified that dl will god from nbr 2 to nbr 3 you really think you know it all but in reality you dont know that much... many of us been in the airline for so long that we have a pretty good grasp on what goes on. You just cannot be wrong for a dam thing
believe me I am not the least bit worried about how DL will wind up... in case you missed it, DL has had no problem kicking butt in all corners of the industry over the past 7 years.

A few slots one way or the other isn't going to make the difference. But DL fights for every scrap of flesh and every nickel of revenue.

It is precisely because you are well aware of what DL has done that you are so dead set to try to argue that DL won't get anything.

Problem is that your opinion doesn't matter. There are legal issues at play, there are legal processes to determine the questions, for now the talking is being done behind doors, and if there isn't resolution behind closed doors then the process will go public.

The legal issues have nothing to do with DL as much as you would like to make it to be.

It is about competing fairly including not creating backroom deals that say "bid but you won't win" and then trying to convince everyone that it was fair.

If AA, US, and WN are not worried about competing with DL, then why are you making such a production on this site?

BTW, I am right about what I speak on here because I speak about what I know.

The problem for too many on here is that they (you) try to be experts on subjects about which you don't have the knowledge and won't admit that others do.

where were your comments about the capitalization and punctuation (it's not grammar) when E made an almost identical comment?

If robbed wants to repeatedly disregard basic rules of written communication EN MASSE, then he shouldn't be surprised about being called out for it... and neither should you or anyone else.
Wt I am not disregarding the basic rules of written communication youre the one who needs to stay on topic... at least I apologize when I take it off topic.. youre the one who cant stand to be wrong..

btw 700 thats a great pic