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Southwest Interest in LGA and DCAl Slots if Delta and US Complete Swap

And, according to Expedia and the WN website, the rest of us serving that route charge lower fares for equivalent travel days--except for WN's restricted fare. But, I bet WN finds a way to make it work profitably.
Could WN enter the Charlotte market in the future or are there restrictions that keep it from doing so? :unsure:

The only real restriction is gate space. While CLT has gates that could be made available to WN, there aren't enough together to fit WN's usual model. There's an expansion of E-con (currrently Express only) that will allow mainline planes to use it.

Thank-you all for your helpful comments :up: They were very enlightening.

...plane go to Paris is correct that WN has to have the right gates and all. They make the demands and won't accept any substitution from their norms. But their PR is phenomenal. Their commercials hit markets where they don't even exist. No big deal perhaps, but if I were a frequent flier paying for luggage and extras, I'd consider going to an airport where South West flies. Believe it or not, I've seen it happen...more often than you would think! LUV is over 100 miles away, btw.
Guess not...

Guess not...

...but Westjet is... and it will be a new codeshare
partner with Southwest planned for last quarter
of this year...
The trouble is that WN won't be able to offer connections at either end of the WestJet flights, unless it's via either IAD or BWI with a ground transfer - neither very attractive options. Of course, there's no guarantee that the Feds will approve this version of the slot swap.

The trouble is that WN won't be able to offer connections at either end of the WestJet flights, unless it's via either IAD or BWI with a ground transfer - neither very attractive options. Of course, there's no guarantee that the Feds will approve this version of the slot swap.

WN already has a gate at LGA but of course more slots would be beneficial. 🙂
I think a codeshare out of LGA with WestJet would work if they get the slots.
Oops, you're right. I misread the divestiture of slots as WestJet getting DCA slots instead of LGA slots.

The Department will require the carriers divest 14 pairs of daily slots at Reagan National and 20 pairs at LaGuardia and sell them through a blind sale to airlines that currently have little or no service at these airports, with Delta and US Airways retaining the proceeds from the sale. Slot pairs would be sold in bundles large enough to ensure that a purchaser would have a sufficient number of slots to provide meaningful new competition. The final decision incorporates most of the major elements of the tentative decision announced on Feb. 9.

While Delta and US Airways made a counterproposal in which they would transfer 15 pairs of slots at LaGuardia and 4 ½ pairs at Reagan National to several smaller carriers, in yesterdays decision the Department said the carriers’ counteroffer would be insufficient to preserve competition at the two airports.
The Department will require the carriers divest 14 pairs of daily slots at Reagan National and 20 pairs at LaGuardia and sell them through a blind sale to airlines that currently have little or no service at these airports, with Delta and US Airways retaining the proceeds from the sale. Slot pairs would be sold in bundles large enough to ensure that a purchaser would have a sufficient number of slots to provide meaningful new competition. The final decision incorporates most of the major elements of the tentative decision announced on Feb. 9.

While Delta and US Airways made a counterproposal in which they would transfer 15 pairs of slots at LaGuardia and 4 ½ pairs at Reagan National to several smaller carriers, in yesterdays decision the Department said the carriers’ counteroffer would be insufficient to preserve competition at the two airports.
I see southwest starting to look more and more like all the other airlines as they they increase flights into the northeast markets. As they do you will see more delays and complaints, operating cost will surge............ and profits will take a dive which has already started to happen .
DL and US say they will challenge the DOT/FAA requirement for slot carve-outs in court. In a letter to the DOT and FAA, they also said that they would proceed with the deal if the conditions were dropped.

Delta, US Airways Drop Slot Swap

Southwest issued a public statement this afternoon in response to the DL-US announcement stating...

“Southwest believes the DOT/FAA decision is fully justified and looks forward to the opportunity to participate in the judicial process to address the important competitive issues that are at stake in this attempted transaction.”
The slots in the auction are being divested by Delta and US Airways as a condition of federal approval for their own trade. The FAA has said that airlines or affiliates already holding a certain amount of slots can’t participate in bidding that ends Nov. 22.
Oh well. US Airways and Delta can always take the AA "whistling in the dark" position..."We are not in the least concerned about Southwest's entry into our market in (STL/BNA/MCO/fill in the blank). Our passengers have no interest in flying on Southwest." :lol:

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