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Southwest says it's now the second-busiest carrier at Washington National

uh... the issue was the SETTLEMENT including DL's blocked access to bidding on DCA slots and DAL access.
The case is not finished robbed
WorldTraveler said:
DL is the only airline besides WN that has expressed a willingness to serve DAL ......................
In reality, "mighty" DL has no choice.
As has been stated on here by a certain poster ad nauseam, the #3 carrier is destined for failure.
Well, DL could not hack it at DFW and is close to being a has been at DAL.
Looks like a pretty nasty strategic challenge for DL in the N. TX market.
Oh, and DL's an afterthought in Houston too.
And that's the whole truth.
700UW said:
No source, he is fabricating stories once again and got caught out there.
That's he's affectionately known as World Fraudster or World Poser.
WNMECH said:
You have been blathering about Delta filing suit about all sorts of things yet NO lawsuits exist.
Delta has filed NO lawsuits to stop anything you have claimed.
Your record on predicting lawsuits is ZERO.
I will let your record speak for itself.
His record on here speaks for itself (predictions of DL world domination, faulty use of math, attempts to selectively use statistics to demonstrate DL grandeur, inaccurate data presentations/analysis/conclusions, fabrication of various statements and metrics, legal theory, etc.).  The -9990 reputation score validates the shoddy record. 
WNMECH said:
Lets recap a little.
You don't want to do that.  The results are lengthy posts in order to deflect and spin.
WorldTraveler said:
uh... the issue was the SETTLEMENT including DL's blocked access to bidding on DCA slots and DAL access.
The case is not finished robbed
Where is the lawsuit?
But please, do spin away.
you're so impatient or rather so ready to throw stones - just like those who were so quick to tell us that WN would beat DL's backside in ATL - but mysteriously don't ever come back to acknowledge the dozens of cities that WN has dropped.

Or to pile on " the refinery will never work" while I believed it would while never bother returning to acknowledge that it is now contributing a couple hundred million dollars per year in lower fuel prices for DL.

or those who were convinced that AA wouldn't be affected by the end of the Wright longhaul domestic restrictions even though....

American Airlines gets sucker-punched

The DAL case is far from settled.

I suspect by the end of the summer but certainly by the end of the year how it will play out.

I have always said that DL's access to DAL is the key issue that would trigger a lawsuit.

DL didn't hire one of the best antitrust lawyers in the country for no reason.
again, may I suggest that you learn to use and understand the conditional verbs such as MAY, MIGHT, COULD, etc.

and the case is not over.

WN seems hellbent to force a conclusion and I have said that if they do push DL out based on their own actions, DL will not walk away quietly.

That is the only DEFINITE thing I have said and you can absolutely put that in the book.
The only DEFINATE thing you have said?
And I can put that in the book?

You have over 19K posts.
You now admit that you have been BSing this whole time.
That is quite a record on spin.

WN specifically said that it needed AA out of DAL in order to be able to compete in the newly opened longhaul market.

The DOJ bought it despite the fact that it did no analysis.
I don't see any conditional verbs such as MAY, MIGHT, COULD, ECT, in this DIFINITIVE statement.

How about you show where WN SPECIFICLLY SAID that load of bull you have been saying?
WorldTraveler said:
you're so impatient or rather so ready to throw stones -

It isn't throwing stones.
The truth is DL is #3 in N. TX market.
According to your very own theory, it means DL is doomed.
Or are you now changing your narrative, admitting that what you have written is total 100% fabricated BS?
looks like a couple people are just a tad bent out of shape today.

the DAL issue isn't resolved. I have repeatedly said that how it is resolved would determine what outcome is taken.

Given that WN has said they won't accommodate DL unless VX suddenly decides its DAL-AUS experiment was a flop (which we knew it would be) WN will be on the hook for at least part of the accommodation.

Like a bunch of petulant children, you can't stand the fact that you can't proclaim victory... the case is not finished.

btw, WN is having to admit that all of the capacity it is adding is not RASM positive and it is apparent that they are the driver of RASM declines thruout the industry. The analysts have been focused on legacy int'l RASM performance but it is obvious that the driver is now excess domestic capacity. Wall Street can and should appropriately value those carriers who are dumping capacity in the domestic market above what the market can absorb at current fare levels.

WorldTraveler said:
looks like a couple people are just a tad bent out of shape today.

the DAL issue isn't resolved. I have repeatedly said that how it is resolved would determine what outcome is taken.

Like a bunch of petulant children, you can't stand the fact that you can't proclaim victory... the case is not finished.
It is very amusing how you've managed to spin, deflect and change the topic here.
Just to refresh your memory, the topic at hand is WN's ascend at DCA that is concomitant with DL's plunge into the #3 at DCA, and henceforth, according to your own theory, imminent failure.  It'll be interesting to watch DL become a niche airline (to ATL) at DCA.
But since you do bring up DAL, well guess what?  DL is #3 in Dallas too, and if one goes by your theory, failure is looming for DL there too.
But please, try to spin your way out.  (Perhaps the best would be to admit that you don't know what you're talking about and just make things up  - more on this below).
WorldTraveler said:
you're so impatient or rather so ready to throw stones -

Or to pile on " the refinery will never work" while I believed it would while never bother returning to acknowledge that it is now contributing a couple hundred million dollars per year in lower fuel prices for DL.
On one hand, this is your standard MO to deflect and spin from the issue at hand.  But at the same time I'm glad you've mentioned DL's wonderful refinery.  Would you care to post the amount of losses Trainer suffered and how much money DL pumped into it before it managed to make a small gain last year?  You know, that would be the Whole Truth.
Oh, and speaking of Trainer and you fabricating things, I do believe it was on the thread about Trainer on the DL board where you magically proclaimed without ever showing any evidence that:  the DL-VS JV has already managed to generate more revenue than any other airline alliance in the world.  Ever.
Please, spin away!
first of all, DL didn't PLUNGE at DCA. DL's number of seats is a single percent difference compared to WN's.

and DL is still a larger carrier compared to WN in every market the two compete. WN's growth at DCA has come entirely at the expense of other carriers - mostly AA, not DL.

and the reason why DAL has been mentioned - since you clearly missed it - is because WN gained increased access to DCA under the guise of needing to bring price discipline to DCA and bring consumer choice as part of the same AA/US merger agreement that allowed it to boot AA from DAL.

The reason why DCA and DAL are connected is because the two are polar opposite outcomes that contradict each other and WN created both.

It cannot argue for consumer choice and increasing low fare options at DCA given that it is doing the exact opposite at DAL. WN is taking away consumer choice and dominating a market at DCA while forgetting it used the same arguments at DCA to gain more access.

The laws are no different between Dallas and Washington. WN was just hoping that someone would forget what WN argued at DCA as they dominate DAL.

AA didn't dominate the WAS region. It dominated one airport - DCA. The same is true at DAL.

WN's statements at DCA and as part of the AA/US merger settlement won't be forgotten and they will come back to bite them at DAL.

The same antitrust reasons why AA/US was required to give up access as part of the merger agreement exists with DAL but to an even greater degree.

WN shot itself in the foot by making arguments regarding DCA access that the DOJ blessed that will be used against it regarding DAL.
You seem to be very much bent out of shape today, even more so than usual.

DL seems to be facing so many strategic business obstacles lately,  I guess that means you're gong to be spending a lot of time at the computer revising your theories and fabricating new ones to defend that DL rules the world narrative.
DL is GOING AFTER obstacles and removing them rather than blindly accept the status quo.

DL could have ignored the growth of the ME3 but with a merger behind it and an outstanding operation and finances under its belt, DL is attacking the key strategic issues that matter to the industry and to DL.

Some like the ME3 are back by ALL FOUR of the US biggies.

Others like DAL are an issue of access for DL but the implications of government involvement in airport capacity allocation is the root issue and I believe DL wants to make it clear that the marketplace, not the DOJ is the one that determines where and when carriers can fly.

The airline industry was deregulated but Washington wants to make all kinds of exceptions to insert its foot into the marketplace and I believe we are going to see a showdown regarding route and slot allocation and airport access that will settle the question - and I believe in favor of the marketplace and not government intervention.

DAL and DFW continue to be problems because the government tried to mess with the marketplace decades ago when DFW opened and it has been one solid mess since - and N. Texas is no closer to an open and free market than it was decades ago. DCA has been treated the very same way with carveouts for special routes and preferred access for government routes - even while the Justice Dept is going after the PANYNJ and UA for doing the same thing at Newark.

It is time for the market without government interference to rule and let carriers who can survive in the free market do so.

DAL and DCA are the same issue in the domestic market. The ME3 is the int'l version of the same issue.

DL is pushing issues like DAL, DCA, and the ME3 because DL can and will succeed in a free and open marketplace. Other carriers must either figure out how to do so if they can't already or be relegated to the dustbin of airline history.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
You seem to be very much bent out of shape today, even more so than usual.

DL seems to be facing so many strategic business obstacles lately,  I guess that means you're gong to be spending a lot of time at the computer revising your theories and fabricating new ones to defend that DL rules the world narrative.
Looks like the same ole old BS still. I sure am glad I have him on ignore.  Makes for a much more enjoyable reading of the forums...
Ignoring someone is the most childish way of being unable to admit that you can't say anything more.

Specific to this topic, WN gained what it did at DCA using logic that very likely will be used against it at DAL - point for point.

WN might decide that all it gained at DCA wasn't so worth it if it has to look at a whole lot more competitor tails at its home airport.

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