Jim. I can't agree with you more. Even your posting friend WT seems to understand this. Kev & X-UT get it as well. I have given up hope on trying to respond anymore. It is so pointless that some continue to beat on the same old 'Broken' drum but I am saying my piece here and I am walking away from this stupidity.I swear, this thread has turned into equivalent of still arguing over who fired the first shot in WWII when the war's over and the loser is licking his wounds. Bus - you lost. The majority of your fellow WN fa's decided the seniority integration proposal was fair enough to accept. Likewise for the majority of FL fa's. If you want to be bitter all the way to the grave that's your right, but all that matters at this point is that the war you've been fighting is over and most are just happy with that.
Can't agree w you more .. and then swa gives away 40% payraises to the employees of a company that those same analysts said Swa over paid at least $300-500 million for.. when swa will be taking their cash cow(fees) out of the equation thus they would be netting a -$140 million..wow..staggering ..
u think I am not nervous when we had the highest costs already before this deal.. so no it doesn't surprise me and it wouldn't surprise me now if we ended up taking the path of the legacies either .
Why do you insist on always using the term "giving away" when you say pay raises?? What, are AT employees not working for it?? Are we just sitting on our asses watching others work?? Everyone on this forum, except for you and maybe a few others, see that you are a huge problem. You always have a right to speak your opinon, it's the American right after all, but what you speak says a lot of what kind of person you are. You mentioned being commended over 300 times and only having 3 complaints about you in your career.... I find that difficult to believe considering you've been on this forum for a few months now and have surpassed your career complaints 3 fold!! And you say that you're a different person in real life verses the person we read on this forum? Well, if that's true then you're a hypocrite and are either fearful of being your true self or you're just on here to make this merger as difficult as possible for everyone, trolling to cause chaos amongst the peaceful. Either way, you've lost all creditability in my eyes... You just told all of us that you really aren't this way in real life, so either you lied about that, or you're lying about not being this annoying outside the forum. I think I'm done with you now, go ahead, get your last word in, I don't care. I've lost he little respect I had for you to begin with. You've ruined yourself beyond repair to me...
Oh, BTW, since we're tooting our own horn here, I don't work directly with customers and have had letters of recognition sent about me to the airlines I've worked for commending me on my efforts numerous times and I've never had a single customer complaint about me... On top of multiple FAA diamond and ruby awards and even a letter of recognition from the FAA as well that earned me mechanic of the month in 2 different airlines..
I'm sorry to others who have to endure my boasting of myself, I'm really not the kind of person to do that. It made me cringe to write what I wrote above. Infact, I despise when others spout off their credentials like they are some sort of gift to their classification, they seem to think that we should honor them for something... Anyways, only reason I did it was to show Buscador that he/she isn't as great as he/she puts himself/herself out to be.
I assure you Buscador, there are a lot of airline personal that do their part to make the operation run well and run smooth that don't get recognized for it and should, so don't put your credentials out there like your petitioning for a position of power or something... Even if it is just to justify your own need to get attention. :-
Hey Swamt give me a break here, didn't I just say that it was time to move on? I even wished you guys luck on both sides and said I was sorry that I may go to arbitration because the mechs seemed to finding fair ground, until last november anyway.Buscador,
Man it is time to give it a rest. AvTech has never once disrespected any one of us. The AT employees are sick and tired of hearing your rampid asults, as I am. The vote for the F'A's are tallied. It's done. Overwith. Stick a fork in it. And pls move on. If our mechanics integration agreements are voted down, or in, then so be it. We (as mechanics) can do nothing more to change that fact. Once it's done, it's done. Move on with life. Welcome all the new AT employees into your workgroup. But pls stop with the outlandish request to have all the AT folks to thank "you" or SWA for giving them employment at SWA. Your killing me. And as a matter of fact, it's really getting old.
Believe me when I say "the AT employees are estatic to become a part of SWA" Now let's move on with our lives, welcome them all with open arms, and grow this company to an endless size and opertunities.; Nuff said, I think?...
O I get it ..your liberal give the little guy everything attitude to hell w working hard for it Now carries over into posts you don't agree w.
Nope, not doing it...................that's a period for every slow breath I took, I will not let you provoke, only if an AT person insults or acts of entitlement surface . Have a nice day kev, very nice try!!You must've missed the posts where I noted FL employees will have to *earn* their new base rates, and that nothing is being "given" to them.
Your union is doing what is mandated to do under federal law, and that is to represent everyone equally. If there is a performance issue with an employee, and they continue to stay employed, then it is almost always due to a lack of due diligence on local management's part. I can tell you that an "airtight" case against an employee is an almost impossible grievance to win, and yet in my experience it rarely happens.
That all said, you are still misdirecting your anger/frustration. BTW, just out of curiosity, how is it that you *know* that every single FL employee sucks?
And from that - you twist my words and say that I said that "ALL AT EMPLOYEES SUCK"??? Get over yourself...Not saying that there aren't some subpar employees at SWA, or that there aren't some stellar employees at AT - because there are some of both.
I don't know - how is it - since this was my direct quote:
And from that - you twist my words and say that I said that "ALL AT EMPLOYEES SUCK"??? Get over yourself...
I'm done with this thread. I'm not an FA - I am ramp. And supposedly from what little info they give us - the integration is headed to arbitration without a vote - which in my opinion is garbage.
And our probation period is 6 months. Exactly what AT should have when they come over. I have never said that AT doesn't have some good workers. I have flown on them and for the most part have had good customer service, and the FA's have been cool. We work near to their Ramp operation, and they have a few good guys. But they have a lot of rule breakers, lazy people, and people that just don't care. See it every day. WAY worse then the few "turds" we have. And those guys are in for culture shock when they figure out that they are going to handle 3 times or more bags every FLIGHT when they come here.
SO - buscador - I understand where you are coming from. It's not worth typing up pages to fight with these guys who obviously don't get it.
It's like this - if we were bought by another company - I would expect either a raise up to their pay scale, or my DOH seniority. Not both. The AT people won the Lotto - and still have the balls to complain about it and think they should get more.
we may be watching it begin the downward spiral...
I don't know - how is it - since this was my direct quote:
And from that - you twist my words and say that I said that "ALL AT EMPLOYEES SUCK"??? Get over yourself...
I'm done with this thread. I'm not an FA - I am ramp. And supposedly from what little info they give us - the integration is headed to arbitration without a vote - which in my opinion is garbage. I think we should have had a proposal that we could have voted on, and when it got voted down by about 95% of our members it could have had some bearing on the arbitration. DOH would not affect my seniority - but it would affect those of us who do not have what I do - and they get nothing for being bumped down. Nothing. And our probation period is 6 months. Exactly what AT should have when they come over. I have never said that AT doesn't have some good workers. I have flown on them and for the most part have had good customer service, and the FA's have been cool. We work near to their Ramp operation, and they have a few good guys. But they have a lot of rule breakers, lazy people, and people that just don't care. See it every day. WAY worse then the few "turds" we have. And those guys are in for culture shock when they figure out that they are going to handle 3 times or more bags every FLIGHT when they come here.
SO - buscador - I understand where you are coming from. It's not worth typing up pages to fight with these guys who obviously don't get it. It's like this - if we were bought by another company - I would expect either a raise up to their pay scale, or my DOH seniority. Not both. The AT people won the Lotto - and still have the balls to complain about it and think they should get more.
As to SWA being bought out by a "bigger and better airline" - I like the ones that were named - I think ALL of them have been through bankruptcy, some more then once, and one is in it now?? Vs. an airline that has turned a profit for over 35 years? One that has the highest pay and benes in the industry for most, if not all, work groups? Bigger and better?????
I and my co-workers like buscador - have helped build SWA to the top. And the way the AT thing is playing out - we may be watching it begin the downward spiral...
This is for all of you following the mechanics vote. The results of the first ballot is posted, 4 LOA's:
AMFA - SWA Letters of Agreement Referendum Results
The votes for the AMFA – Southwest Airlines Letters of Agreement (LOAs) Referendum were tallied on February 14, 2012. Ballots for this referendum were counted and certified by TrueBallot, Inc. The results are as follows:
LOA #5
Maintenance Controllers
LOA #6
Maintenance Technical Instructors
LOA #7
Technical Support Mechanics