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[quote nag me='AvTech04' timestamp='1329320649' post='871970']
Buscador... Did you have something to do with this!! It sounds like you did! lol

Not sure how you would think quiet little me could have anything to do with that one, lol

See I am man enough though thick headed at times, to listen to the group and I agree to disagree and move on out respect to all New Swa employees, I am trying. But then comes kev who has no dog in this fight as he tries to stir sh** for the sake of it, now I can appreciate that cause I have been known to stir myself lol, but to Stir sh** by blantantly fabricating, misqouting, exaggerating out of all context was not only in poor judgement,horrible sh** strring attempt but outright insulting to us all. Especially when he acts so righteous and holier than thou, SAVIOUR of the blue collar worker

Kev, though he seems a little to liberal for my taste has had some very good posts many or maybe even most of them I might not agree w, but he has some good points which made this stand out more,

so I may have called him out on his major blunder, for those that don't know,, he took a newbie's(workingaflight) 5th the or 6th post which said "more bad employees to work with" and accused him of saying that Working aflight thought EVERY(100%) of FL employees were bad,.

But the worst part is Kev can't or couldn't admit it until pressed on the issue 5 or six times, the Super Duper king of posting can lay in the rays of accolades but seemed to Run from the raindrops of screwing up ,as he found it near impossible to be accountable or apologize to workingaflight, showed me a lot about his character. The caped crusader over flew way out of bounds and was too proud ot arrogant to admit it.

So A vtech I guess you got me, I am guilty, I may have had a little to do with,, I will put my self on posting time out. Lol
Not sure how you would think quiet little me could have anything to do with that one, lol

See I am man enough though thick headed at times, to listen to the group and I agree to disagree and move on out respect to all New Swa employees, I am trying. But then comes kev who has no dog in this fight as he tries to stir sh** for the sake of it, now I can appreciate cause I have been known to myself, but to Stir sh** by blantantly fabricating, misqouting, exaggerating out of all context was not only a poor attempt but outright insulting to us all. Especially when he acts so righteous and holier than thou.

Self-righteous? Pot meet kettle.

It's not sh*t stirring; it's simply calling you out on your consistent demand that FL employees adopt an attitude of servility simply because they've been swept up in all of this. When you come down off the cross, and actually treat them with a modicum of respect, then I might back off. I won't hold my breath.

Like I've said before; you can always put me on ignore. It's easy.

But the worst part is
Kev can't or couldn't admit it until pressed on the issue 5 or six time, the Super Duper king of posting can lay in the rays of accolades but seemed to Run from the raindrops of screwing up as he found it near impossible to be accountable or apologize, showed me a lot about his character.

You can continue to cast all the aspersions you want. Really, I don't mind. Your writing speaks for itself.

No, the worst part is that it's been explained multiple times, and even rewritten down to an easier level for you. If you can't grasp that by now, I can't help you.

...I will put my self on posting time out. Lol

We've heard that before.... Talk is cheap.
And I did. So my timeouts may be short lived but I did take time out. . Lol

I don't need to put anyone on ignore . Especially me w my one or two rants I have very little right to put anyone on ignore , now that would be the kettle and pot . See I am a realist

As I said u have good thoughts and posts. Besides all conversations that contain the utterly painful truth that many find so hard to digest, its always good to have a couple pie in the sky liberal pom pom ' ers to soften the blows of the TRUTH ..lol So please stay. Just don't expect me to fall for your obvious sh** stirring attempts no matter.how many times u use the word deflect

Good day to all
... Just don't expect me to fall for your obvious sh** stirring attempts...

Just couldn't help yourself, I guess? And you were doing so good up to that point. I guess ad hominem attacks are easier than confronting the "painful truths" (as you put it) that others point out.
Just couldn't help yourself, I guess? And you were doing so good up to that point. I guess ad hominem attacks are easier than confronting the "painful truths" (as you put it) that others point out.

Well Kev I guess I must apologize for I could of never comprehended that your skin was so transparently thin, that saying sh#$ stirrer bothered you so that you actually considered it a hominem. I dont see that term as an insult what so ever(my fault), so I had to wonder what is it that would make you take so much offense!

Does sh$# stirrer strike you more in the Halo Effect of Ad hominem or the Abusive Ad Hominem, and if I dont see it as a bad label(again my perception) how could I have created a cognitive bias towards you when there was no contribution of a bad trait towards you? And in the Abusive form(like I need to tell you this) wouldnt I be attacking or belittling you to invalidate your claims and or arguments? But seeing the term on a more creative intelectual or maybe sarcastic level like I do , wouldnt that negate the attacking or belitling aspect of Abusive Ad Hominem? so I am again confused!

Wouldnt it be true that my perception of sh#$ stirrer being much different than yours makes the context of this word or labels outcome much different to you and I as well as each reader? Isnt it true YOUR Liberal vs MY Realistic views on this tiny label/word has gotten us in this little pickle? I should of taken a Liberal sensitive route and just stop using Realistic views that include the painful Truth(why cant we all just get along)

So not knowing how thick or thin your skin to be, Again I apologize and really from this point forward will strive to use ambigous terms and labels as not to insult or stir the ire of all those very sensitive people out there. I will try to soften the truth and my opinions as not to have any one possibly misconstrue an Ad Hominem, whew what a blunder on my part.

Again People, this is why we need to communicate and watch what we say. You never know who you may be talking to and if they are sensitive, have different wacky ideologies, are offended by hominems or just have such a strong need to be liked/ accepted that any and all things may or may not be offensive to that person( this comment is not directed at any one certain individual)

So for gods Sake people, check your opinions(unless liberal) at the door, have a drink but not more than 2 because some will think it abuse of alchohol, dont tell any jokes of any sort, please dont bring up politics, religion or relationships. Welcome to the first thin skinned party of 2012 so come on in and lets have some F..U..N... LIBERAL thin skin style, Whoo hoo ya,,

Hey buscador I said no cards allowed at this party, no gambling, of course there will be no strippers how could you ask that? Buscador if you dare try any of your Truth saying crap or try to make this party lively and fun, I will kick u out so fast .

I bought Chips and Dip and a 12 pack of beer for the 20 of us to sip over the next 4-5 hours while we play pictionary and let's be done by 10 maybe 10:15, so lets get Crazy and have some fun..hey buscador where are u going?
What a bizarre tantrum that was.

(sigh) Oh well. Carry on...
Yea kind of getting bored w the same banal answers and the safe liberal shield you seem to like to hide behind,, and tantrum would not be correct choice there. Nice try, so you think that was a hissy fit!?? The only hissy fits i have seen is from the liberals,, No that was simply a verbal thrasing and a mental beat down as REALISM throttles Liberalism,, well the first half explained your errors masterfully but then the second part did go off trail a bit. Lol

You try to be the great server and great protector of the common man, sorry I just called you out and by all accounts schooled you.. you hide behind your cause like the FAA hides behind safety, always assuring yourself a safe place t throw your safe opinions from. I think a 95 year old man may have more teeth and actually be more corageous, but I unlike you, I can admit that I may be wrong.and the he biggest difference between us kev, I am not here to impress anyone, I dont need reputation votes and I have the bal## to go against popular or safe opinions!

Not here to be popular kev, and I refer to my own little rule I made up years ago,,, if I want another friend I will buy a Fu**#ing Dog,,, I won't be looking for electronic or web friends and approval from my posts, So you keep being the super duper posting Kev w narcissistic needs and hopes people will like you, with super duper reputation, good luck w your journey.Do me a favor though, if you ever see me with 5000 posts, beat me please, beat me and tell me there s more to life than hidding in my room and searching for approval!!! Please pull me from my computer and show me that there is a real world outside my electronic one, that there is a world t see, there is a life, a world out there to explore, Please don't let the FORUM WORLD consume me and my soul Kev, can u help me, will you promise me that much kev? With this love/hate relationship we have created tell me I deserve at least that much

Because i knw you will help kev, I will leave you w these little nuggett of advice,,, leave your big words in your holster because you never know when someone much wiser may shoot back, you know those big words,,the ones that got you your a## handed to you!!!! The ones that you thought made you look smart and like a poor victim at the same time. Think about it next time, lick your wounds and while they heal you may want to learn with whom to pick your battles with, and u may want to go after someone else next time, just a helpful suggetion lmao
Second verse same as the first...

Sing along if ya know the words!cr
I will give you credit, when u know u have been mentally pummeled you shut it down and learn to shut up, good job

Moving on, it was mildly entertaining so thanks for the laughs and mild challenge. Good day and good luck to you sir
Here you go, as to not waste anymore of your cape crusading time or the time of your liberal pom pom'ers that find u interesting.. very cute though, you are so generically creative , but I digress so here is the ending to your generically creative response...good job

She'd been married seven times before.
And every one was an Henery
It wouldn't be a Willie or a Sam
I'm her eighth old man named Henery
Henery the Eighth, I am!

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