Buscador... Did you have something to do with this!! It sounds like you did! lol
Buscador... Did you have something to do with this!! It sounds like you did! lol
...ha!Buscador... Did you have something to do with this!! It sounds like you did! lol
Not sure how you would think quiet little me could have anything to do with that one, lol
See I am man enough though thick headed at times, to listen to the group and I agree to disagree and move on out respect to all New Swa employees, I am trying. But then comes kev who has no dog in this fight as he tries to stir sh** for the sake of it, now I can appreciate cause I have been known to myself, but to Stir sh** by blantantly fabricating, misqouting, exaggerating out of all context was not only a poor attempt but outright insulting to us all. Especially when he acts so righteous and holier than thou.
But the worst part is
Kev can't or couldn't admit it until pressed on the issue 5 or six time, the Super Duper king of posting can lay in the rays of accolades but seemed to Run from the raindrops of screwing up as he found it near impossible to be accountable or apologize, showed me a lot about his character.
...I will put my self on posting time out. Lol
... Just don't expect me to fall for your obvious sh** stirring attempts...
Just couldn't help yourself, I guess? And you were doing so good up to that point. I guess ad hominem attacks are easier than confronting the "painful truths" (as you put it) that others point out.
Yea kind of getting bored w the same banal answers and the safe liberal shield you seem to like to hide behind,, and tantrum would not be correct choice there. Nice try, so you think that was a hissy fit!?? The only hissy fits i have seen is from the liberals,, No that was simply a verbal thrasing and a mental beat down as REALISM throttles Liberalism,, well the first half explained your errors masterfully but then the second part did go off trail a bit. LolWhat a bizarre tantrum that was.
(sigh) Oh well. Carry on...
What a bizarre tantrum that was.
(sigh) Oh well. Carry on...
I'm Henry the 8th I am ...Second verse same as the first...
Sing along if ya know the words!
I will give you credit, when u know u have been mentally pummeled you shut it down and learn to shut up, good jobSecond verse same as the first...
Sing along if ya know the words!cr
Second verse same as the first...
Sing along if ya know the words!
I got married to the widow next door, lol