Nah, I am in pretty good shape at a company I have and do enjoy(dont have to agree w all decisions) and a job that I enjoy, with the flexibilities and pay that are fantastic. But really thanks for the concerns :D

Wow-you're one of the happy WN employees? I hope to never run into a disgruntled one! :0
Nah, I am in pretty good shape at a company I have and do enjoy(dont have to agree w all decisions) and a job that I enjoy, with the flexibilities and pay that are fantastic. But really thanks for the concerns :D

Not sure what any of that has to do with the posted you quoted from me, but hey- good for you. It's a red letter day.

buscador isn't the only one who thinks this is a bad deal. We are already seeing some of the bad things come from it - such as more rules and time consuming procedures implemented just because someone reviewed how AT has done things, and thought they should put some of their stuff in place to make them feel "more at home" I guess.

Been there, doing that. Couldn't agree more.

Just saying that to give these people the world, and their seniority, is not right to all of us who have been at SWA for many years making it the company who could afford to buy AT. It is a total affront to most of us to give them raises and better benefits - and then they want their seniority too? Give me a break.

Sure it is, because WN's not "giving" them anything. They're either going to earn it or not. Simple. Those that can't perform will be flushed out by HR. Surely, you guys have stringent performance standards to meet, no?

We get nothing in this deal at all. Nothing.

You know what you get? Exactly what you had the day before this was all announced. *Nothing* changes for you, but *everything* changes for your FL counterparts. Did you honestly expect different?

As for the comment about "we should be happy that more middle class workers are getting raises and better benefits" =bs. I would be happy if they had WORKED for it like I have. I am not happy when people are just given money and benefits without working for it. Ask me why I'm a Conservative - because it is high time we quit GIVING our tax $ away to people who expect entitlements without doing much to EARN them...

Not sure why you've conflated working for a living with tax dollars, but whatever. Bottom line: they ARE going to work for it. And if they don't? Well, then HR will be really busy, and when they backfill those people shown the door, they'll be junior to you.
Wow-you're one of the happy WN employees? I hope to never run into a disgruntled one! :0
Awww you are so kind, thank you so much. Yea I love to have my feet on the clouds and never have to look at reality because some times it can be berry berry scary so just like you and kev I would rather live without ever facing the truth. Denial is a safe place and when confronted with any form of challenge I will give away anything and everything so the world still likes me.

HEre is to LIberal thinking wonderful people like us, I am now going to have a super duper fantastic day
AVtech is at it again, seems mommy forgot to give him his NO-INSULT medication, his typing turrets and lack of respect are BACK!!!

There you go, just like Buscador, bashing AT like SWA is such a perfect and superior airline. Comparing AT to burger king and SWA to red lobster... It's a shame that you guys have such a ridiculous attitude. Yes, SWA has been around for 40 yrs and AT fr only 18.. So SWA had a 28 yr(oops 40-18=22) head start and was able to build revenue during the regulation period as well the deregulation period, congratulations, good for you!!

[u[u]]YOU just dont seem to GET it, your sarcasm here is Insulting to SWA and every employee that has worked to make this company Great and powerful enough to buy YOUR airline in this shi##y economy!!!

your saying that the only reason SWA made more money and IS more powerful than AT is because it is older and has had more time correct, well arent US, CONT, AA, DAL way older than SWA so they should all be 5 times bigger according to your Logic, they have all gone through BK more than once CORRECT, SWA has not CORRECT see you just cant help yourself insulting SWA employee
s, while you try to be a martyr

]Standing ovation all around!! SARCASM, INSULTING But now, here comes a newer generation airline that was surviving post regulation, post 9/11 and still able to compete with legacies like delta and SWA. SWA sees the threat OVER EXAGERRATION BUT FOR YOU THATS CLOSE TO THE TRUTH and throws 1.4 billion at it to eliminate it and adopt all of the new generation policy's and procedures!!

You're getting more airplanes, more routes, an international jump start, a foot into Atlanta, a total IT system upgrade (on the production side) and you don't expect any changes?? You think the water training is for AT FA's comfort??What, are you scarred to swim? YOU ARE CORRECT HERE, whew,, just when I thought you could do it with INSULTING SWA EMPLOYEES, nope

I'll agree that our ramp agents are a bit on the slower side compared to SWA, they have a lot less load than SWA ramp agents, but outside of the ramp, AT employees pretty much do the same job as SWA employees have been doing. Oh, I forgot, SWA FA's agreed to clean planes on turns while AT FA's refused to add that to their contract... But now that they are getting such a big raise, I'm sure they won't mind picking up a little trash.. NOT TRUE, AND THEIR WORK ETHIC IS AT QUESTION UNTIL PROVEN OTHER WISE, WE USED TO CALL THAT PROBATION

What is really like to see is a high seniority SWA FA grab and haul a life raft that hangs from over their heads...WOW AND THAT WAS NEEDED BECAUSE? I am assuming you are talking about our very senior girls who at times worked for stock not paychecks, o yea those girls, NO that was NOT INSULTING to our many senior employees who have been here dedicating their lives and careers longer than AT has been around,, making this all possible for YOU and ME, nice Avtech and you are appreciative and respectful right?..do you have any lines of insults you wont Cross??,, .. In your spare time do you wish arthritis upon the SENIOR SWA mechanics, hoping they cant turn a wrench and have to Quit giving you more seniority??

You can either embrace the inevitable future, or you can sit in the back of the room with people LIKE Buscador and kick and stomp your feet in anger. The chioce is yours. Then again, there's always retirement....OR THERE IS the approach of TRYING NOT TO LISTEN TO SNIVELING LITTLE LOTTERY WINNERS INSULTING 40 YEARs of history while running to the bank,,

NOW What exact approach does the AVtech Taker Martyr take while he and the LOTTERY WINNERS get a better company with way more job security ?????? is it a HUMBLE silence, and APPRECIATIVE pause or an ARROGANT DEFIANCE AND INSULTING PASSIVITY,, wow,, And he wonders why SWA Original employees are Apprehensive

What Avtech doesnt understand is that it is So much easier talking about change, moving on, being one when you are GRABBING all the WINNINGs... but to INSULT AND KEEP INSULTING the SWA people who have made this possible is utter ridiculous, Time and time again the insults seem ok because AT(trannies) like to try to play the POOR VICTIM role, but no more PLEASE any SWA Original Employee that hears anyone like AVtech, Adasspera or any Lottery winner talk like this, Insulting you OR SWA Please confront them, please tell them that after winning this lottery it is NOT OK to insult you!!!

I Think that SWA employees who Got NOTHING PERSONALLY deserve to Vent a lot more than a LOTTERY Winner,, no disrespect to NYC-DAl UN CAl AA 's only friend at SWA, but when you win the Lottery it may be time to SHUT UP for a while at least!!

I am tired of AVtech and all like him TELLING our Origianal employee group What to do(no thats not ATtitude) that we should just move on while. t0 get over it, to live with it ..which isnt bad advice as much as bad Timing,,,,, he/her thinks it is OK to INSULT SWA History and Culture, he/She thinks it OK to trivialize the triumphs of SWA, he/she underestimates what it takes to BUY OUT another airline while OVERESTIMATING the Value of his/her product,, I will never have to DEAL with the likes of him/her unless he/she is trying to fix a plane I am on, I will never have to deal with those from AT or very rarely have to listen to the MANY Like him/her who have no respect for SWA and its HISTORY and show it everytime they open their mouths filled with insults and disrespect to us ALL

SO to ALL the AT people who plan on Coming to SWA and Doing YOUR job, without the AVtech Martyr INSULTS, the AT people who APPRECIATE THIS OPPORTUNITY, who dont Understand OUR CULTURE but can RESPECT IT(oh sorry SWA is just Older) , to all The AT employees that Plan ON being an ASSET ,,,,,,WELCOME ABOARD,

Worse than a LOTTERY TICKET winner TELLING SWA people what to do, WHEN/HOW to do it, and to MOVE ON, LET GO, is the fact that AVtech and him/hers like him/her KEEP Insulting us when we want the CONVERSATIONs to LET SWA ORIGINAL EMPLOYEES MOVE ON,,,, so STOP YOURSELF AVtech and all AT people like him/her,,, LET THE SWA people get ths bitter taste out of our mouths without more insults delaying the process,, so we can MOVE ON and eventually become one,,,

ENOUGH INSULTS AVtech, false martyr,
AVtech is at it again, seems mommy forgot to give him his NO-INSULT medication, his typing turrets and lack of respect are BACK!!!

There you go, just like Buscador, bashing AT like SWA is such a perfect and superior airline. Comparing AT to burger king and SWA to red lobster... It's a shame that you guys have such a ridiculous attitude. Yes, SWA has been around for 40 yrs and AT fr only 18.. So SWA had a 28 yr head start and was able to build revenue during the regulation period as well the deregulation period, congratulations, good for you!!

[u[u]]YOU just dont seem to GET it, your sarcasm here is Insulting to SWA and every employee that has worked to make this company Great and powerful enough to buy YOUR airline in this shi##y economy!!!

your saying that the only reason SWA made more money and IS more powerful than AT is because it is older and has had more time correct, well arent US, CONT, AA, DAL way older than SWA so they should all be 5 times bigger according to your Logic, they have all gone through BK more than once CORRECT, SWA has not CORRECT see you just cant help yourself insulting SWA employee
s, while you try to be a martyr

]Standing ovation all around!! SARCASM, INSULTING But now, here comes a newer generation airline that was surviving post regulation, post 9/11 and still able to compete with legacies like delta and SWA. SWA sees the threat OVER EXAGERRATION BUT FOR YOU THATS CLOSE TO THE TRUTH and throws 1.4 billion at it to eliminate it and adopt all of the new generation policy's and procedures!!

You're getting more airplanes, more routes, an international jump start, a foot into Atlanta, a total IT system upgrade (on the production side) and you don't expect any changes?? You think the water training is for AT FA's comfort??What, are you scarred to swim? YOU ARE CORRECT HERE, whew,, just when I thought you could do it with INSULTING SWA EMPLOYEES, nope

I'll agree that our ramp agents are a bit on the slower side compared to SWA, they have a lot less load than SWA ramp agents, but outside of the ramp, AT employees pretty much do the same job as SWA employees have been doing. Oh, I forgot, SWA FA's agreed to clean planes on turns while AT FA's refused to add that to their contract... But now that they are getting such a big raise, I'm sure they won't mind picking up a little trash.. NOT TRUE, AND THEIR WORK ETHIC IS AT QUESTION UNTIL PROVEN OTHER WISE, WE USED TO CALL THAT PROBATION

What is really like to see is a high seniority SWA FA grab and haul a life raft that hangs from over their heads...WOW AND THAT WAS NEEDED BECAUSE? I am assuming you are talking about our very senior girls who at times worked for stock not paychecks, o yea those girls, NO that was NOT INSULTING to our many senior employees who have been here dedicating their lives and careers longer than AT has been around,, making this all possible for YOU and ME, nice Avtech and you are appreciative and respectful right?..do you have any lines of insults you wont Cross??,, .. In your spare time do you wish arthritis upon the SENIOR SWA mechanics, hoping they cant turn a wrench and have to Quit giving you more seniority??

You can either embrace the inevitable future, or you can sit in the back of the room with people LIKE Buscador and kick and stomp your feet in anger. The chioce is yours. Then again, there's always retirement....OR THERE IS the approach of TRYING NOT TO LISTEN TO SNIVELING LITTLE LOTTERY WINNERS INSULTING 40 YEARs of history while running to the bank,,

NOW What exact approach does the AVtech Taker Martyr take while he and the LOTTERY WINNERS get a better company with way more job security ?????? is it a HUMBLE silence, and APPRECIATIVE pause or an ARROGANT DEFIANCE AND INSULTING PASSIVITY,, wow,, And he wonders why SWA Original employees are Apprehensive

What Avtech doesnt understand is that it is So much easier talking about change, moving on, being one when you are GRABBING all the WINNINGs... but to INSULT AND KEEP INSULTING the SWA people who have made this possible is utter ridiculous, Time and time again the insults seem ok because AT(trannies) like to try to play the POOR VICTIM role, but no more PLEASE any SWA Original Employee that hears anyone like AVtech, Adasspera or any Lottery winner talk like this, Insulting you OR SWA Please confront them, please tell them that after winning this lottery it is NOT OK to insult you!!!

I Think that SWA employees who Got NOTHING PERSONALLY deserve to Vent a lot more than a LOTTERY Winner,, no disrespect to NYC-DAl UN CAl AA 's only friend at SWA, but when you win the Lottery it may be time to SHUT UP for a while at least!!

I am tired of AVtech and all like him TELLING our Origianal employee group What to do(no thats not ATtitude) that we should just move on while. t0 get over it, to live with it ..which isnt bad advice as much as bad Timing,,,,, he/her thinks it is OK to INSULT SWA History and Culture, he/She thinks it OK to trivialize the triumphs of SWA, he/she underestimates what it takes to BUY OUT another airline while OVERESTIMATING the Value of his/her product,, I will never have to DEAL with the likes of him/her unless he/she is trying to fix a plane I am on, I will never have to deal with those from AT or very rarely have to listen to the MANY Like him/her who have no respect for SWA and its HISTORY and show it everytime they open their mouths filled with insults and disrespect to us ALL

SO to ALL the AT people who plan on Coming to SWA and Doing YOUR job, without the AVtech Martyr INSULTS, the AT people who APPRECIATE THIS OPPORTUNITY, who dont Understand OUR CULTURE but can RESPECT IT(oh sorry SWA is just Older) , to all The AT employees that Plan ON being an ASSET ,,,,,,WELCOME ABOARD,

Worse than a LOTTERY TICKET winner TELLING SWA people what to do, WHEN/HOW to do it, and to MOVE ON, LET GO, is the fact that AVtech and him/hers like him/her KEEP Insulting us when we want the CONVERSATIONs to LET SWA ORIGINAL EMPLOYEES MOVE ON,,,, so STOP YOURSELF AVtech and all AT people like him/her,,, LET THE SWA people get ths bitter taste out of our mouths without more insults delaying the process,, so we can MOVE ON and eventually become one,,,

ENOUGH INSULTS AVtech, false martyr,

Blah blah blah, <-- thats me insulting you. Speaking the truth, as hurtful as it might be, does not necessarily mean i'm insulting the SWA employees who want to more forward passed all the bitter and ugly. It's all mostly directed to YOU Buscador. Knocking you off your high horse before you actually have the ability to gain some power... I will admit, I can see how the life raft pun could insult other FA's, for that, I apologize to them. I was merely making Buscahor realize his/her age while informing him/her that the AT FA's have successfully accomplished the task, already. As have most FA for virtually every other airline except SWA....

On another note, that excuse of the bitter taste in your mouth, it wasn't from anything AT so YOU need to stop insulting the AT employees, primarily the FA's, and maybe I'll stop calling you out on it!!! And anyone like YOU! Because it's not any "insults" towards you that's going to stop this from being a peaceful integration, it's YOUR sh!1#y attitude and lack of respect thats going to endanger the integration, and those like you!! Maybe AT employees, such as me, would have more respect and gratitude towards YOU if YOU showed them a reason to!! Remember, you're not giving anyone a raise, you're not giving anyone any additional benefits, you're just sitting here bitching and moaning about something that is utterly senseless at this point.. Here's a perfect sample for you, I have a pretty good amount of respect for people like SWAMT and SWADL for giving their opinions, even though I may not agree with 100%, but we kept our professional courtesy to one another.. Not everyone in MX has been so forthcoming, but we still show some sort of professionalism towards eachother.. UNLIKE Buscador, who has unwaveringly shown nothing but opposition and disrespect time and time again.. You keep yelling lottery ticket, but a lottery ticket is won while WE at Airtran have to work to earn it, same as you!!!

And there I go again, having to fix all your errors in quotes just so I can reply... smh
Oh and I almost forgot, I have nothing but respect for SWA and the employees who made it what it is today, seriously, good work. I'm just shocked to see employees like Buscahor are really SWA employees and more shocked that you let him/her rant the way he/she does in the name of SWA... He/she keeps bringing up culture and says I keep insulting it, that's just his/her way to try and turn you all against me. If you believe that I have insulted you or disrespected you in any way, I have to apologize, it wasn't my intent. I was simply trying to knock down the merger walls people like Buscador keep putting up. I can only hope you understand what I mean...
Oh and I almost forgot, I have nothing but respect for SWA and the employees who made it what it is today, seriously, good work. I'm just shocked to see employees like Buscahor are really SWA employees and more shocked that you let him/her rant the way he/she does in the name of SWA... He/she keeps bringing up culture and says I keep insulting it, that's just his/her way to try and turn you all against me. If you believe that I have insulted you or disrespected you in any way, I have to apologive, it wasn't my intent. I was simply trying to knock down the merger walls people like Buscador keep putting up. I can only hope you understand what I mean...

Just had to let your arrogance and sarcasm get the best of you and get in the last word didnt you. You realize most of the thin insults you throw at me are also felt by many at SWA and seen as arrogance, un apprecitative and insulting but you many not understand the complexities of HUMAN NATURE because you DESERVE EVERYHTING ..

Wait for it, can Avtech do it,, LET it go,, not have the last word..... good luck

O yea thanks from all of us at SWA for the words of APPRECIATION
interesting interchange between you and a whole lot of people, Kev included.
Can I just say that learning from one's experiences and being a thought leader on the subject is one of the highest callings in life.
In case you have missed it, Kev is one of several PMNW people who are active on this forum. They represent many PMNW employees who, like the FL people, were really quite happy with their lives and their company and their company's culture until DL came along and acquired NW.
Beside the fact that the DL/NW merger/acquisition/takeover will go down as one of the well executed mergers in the history of the US airline industry in which is strewn the wreckage of many companies, acquired and acquirer, who couldn't get mergers done right.
none of us doubt what WN has accomplished in the past and how important the WN culture has been in making much of that happen. But we also aren't dumb - and Kevin can certainly attest to it - that the icy reception many PMNW received initially post-merger and the cultual differences that still persist - wrapped in very different perspectives about life - let alone how to work together - can make or break the success of a company and disconnect alot of people from companies that they once cared about. WN and its BOD bought FL because they see strategic value in what FL has done, in much the same way that DL is benefitting from the enormous commitment NW made to Asia over the years and in so doing created one of the most valuable assets in the industry in the form of the NRT hub. But DL couldn't have made the NRT hub work if individual employees on both sides of the Pacific didn't see the value of that operation and agree to warmly welcome those PMNW employees who make it run day in and day out. The same thing can be said about FL's assets - and the hub WN is gaining in ATL over which FL shed alot of blood to build. To minimize another's contribution in an industry as difficult as the airline industry is really quite sad.
My suggestion for you, Buscador, might to humble yourself just a little and listen to some of the network carrier employees who have been on both the side of acquirer and acquired in mergers.... recognizing that when it comes to mergers and acquisitions, network carriers have far more experience - and some have figured out how to do it well.
If you care even the slightest about WN - and we truly have to wonder if you do when you can't seem to grasp the concept that mergers succeed or fail based on individual employees, not some grand corporate scheme - then you would do well to learn from some of your peers in the industry who are as interested in seeing WN succeed as many WN people - but who also know how lethal a poorly executed merger - again at the level of individual coworkers - can be and how miserable it can make going to work.
May you find it within yourself to warmly welcome your FL colleagues and show them the best of what has made WN great, characteristics that are needed more than ever in order for WN to succeed at some of the greatest challenges it has ever faced.
I'm a SW employee. Very well said WT. :)
WOW. you need help
buscador isn't the only one who thinks this is a bad deal. We are already seeing some of the bad things come from it - such as more rules and time consuming procedures implemented just because someone reviewed how AT has done things, and thought they should put some of their stuff in place to make them feel "more at home" I guess. We didn't become who we are - a profitable company for 40 years - by doing things like other airlines. We didn't become who we are by taking on people who were hired by another company, a company with decidedly worse pay and other things. Example - a group of people go apply at Red Lobster or Outback because that is where the bigger money/prestige is. (just using these for an example - not trying to start a restaurant review) The best ones get hired there. The rest go down to Applebees/Chipotle. They take the next best ones. The rest go finally to McDonalds/Burger King and take what they can get. The best and highest paying companies have hired the cream of the crop. The junk at the bottom filters out at some fast food joint. AT is like the fast food joint. Everyone who wanted to work for an airline that couldn't get hired by anyone else works for AT. SWA is the Red Lobster. Not saying that there aren't some subpar employees at SWA, or that there aren't some stellar employees at AT - because there are some of both. Just saying that to give these people the world, and their seniority, is not right to all of us who have been at SWA for many years making it the company who could afford to buy AT. It is a total affront to most of us to give them raises and better benefits - and then they want their seniority too? Give me a break. We get nothing in this deal at all. Nothing. Except more planes, more gates, more employees that are going to suck, more rules, and more whining from our mgmt that they can't afford a pay raise.
As for the comment about "we should be happy that more middle class workers are getting raises and better benefits" =bs. I would be happy if they had WORKED for it like I have. I am not happy when people are just given money and benefits without working for it. Ask me why I'm a Conservative - because it is high time we quit GIVING our tax $ away to people who expect entitlements without doing much to EARN them...
Wow you need help. You need to come down off your high horse. I can only hope you never get put in this situation and you get bought out by..........AA.......DL........UA...... who are much bigger and better than you ever were or ever will be and where would your senority or right be..................? Think before you speak.
Sure it is, because WN's not "giving" them anything. They're either going to earn it or not. Simple. Those that can't perform will be flushed out by HR. Surely, you guys have stringent performance standards to meet, no?

Obviously you don't work here - because if you did you would know how hard it is for HR to get rid of even the worst performers - once they are off probation it takes an act of congress to fire them and make it stick...
Our union serves two purposes - to keep the union officers employed by the union so they don't have to work the "line" again - and to fight tooth and nail to keep the worst turds employed on the line, no matter what grievous offense they may have committed...
Yes - without the union we would be hosed - but they spend too much time and $ fighting for things they shouldn't - and not enough fighting for things they should. But that is a whole nother topic.... B)
WOW. you need help
Wow you need help. You need to come down off your high horse. I can only hope you never get put in this situation and you get bought out by..........AA.......DL........UA...... who are much bigger and better than you ever were or ever will be and where would your senority or right be..................? Think before you speak.

Now just so we are on the same page, you are talking about the Majors right, so much bigger than our 600 planes, so much better than our never filing BK because havent all the majors been in BK at least once in the last 10 years vs O for 40 SWA , so much better yet they all had to take employee concessions..

Now we all know that may very well change but I think you may want to use your own Logic and Think Before YOU speak, nice try.
wow AVtech,

Some speech and in Fairness I read it all because you have taken time to read my rants, see I can be fair,, now I am not sure whether to applaud or shake my head, which Avtech is the one we all should believe, the one we should listen too??

The Pontificator- Should we listen to the level headed guy who has shown moments of fairness and understanding and moments of diplomatic brilliance I have no problem telling it the way it is, moments you have shined and been -the so called leader- should we believe in the Pontificator OR-

The Malignor- the one that chooses to put down SWA groups and Individuals with arrogance, while patronizing and insulting(sometimes subtle, sometimes not)? while seemingly hiding behind passive phrases like finding common ground, for example only, breaking down walls while ultimately spewing personal attacks and findind ways for SWA employees to shake their heads as well,

Will the real Avtech Stand up-

Man now I have some thinking to do, who to pick, who to listen too,, are they Twins?? all this pressure is killing me :D

Everyone Have a good DAY
Obviously you don't work here - because if you did you would know how hard it is for HR to get rid of even the worst performers - once they are off probation it takes an act of congress to fire them and make it stick...
Our union serves two purposes - to keep the union officers employed by the union so they don't have to work the "line" again - and to fight tooth and nail to keep the worst turds employed on the line, no matter what grievous offense they may have committed...
Yes - without the union we would be hosed - but they spend too much time and $ fighting for things they shouldn't - and not enough fighting for things they should. But that is a whole nother topic.... B)

Whoa, wait a second!!! Did you just blatantly say that SWA has some employees who are turds?? So that means that they made it through this extreme probation that people like Buscador keep referring to as 'real probation'?? And they still work there?? It's as I thought then, probation is the same anyway you cut it, SWA employees treat it the same as AT employees do. As a matter of fact, I agree more on an extended probation, like 6 months vs a shorter probation, like 90 days... It's difficult enough having to adjust to a new lifestyle and learn new rules and responsibilities with all new people, but to expect someone to do it in 90 days is pretty extreme!! Especially since, for example, the FA's at AT didn't get paid for the first 6 weeks of their new careers. 6 months is more time to allow someone learn and adapt to the change and gives them more of an opportunity to succeed... You think SWA probation was intense, I've seen a lot of mechanics. FA's, rampers, to this day get fired on day 89 just because they aren't adapting well. So, hype up the difficulty of the super SWA probation all you want, i assure you it's not much different than any other airlines probation, including Airtran's....
Oh and I almost forgot, I have nothing but respect for SWA and the employees who made it what it is today, seriously, good work. I'm just shocked to see employees like Buscahor are really SWA employees and more shocked that you let him/her rant the way he/she does in the name of SWA... He/she keeps bringing up culture and says I keep insulting it, that's just his/her way to try and turn you all against me. If you believe that I have insulted you or disrespected you in any way, I have to apologize, it wasn't my intent. I was simply trying to knock down the merger walls people like Buscador keep putting up. I can only hope you understand what I mean...

Not endorsing anything anyone says unless I post that I do. We understand exacally what you are saying and mean AvTech. No worries.
Whoa, wait a second!!! Did you just blatantly say that SWA has some employees who are turds?? So that means that they made it through this extreme probation that people like Buscador keep referring to as 'real probation'?? And they still work there?? It's as I thought then, probation is the same anyway you cut it, SWA employees treat it the same as AT employees do. As a matter of fact, I agree more on an extended probation, like 6 months vs a shorter probation, like 90 days... It's difficult enough having to adjust to a new lifestyle and learn new rules and responsibilities with all new people, but to expect someone to do it in 90 days is pretty extreme!! Especially since, for example, the FA's at AT didn't get paid for the first 6 weeks of their new careers. 6 months is more time to allow someone learn and adapt to the change and gives them more of an opportunity to succeed... You think SWA probation was intense, I've seen a lot of mechanics. FA's, rampers, to this day get fired on day 89 just because they aren't adapting well. So, hype up the difficulty of the super SWA probation all you want, i assure you it's not much different than any other airlines probation, including Airtran's....

Yes we have had our fair share of mechanics slip by probation. Just like all airlines do. Just wanted to let you know why our probationary period was extended from 90 days to 6 months. The mechanics, yes I said "mechanics" as well as the company wanted a longer period to evaluate the new mechanics on probation. At times when SWA was hiring large number of mechs at once, it was hard for a full evaluation to be done in 90 days. This gave the new mechanic a short time frame to, say, get by, until probation was over. Don't really care too much about if they get the paperwork, computers ect.. during their probation, that will come with time. I will tell you this, you could be the #1 all around ace mechanic out there, if you have a bad attitude you will fail probation. On the other hand, you may be very mechanically inclined, not knowing everything, but willing to learn and work hard you would have a better chance at passing probation, I have watch this happen over a dozen times, just in DAL alone. Sorry for posting this in the F/A's forum, but wanted you to know about the mechanics probation extension to 6 months and why.

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