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And I did. So my timeouts may be short lived but I did take time out. . Lol

I don't need to put anyone on ignore . Especially me w my one or two rants I have very little right to put anyone on ignore , now that would be the kettle and pot . See I am a realist

As I said u have good thoughts and posts. Besides all conversations that contain the utterly painful truth that many find so hard to digest, its always good to have a couple pie in the sky liberal pom pom ' ers to soften the blows of the TRUTH ..lol So please stay. Just don't expect me to fall for your obvious sh** stirring attempts no matter.how many times u use the word deflect

Good day to all
I'm also a realist. This is how it is. Kev3188 actually stands for something other than himself . You buscador only stand for yourself.
I'm also a realist. This is how it is. Kev3188 actually stands for something other than himself . You buscador only stand for yourself.

(r -l s t k) adj. 1. Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are

Another pom pom'er sweet, You may want to check your dictionary, because a group of 10,000 hard working SWA FA's is more than MYSELF, but hey you are a Kev follower and kev can make the word MORE turn into EVERY(%100) so why doesn't it shock me that one of his pom pom liberal followers can reverse kev logic and turn 10,000 into 1(yourself). So unfortunately looking at the definition above and your misguided comment I would surmise that your are an unrealistic liberal like kev,

Nice try, come back when you have something to say
Another pom pom'er sweet, You may want to check your dictionary, because a group of 10,000 hard working SWA FA's is more than MYSELF, but hey you are a Kev follower and kev can make the word MORE turn into EVERY(%100) so why doesn't it shock me that one of his pom pom liberal followers can reverse kev logic and turn 10,000 into 1(yourself)

Nice try, come back when you have something to say
Me a liberal now them there words be fighten words . I been reading kev's post long enough to know were he stands at least I know were he stands and I respect him . You on the other hand only stand for yourself.
I will give you credit, when u know u have been mentally pummeled you shut it down and learn to shut up, good job

Moving on, it was mildly entertaining so thanks for the laughs and mild challenge. Good day and good luck to you sir

... Or I know when not to use 100 words when 10 will do...

Mentally pummeled? By what? Watching you get in a swivet over being called out on your writings? Your progressively desperate attempts to make this about me?

Lol. Yeah, ok... 🙄

Nevertheless, my only "challenge" to you is to revisit your views toward the FL workers. Take a step outside of yourself for a second, and realize how destructive your attitude is not just toward them-and this merger-but also in the larger scheme of things.
Me a liberal now them there words be fighten words . I been reading kev's post long enough to know were he stands at least I know were he stands and I respect him . You on the other hand only stand for yourself.
U didn't read 10000 isn't 1,, if u think that it is,, wow
... Or I know when not to use 100 words when 10 will do...

Mentally pummeled? By what? Watching you get in a swivet over being called out on your writings? Your progressively desperate attempts to make this about me?

Lol. Yeah, ok... 🙄

Nevertheless, my only "challenge" to you is to revisit your views toward the FL workers. Take a step outside of yourself for a second, and realize how destructive your attitude is not just toward them-and this merger-but also in the larger scheme of things.
My challenge to you kev,, revisit reality once in awhile. Come down from your managerial ivory tower and understand human nature,,,
I live in reality, though I suppose it's a bit fantastic of me to assume you'd ever come around to a more rational way of thinking when it comes to your new coworkers...

Mgmt.? Not hardly. I wondered how long it'd be before I was accused of that...
U didn't read 10000 isn't 1,, if u think that it is,, wow
Look buscador I don't want to turn this thread into a what the U.S. air pilot thread has become. So I just want to say how about give your new fellow employee's the benefit of the doubt and maybe, just maybe you will become pleasantly surprised. Good luck and keep it safe.
Look buscador I don't want to turn this thread into a what the U.S. air pilot thread has become. So I just want to say how about give your new fellow employee's the benefit of the doubt and maybe, just maybe you will become pleasantly surprised. Good luck and keep it safe.

If you dont then why dont you read the posts of mine where I agreed to let it go and stop as many said beating a dead horse. I have not said one bad thing about AT or its people or this deal since then, so your defense of Kev though admirable is incorrect in its context.
I live in reality, though I suppose it's a bit fantastic of me to assume you'd ever come around to a more rational way of thinking when it comes to your new coworkers...

Mgmt.? Not hardly. I wondered how long it'd be before I was accused of that...

You may want to go back to the post where I agreed to stop beating the dead horse, the one where I said I will Agree to Disagree on my strong points,,note that I have not made a bad comment or post towards AT or its Employees for the sake of all employees of the NEW SWA since, oops or did you miss that one??

I know you think I am completely irrational and have no common sense, I speak only for myself and not one single SWA employee would ever think the things I post. Now I live in the trenches and get to work with other SWA people(YOU dont), but your thinking I am a lone wolf just out to say outlandish things. You seem to feel you have the right to tell SWA people how they should handle this whole deal, you seem to think you have the right to tell SWA employees what they should say or how to think/ not to think even though your nothing but a spectator. Pretty righteous of you, So do I stand alone? lets look at one of the many personal messages I recieved, authors name will not be reveiled

I agree with most of your arguements on the integration of AT.
I just don't want to defend those positions and get attacked by all those other fools who are bashing you.
I will keep my powder dry for other discussions that will come up because our mech senority may be far from over and I dont want to be attacked automaticly.
Others may agree with you silently also

Great White Elephant-

So while you seem to think you are the purveyour of truth and spout all the usual cliches you seem to omit or are clueless to Human Nature side and what SWA employees are feeling, as you seem to vilify anyone at SWA that has a negative opinion on this deal or feel they got NOTHING or may think its the end of SWA culture etc, while you in turn portray AT as the poor Victims and swoop in as their protector(hence the caped crusader)

The human nature side is what I listen to everyday while talking to others at SWA, the FA's seem to view this deal at best with apprehension and at worst are Pis#$d off. Perception is a Bi$#h and whether valid or not this Perception is the Great White Elephant in the room, now you can pull out all you cliches, and use your Pom Poms to tell SWA people your trite opinions of Better, Bigger company, they have everything etc , but you are in no position to tell anyone not to look at the Elephant in the room or try to believe it simply doesnt exist.

Their feelings are real to them and if they feel they got slighted, are upset on how they were treated, feel that AT got far to much, are nervous about the work ethic etc, then no amount of your rah rah cliches can heal that pain. Only with time and working together with them can WE ALL(not you Kev) hopefully dispell any and all apprehensions, fears and anger, not some outsider telling SWA employees how to get over it, let it go, move on etc.

You give me to much credit and make it sound that my posts are creating this huge impact on this deal, yet I have never once overheard anyone say "Buscador is going to ruin this deal, he keeps spouting things none of us would ever think, he needs to stop being a lone wolf cause No one agrees with what he says". or as EXT thinks I STAND alone, the mighty Buscador thinks only of Himself,, no one else could ever think those things! He is 1 in 10,000

So I will take the wait and see approach and give AT the benefit of a doubt just like I said in my previous post, the one you seemed to ignore. I will not expound to any outsider like you or any other spectator in your pom pom parade. I will hold judgement as best I can or until any AT person decides to disrespect SWA employees or their feelings on this whole deal, or tries to tell SWA employees how they should handle their feelings, opinions or apprehensions.

This is a big change for all involved and I am not opposed to taking a higher road, I do and will have my apprehensions for possibly years to come as will many at SWA, but I will try my best to wait and see.
You may want to go back to the post where I agreed to stop beating the dead horse, the one where I said I will Agree to Disagree on my strong points,,note that I have not made a bad comment or post towards AT or its Employees for the sake of all employees of the NEW SWA since, oops or did you miss that one??

I know you think I am completely irrational and have no common sense, I speak only for myself and not one single SWA employee would ever think the things I post. Now I live in the trenches and get to work with other SWA people(YOU dont), but your thinking I am a lone wolf just out to say outlandish things. You seem to feel you have the right to tell SWA people how they should handle this whole deal, you seem to think you have the right to tell SWA employees what they should say or how to think/ not to think even though your nothing but a spectator. Pretty righteous of you, So do I stand alone? lets look at one of the many personal messages I recieved, authors name will not be reveiled

I agree with most of your arguements on the integration of AT.
I just don't want to defend those positions and get attacked by all those other fools who are bashing you.
I will keep my powder dry for other discussions that will come up because our mech senority may be far from over and I dont want to be attacked automaticly.
Others may agree with you silently also

Great White Elephant-

So while you seem to think you are the purveyour of truth and spout all the usual cliches you seem to omit or are clueless to Human Nature side and what SWA employees are feeling, as you seem to vilify anyone at SWA that has a negative opinion on this deal or feel they got NOTHING or may think its the end of SWA culture etc, while you in turn portray AT as the poor Victims and swoop in as their protector(hence the caped crusader)

The human nature side is what I listen to everyday while talking to others at SWA, the FA's seem to view this deal at best with apprehension and at worst are Pis#$d off. Perception is a Bi$#h and whether valid or not this Perception is the Great White Elephant in the room, now you can pull out all you cliches, and use your Pom Poms to tell SWA people your trite opinions of Better, Bigger company, they have everything etc , but you are in no position to tell anyone not to look at the Elephant in the room or try to believe it simply doesnt exist.

Their feelings are real to them and if they feel they got slighted, are upset on how they were treated, feel that AT got far to much, are nervous about the work ethic etc, then no amount of your rah rah cliches can heal that pain. Only with time and working together with them can WE ALL(not you Kev) hopefully dispell any and all apprehensions, fears and anger, not some outsider telling SWA employees how to get over it, let it go, move on etc.

You give me to much credit and make it sound that my posts are creating this huge impact on this deal, yet I have never once overheard anyone say "Buscador is going to ruin this deal, he keeps spouting things none of us would ever think, he needs to stop being a lone wolf cause No one agrees with what he says". or as EXT thinks I STAND alone, the mighty Buscador thinks only of Himself,, no one else could ever think those things! He is 1 in 10,000

So I will take the wait and see approach and give AT the benefit of a doubt just like I said in my previous post, the one you seemed to ignore. I will not expound to any outsider like you or any other spectator in your pom pom parade. I will hold judgement as best I can or until any AT person decides to disrespect SWA employees or their feelings on this whole deal, or tries to tell SWA employees how they should handle their feelings, opinions or apprehensions.

This is a big change for all involved and I am not opposed to taking a higher road, I do and will have my apprehensions for possibly years to come as will many at SWA, but I will try my best to wait and see.

I have to say again like I've said before, going in with a $hitty attitude only makes for a $hitty outcome... No one from AT has anything to prove to you or anyone else at SWA. You keep saying that it will just take you time to get over it, well do it in silence! Please, stop with the uproar on a forum that is viewed by so many of our peers. Maybe they do agree with you, maybe they don't, maybe their on the fence about the while situation but when they read your rants, they start listen and lean towards your same attitude.

What I've been tryin to get across to you, Buscador, do many time now is that the deal is done and we HAVE to make this work for all of out sakes!! An airline can't function well with a huge spilt in it's own people, and that's what you're creating with your continuous rants about the deal. Sure, it's a free country with free speech, but what you say and do NOW can and will determine the outcome later.

So I ask you again, for the sake of all of us, just stop the AT bashing and stop with complaining about the deal. There's nothing more you can do about it so let's try and move forward instead of being stuck in the same rut.

Maybe you could try a more positive approach to this all, like looking on the bright side, or something.. Maybe this will
make TWU stronger to fight a better battle for the next merger with the added FA funds. I'm leaving this alone from now on, you do what you please. Just stop bashing AT like we're less than you and don't deserve the same as you, because that's uncalled for and just unfair. At least try and start off right with them and give them the all the benefit of the doubt....
Did I not just say that I am going to take the attitude of ..giving everyone the benefit id a doubt.. if u see that post as a AT bash u are mistaken. I will from now on give every AT employee a welcome aboard and see what happens..

Enough said
Did I not just say that I am going to take the attitude of ..giving everyone the benefit id a doubt.. if u see that post as a AT bash u are mistaken. I will from now on give every AT employee a welcome aboard and see what happens..

Enough said

I'm sorry, I wasn't referring to the above statement when I mentioned the AT bashing. I was referring to previous statements. But I have to say thank you to you if you are really going to move on and give our folks a shot! There maybe be some bad apples in the bunch, like I know there are in SWA, but give them all an opportunity and you maybe surprised. Good job Buscador, I have to say, I'm mighty proud.

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