I'm also a realist. This is how it is. Kev3188 actually stands for something other than himself . You buscador only stand for yourself.And I did. So my timeouts may be short lived but I did take time out. . Lol
I don't need to put anyone on ignore . Especially me w my one or two rants I have very little right to put anyone on ignore , now that would be the kettle and pot . See I am a realist
As I said u have good thoughts and posts. Besides all conversations that contain the utterly painful truth that many find so hard to digest, its always good to have a couple pie in the sky liberal pom pom ' ers to soften the blows of the TRUTH ..lol So please stay. Just don't expect me to fall for your obvious sh** stirring attempts no matter.how many times u use the word deflect
Good day to all