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Obviously you don't work here - because if you did you would know how hard it is for HR to get rid of even the worst performers - once they are off probation it takes an act of congress to fire them and make it stick...
Our union serves two purposes - to keep the union officers employed by the union so they don't have to work the "line" again - and to fight tooth and nail to keep the worst turds employed on the line, no matter what grievous offense they may have committed...
Yes - without the union we would be hosed - but they spend too much time and $ fighting for things they shouldn't - and not enough fighting for things they should. But that is a whole nother topic.... B)

Your union is doing what is mandated to do under federal law, and that is to represent everyone equally. If there is a performance issue with an employee, and they continue to stay employed, then it is almost always due to a lack of due diligence on local management's part. I can tell you that an "airtight" case against an employee is an almost impossible grievance to win, and yet in my experience it rarely happens.

That all said, you are still misdirecting your anger/frustration. BTW, just out of curiosity, how is it that you *know* that every single FL employee sucks?
That all said, you are still misdirecting your anger/frustration. BTW, just out of curiosity, how is it that you *know* that every single FL employee sucks?

OK Kev, now I read the same post you did! Not sure where he said that he KNOWS every single FL employee sucks???
Whoa, wait a second!!! Did you just blatantly say that SWA has some employees who are turds?? So that means that they made it through this extreme probation that people like Buscador keep referring to as 'real probation'?? And they still work there?? It's as I thought then, probation is the same anyway you cut it, SWA employees treat it the same as AT employees do. As a matter of fact, I agree more on an extended probation, like 6 months vs a shorter probation, like 90 days... It's difficult enough having to adjust to a new lifestyle and learn new rules and responsibilities with all new people, but to expect someone to do it in 90 days is pretty extreme!! Especially since, for example, the FA's at AT didn't get paid for the first 6 weeks of their new careers. 6 months is more time to allow someone learn and adapt to the change and gives them more of an opportunity to succeed... You think SWA probation was intense, I've seen a lot of mechanics. FA's, rampers, to this day get fired on day 89 just because they aren't adapting well. So, hype up the difficulty of the super SWA probation all you want, i assure you it's not much different than any other airlines probation, including Airtran's....

And HE's back, the evil Twin is back- How do you Do it Avtech? you go from Motivational kum by Ya post one day then we all wake up to you throwing around some soft jabs and lightly placed insults with venom in between EVERY line. Yet you preach how you want a smooth SLI! WOW

O yea, isnt it you Avtech that Lambasted me for posting in your prescious Mech Thread did you NOT??? Calling me a little Troll, did you not? and how nice it was that I hadnt posted in your Mech Thread in a while, did you not?

But its ok for you to insult, comment, persecute anywhere and to whom you wish because you seem to be one of the biggest contributors here, now is that the kind of self serving Arrogance, Non compasionate, irrational, with an obvious Need to voice opinions mixture we at SWA get to look fwd to from Many AT employees or just a few? Please say a Few, Please say a FEW. I dont think Swa employees can handle much of this Self indignation, Pompous arrogance from a group that is Getting so much(see AVtech I didnt say lottery once)

Swamt and everyone else, we all can post where ever we want but to persecute and lambaste someone and blatantly tell them they are not invited and stay out of a thread Like Avtech did, then come here is hmmm what is the adjective ,, hmmm . I will let you fill in the Last Word Avtech, you seem to like to have the last word
OK Kev, now I read the same post you did! Not sure where he said that he KNOWS every single FL employee sucks???

Here (bold text is my doing):

buscador isn't the only one who thinks this is a bad deal. We are already seeing some of the bad things come from it - such as more rules and time consuming We get nothing in this deal at all. Nothing. Except more planes, more gates, more employees that are going to suck, more rules, and more whining from our mgmt that they can't afford a pay raise.

Now to be fair, they said maybe some will be "stellar," but let's be honest; one of the overarching themes on this board from day 1 of your merger has been how FL employees are assumed to be inferior comparatively. Workinaflight's restaurant analogy didn't exactly undermine that. I want to know why that mindset exists here. Not everyone is dying to work at WN, and for others it may have not been a possibility at the time for any number of reasons.

Trolling, trolling, trolling..........anyone going to take the bait?

No trolling here, but if you'd like to respond to what I posted above, feel free.
Here (bold text is my doing):

Now to be fair, they said maybe some will be "stellar," but let's be honest; one of the overarching themes on this board from day 1 of your merger has been how FL employees are assumed to be inferior comparatively. Workinaflight's restaurant analogy didn't exactly undermine that. I want to know why that mindset exists here. Not everyone is dying to work at WN, and for others it may have not been a possibility at the time for any number of reasons

Ok, so you take -More Employees that are going to suck", Correct

and you turn it into "how is it that you *know* that every single FL employee sucks"

Now you see that you turned that into an Absolute suggesting what he meant was 100% of FL employees are going to be bad or that they suck, that is a very far reach and for you the one who seems to preach about everyone getting along it is simply surprising.

You are correct not everyone wants to work at SWA but many do, 200,000 apps for FA's isnt to shabby. You are correct that a lot of the threads show apprehension and nervousness about the AT employees. That is human Nature and is to be expected, but your comments seem to be an attempt to stoke the fire that YOU have been adamantly trying to put out for months!

Its almost like watching an arsonist speaking on behalf of how to stop arson, just mildly shocking that you would go there after all the efforts you put into to calming the fire , to see you turn and throw gas into it, I think that is what the trolling comment meant.
Ok, so you take -More Employees that are going to suck", Correct

and you turn it into "how is it that you *know* that every single FL employee sucks"

Now you see that you turned that into an Absolute suggesting what he meant was 100% of FL employees are going to be bad or that they suck, that is a very far reach and for you the one who seems to preach about everyone getting along it is simply surprising.

You are correct not everyone wants to work at SWA but many do, 200,000 apps for FA's isnt to shabby. You are correct that a lot of the threads show apprehension and nervousness about the AT employees. That is human Nature and is to be expected, but your comments seem to be an attempt to stoke the fire that YOU have been adamantly trying to put out for months!

Its almost like watching an arsonist speaking on behalf of how to stop arson, just mildly shocking that you would go there after all the efforts you put into to calming the fire , to see you turn and throw gas into it, I think that is what the trolling comment meant.

Almost the textbook definition of trolling.
Oh and I almost forgot, I have nothing but respect for SWA and the employees who made it what it is today, seriously, good work. I'm just shocked to see employees like Buscahor are really SWA employees and more shocked that you let him/her rant the way he/she does in the name of SWA... He/she keeps bringing up culture and says I keep insulting it, that's just his/her way to try and turn you all against me. If you believe that I have insulted you or disrespected you in any way, I have to apologize, it wasn't my intent. I was simply trying to knock down the merger walls people like Buscador keep putting up. I can only hope you understand what I mean...

I am an employee- yes, a good one -yes, a great one- NO, I have been a dedicated SWA employee long before AT was even a concept,so Please excuse my fervor for the company I have spent the vast majority of my life with.

I know you think I am a bad bad person because I get worked up and go on rants and try to protect the culture, but what I havent done is singled out a single work group or person and personally attacked them with venom and hatred and name calling as YOU have done.

You preach about everyone getting along while your the one attacking, now here is a tip when YOu are the one that is coming into a new group and going to be heavily payed(compared to what AT could pay) wouldnt you think you would practice humility and humbly learning to give less of your opinions, not needing to have the last word would make you seem a little less Avrasive(fruedian slip)? I think that many at SWA who have been reading your insults will find it hard to Accept your apologies as they watch you overstep your bounds time and time again.

Many at SWA are upset and not happy with this deal, so be it, it may take time to get over it , so be it... but you are in no position to tell Anyone at SWA Anything about getting over anything!!!...HUMILITY is your cross to bear because you are the one getting the Lions share.

Now I apologize If I have insulted any of the Hard Working AT people , especially those who sit back with Humility and try to understand SWA employees plight and how this can be some what disconcerting to many SWA employees and may take some time to get past. I will apologize if I have been over zealous in my assertations at times and understand that we are all human and when the smoke clears we will get along with some good and some bad. I aplogize if you are offended but hope you understand and can appreciate someone who will stand up and fight for what they believe in.

For those who feel they have a right to scream all their opinions at their new company and soon to be new co workers , who feel the need to have the last word, having the right to tell SWA employees what they should do and How they should do it,to be abrasive and INSULT SWA employees, depts, groups, or individuals like our senior FA's, to those AT people who cant respect that SWA employees may view this deal as getting nothing, right or wrong, and may need time to Get Over it, I will not apologize

I will not apologize to those who cant Appreciate what a carreer gift the have just recieved, I can only hope that there are far more of the Hard working appreciative type than the loud mouth abrasive type who want to tell SWA employees what to do and How to do it, I can only hope that the Filtering system SWA has set up can do its Job, and that the FEW bad apples at AT dont slide by that filter.
We're just hoping that WN mgmt is as diligent in weeding out its own bad apples.
And that would impact you HOW exactly? or is it just your compassion and Love for SWA that you wish only the best for them and would hate to have to go to bed at night with the thought of a Few Bad apples at Swa?

Wow your kindness is overwhelming and WT is back, normally you are finding ways to tear down SWA and now this,, who says change cant happen. WT with a new found love for SWA it simply touches my heart!!

O wait a minute, is it possible that comment was in any way shape or form directed at yours truly?? Ouch I sure hope not because I may be very vocal and may not have warmed up to this whole AT thing, but if you lay sole judgement on forum fodder and chatter you may be sadly mistaken. You see I could care less about what flip floppers on the AT side or on the whole forum say about me, because what I think on this forum doesnt reach the Plane.

Comparing just the many many good letters from happy customers VS the 1 1/2 bad letters in the last decade and 3 bad letters in my whole carreer, that may be a better test from which to judge. I have easily been on over 15,000 flights in my career and I understand that a high % of disgruntled or unhappy customers dont write but I think with a couple hundred good letters VS 3 bad letters is a good litmus Test. Dont YOU?? so I will go ahead and take myself out of the BAD APPLE Pile, thanks though.

Though even shocking to me, I have been flight attendant of the month and have the ability to shut my mouth and hold my opinions back(unlike others) and be a professional in the face of those paying my paycheck our customers, I have the ability to shut it down and set aside my rants and opinions when needed and it is with these abilities and strengths that I am sure I will be nothing less than courteous to a Fellow New SWA employees shall I ever have the chance to work with them, or chat with on an individual basis. Will I ever be a fan of this deal, who knows, will I ever think it fair SWA employees-absolutely not, will I treat a fellow employee with respect and dignity-Absolutely, will I treat a fellow human being with compassion- YES

So if you WT or AV or anyone else likes to think I am a bad apple at SWA that is 100% your right and I understand and cherish your right to think and opine.

Thanks again WT for your new found love and concern for SWA , its truly touching and just one day before Valentines day, wow, I think I will tell my gf she doesnt have to buy me that special gift now. My heart is filled with Joy
Its almost like watching an arsonist speaking on behalf of how to stop arson, just mildly shocking that you would go there after all the efforts you put into to calming the fire , to see you turn and throw gas into it, I think that is what the trolling comment meant.

You can deflect all you want if it makes you feel comfortable. I stand by what I've been writing. You are still emblematic of all that is wrong with organized labor, and no matter how much sh*t you try to throw hoping some will stick, that won't change. Your words on here speak for themselves.
You can deflect all you want if it makes you feel
comfortable. I stand by what I've been writing. You are still emblematic of all that is wrong with organized labor, and no matter how much sh*t you try to throw hoping some will stick, that won't change. Your words on here speak for themselves.
So completely blowing someone's post out of context is ok w u

How do you take More bad employees and turn in to EVERY EMPLOYEE..

And that kind of exaggeration and down right mis qouting is emblematic of what kind of thought processes???
O I get it ..your liberal give the little guy everything attitude to hell w working hard for it Now carries over into posts you don't agree w.

Take accountability for your huge mis step and admit u blew that one way out of proportion
Hey Busc,
do you know that WN has now slipped to the 3rd most valuable airline in the US as measured by market cap? Not only does DAL now have almost a $2B premium over LUV but UAL has now surpassed WN as well.
Guess it hasn't dawned on you that maybe Wall Street is just a tad bit concerned that this whole merger might not deliver all that WN promised while the network carrier mergers are delivering, has it? Suppose employees have anything to do with it?
Hey Busc,
do you know that WN has now slipped to the 3rd most valuable airline in the US as measured by market cap? Not only does DAL now have almost a $2B premium over LUV but UAL has now surpassed WN as well.
Guess it hasn't dawned on you that maybe Wall Street is just a tad bit concerned that this whole merger might not deliver all that WN promised while the network carrier mergers are delivering, has it? Suppose employees have anything to do with it?

Can't agree w you more .. and then swa gives away 40% payraises to the employees of a company that those same analysts said Swa over paid at least $300-500 million for.. when swa will be taking their cash cow(fees) out of the equation thus they would be netting a -$140 million..wow..staggering ..

u think I am not nervous when we had the highest costs already before this deal.. so no it doesn't surprise me and it wouldn't surprise me now if we ended up taking the path of the legacies either .

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