Oh and I almost forgot, I have nothing but respect for SWA and the employees who made it what it is today, seriously, good work. I'm just shocked to see employees like Buscahor are really SWA employees and more shocked that you let him/her rant the way he/she does in the name of SWA... He/she keeps bringing up culture and says I keep insulting it, that's just his/her way to try and turn you all against me. If you believe that I have insulted you or disrespected you in any way, I have to apologize, it wasn't my intent. I was simply trying to knock down the merger walls people like Buscador keep putting up. I can only hope you understand what I mean...
I am an employee- yes, a good one -yes, a great one- NO, I have been a dedicated SWA employee long before AT was even a concept,so Please excuse my fervor for the company I have spent the vast majority of my life with.
I know you think I am a bad bad person because I get worked up and go on rants and try to protect the culture, but what I havent done is singled out a single work group or person and personally attacked them with venom and hatred and name calling as YOU have done.
You preach about everyone getting along while your the one attacking, now here is a tip when YOu are the one that is coming into a new group and going to be heavily payed(compared to what AT could pay) wouldnt you think you would practice humility and humbly learning to give less of your opinions, not needing to have the last word would make you seem a little less Avrasive(fruedian slip)? I think that many at SWA who have been reading your insults will find it hard to Accept your apologies as they watch you overstep your bounds time and time again.
Many at SWA are upset and not happy with this deal, so be it, it may take time to get over it , so be it... but you are in no position to tell Anyone at SWA Anything about getting over anything!!!...HUMILITY is your cross to bear because you are the one getting the Lions share.
Now I apologize If I have insulted any of the Hard Working AT people , especially those who sit back with Humility and try to understand SWA employees plight and how this can be some what disconcerting to many SWA employees and may take some time to get past. I will apologize if I have been over zealous in my assertations at times and understand that we are all human and when the smoke clears we will get along with some good and some bad. I aplogize if you are offended but hope you understand and can appreciate someone who will stand up and fight for what they believe in.
For those who feel they have a right to scream all their opinions at their new company and soon to be new co workers , who feel the need to have the last word, having the right to tell SWA employees what they should do and How they should do it,to be abrasive and INSULT SWA employees, depts, groups, or individuals like our senior FA's, to those AT people who cant respect that SWA employees may view this deal as getting nothing, right or wrong, and may need time to Get Over it, I will not apologize
I will not apologize to those who cant Appreciate what a carreer gift the have just recieved, I can only hope that there are far more of the Hard working appreciative type than the loud mouth abrasive type who want to tell SWA employees what to do and How to do it, I can only hope that the Filtering system SWA has set up can do its Job, and that the
FEW bad apples at AT dont slide by that filter.