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Aug 20, 2002
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On 1/22/2003 2:27:45 PM cat 111 wrote:

There are some pilots on this site saying they will strike the airline over the pension issue.I hope Dave comes out and tells alpa they will replace you if you do.Do you think any other labor group will support you? How do you think the other labor groups feel about your $1 million lump sum?
Who cares if the other groups support the pilots? Are you type rated on our aircraft? So what, they hire scab replacements? Training will take about 40 days, after they are hired. Do you think U will be around after a 40 day shutdown? Maybe the scabs will work for low wages and no retirement. I am sure that will have no effect on your pay and benefits. By the way, the lump sum was given up in the latest giveback...I know you are not interested in facts, only blabbing non-sense. I am on my way to a new career, however, I will dust off my uniform and walk the picket line. Maybe I will bring a ball bat with me. Fraternally, Ed. P.S. I was raised in the coal fields of WV. I could probably teach you a thing or two about a REAL STRIKE.
I love a good strike, I takes me back to my youth. Personal attacks roll off me like rain water. The ball bat is for baseball during slow times in picketing...you should know that.
I am surprised with your new career you even have time or a care to keep posting here. Maybe it is not looking so bright for you. Now resorting to violence. Is threats allowed per the rules here? Did they teach you in WV's coalfields about crossing picket lines too? Get a hold of yourself man. I think you are starting to lose it. Remember you have so much going for you. Your new business venture. You do not need to care about this place. Move on. Best of luck to you.

- "If you don't like it quit."

- "Live to fight another day."

- "Don't think with your ego."
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/22/2003 3:19:05 PM ClueByFour wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/22/2003 3:12:44 PM autofixer wrote: [BR][BR]It is called a wildcat strike. If U shutsdown, and the pilots are out of work, so what? Like I have said before, ALPA is partially responsible for the situation, so they can reap the whirlwind. Let the government sue ALPA, who cares at that point? The UMWA wildcats all of the time and they are still around.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]Ask the APA what a good financial slap in the face feels like.
[P][/P]Sucks when you lose $45MM for a couple sick days, don't it?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/22/2003 3:12:44 PM autofixer wrote:
[P]It is called a wildcat strike. If U shutsdown, and the pilots are out of work, so what? Like I have said before, ALPA is partially responsible for the situation, so they can reap the whirlwind. Let the government sue ALPA, who cares at that point? The UMWA wildcats all of the time and they are still around.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Ask the APA what a good financial slap in the face feels like.
You should leave the bat at home,you might hurt yourself !!!
There are some pilots on this site saying they will strike the airline over the pension issue.I hope Dave comes out and tells alpa they will replace you if you do.Do you think any other labor group will support you? How do you think the other labor groups feel about your $1 million lump sum?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/22/2003 2:53:59 PM Biffeman wrote: [BR][BR]You can't strike under the RLA, if the PBGC terminates your pension, you will lose everything, ALPA will be sued and you can be jailed for violoating the injuction the company will have one second after an attempted wildcat. [BR][BR]And as for Chip, you post you cant strike in september and now that your group is gonna get it you change your mind. Go read the RLA you are not in section six negotiations therefore no self-help is allowed. The Company is not making changes to your pension, the PBGC is and once it is terminated ALPA and US will have to negotiate a replacement plan. [BR][BR]I guess ALPA is finally getting a dose of reality and they can't handle it.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]That is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. The only way to terminate the pension without ALPA's consent is to get an 1113 action. That would replace the contract with a new one, and "self-help" is permitted. Don't believe me, read section 1113 of the bankruptcy code. Not only could it happen, in my opinion IT IS HIGHLY LIKELY to happen if the company attempts to replace the pension with anything substantially less.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/22/2003 3:40:47 PM pitguy wrote:
[P]The word from PIT line is that the majority of the pilots are saying they hate to have their pension reduced, but they will not walk out. Sounds like cracks in the unity already. That is one thing nice about having so many pilots that can fly maximum hours. The reserve guys will fill in nicely and appreciate moving up too. Not to mention the recent furloughs guys coming back.[BR][BR][BR]-If you don't like it quit.[BR][BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]There you go, making stuff up again. All it would take to shut this airline down is for the pilots over 50 to not come to work. That would be it. And there's no way you can make me believe a word you say about the pilots over 50 not striking over this. The furloughees gone since November would require serious retraining, but they are also ALPA members and anything sponsored by ALPA would be honored. That's the honest truth, and I agree with the poster above who says that it's the reality we face. I really hope Dave changes his tune and approaches this problem with the same determination he has other issues (I don't mean that he should just make an ultimatum and cut- that would just solidify the pilot's resolve).
You talk about things way over your pay grade.
The pilots are pissed. More so than at any time.
Me, I've gone along with every pilot give back, hoping we could drag this company out of the dirt.
But if they screw around with the pension, with out opening up Section 6 of the contract, the fat lady spoke. That's it.
For you dreamers, 3 days without the fleet moving, it's nothing but ashes. Doesn't matter how many pilots are out there looking for a job. 2 months mim. to train them.
EA did't go down because of the IAM strike. Rather, it was because the EA pilots did not fly.
Now I'm hoping that the company and ALPA can come up with somthing that the pilots can live with. We'll see.
Sued? give me a break.I'm LOL.
Will the last one out please remember to turn off the lights.
On 1/22/2003 3:19:05 PM ClueByFour wrote:

On 1/22/2003 3:12:44 PM autofixer wrote:

It is called a wildcat strike. If U shutsdown, and the pilots are out of work, so what? Like I have said before, ALPA is partially responsible for the situation, so they can reap the whirlwind. Let the government sue ALPA, who cares at that point? The UMWA wildcats all of the time and they are still around.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]

[/P]Ask the APA what a good financial slap in the face feels like.
[/blockquote]You are missing the point. APA still had pilots to assess after the job action. ALPA would not have the U pilots to assess after a 40 day shutdown and the following CH7 or scabs replacing the U pilots. So there could be no slap in the face as there would be no face to slap.
It is called a wildcat strike. If U shutsdown, and the pilots are out of work, so what? Like I have said before, ALPA is partially responsible for the situation, so they can reap the whirlwind. Let the government sue ALPA, who cares at that point? The UMWA wildcats all of the time and they are still around.
You can't strike under the RLA, if the PBGC terminates your pension, you will lose everything, ALPA will be sued and you can be jailed for violoating the injuction the company will have one second after an attempted wildcat. [BR][BR]And as for Chip, you post you cant strike in september and now that your group is gonna get it you change your mind. Go read the RLA you are not in section six negotiations therefore no self-help is allowed. The Company is not making changes to your pension, the PBGC is and once it is terminated ALPA and US will have to negotiate a replacement plan. [BR][BR]I guess ALPA is finally getting a dose of reality and they can't handle it.
Believe what you want. Maybe we can clear some of the dead wood out of here then. It will feel weird when you find yourself one of the 'few' sacrificial lambs. If the company does not change the pension it will go out of business any how, so you leave then no choice.

- Does a dumb person know they are dumb?

- Excuse me, but I did not realize I was to bow down in front of you.

- You can always get another job after retirement as a security guard.
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