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$12,000.00 Per Month?

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Ken MacTiernan said:
Still showing your ignorance and cowardice are you aamech? Will wonders never cease?

The last contract that AMTs at AA negotiated was negotiated by AMFA at NWA. And even then the twu couldn't do better.

As for removing the lump sums for AMTs aamech why don't you tell us why that took place. Better yet, why don't you tell us all when our snap back clause kicks in. You know, when do AMTs get back everything little and gang stole from us.


If our contract was negotiated by amfa how come we didn't get stuck with the 38% scope clause disaster? You know and I know our 2001 contract was far superior to NW's. The amfa drive fizzeled out completely and the organizers were no where to be found after ratification. The best thing that ever happened to amfa was the concessions we voted in. It gave new life to effectively a dead organization.
Ken MacTiernan said:
. Better yet, why don't you tell us all when our snap back clause kicks in. You know, when do AMTs get back everything little and gang stole from us.


I'm sure it will "kick in" right after amfa's kicks in at NW and Alaska!
AAmech said:
If our contract was negotiated by amfa how come we didn't get stuck with the 38% scope clause disaster? You know and I know our 2001 contract was far superior to NW's. The amfa drive fizzeled out completely and the organizers were no where to be found after ratification. The best thing that ever happened to amfa was the concessions we voted in. It gave new life to effectively a dead organization.

Since when is 50% allowed per the contract better than 38% allowed per contract? Sorry I would take NWA's contract any day over the twu turd we have.
AA80Driver said:
No, the original post related to defined benefit so my response pertains only to the defined benefit plan.

The B Fund is a defined contribution into what is essentially a value fund. Given the wide variables in contributions, time on furlough, market volatility, and timeframe until retirement, it would be very difficult to predict an average value in todays dollars, just like it would be difficult to forecast the average 401k value at retirment for any other work group.

Got it, thanks for the info.
TWU informer said:
I feel like I gave up my vacation time, sick time, Holidays, and paid Health benefits, to insure the Pilot can retire and have income that equals more than two times what I make working.

Listen clown, I most likely took a paycut amounting to more than you make in a year, and when considering years of service, make less than nearly every other pilot in the USA including the LCC's.

How does your contract compare to other airlines in the US? At what companies would you make less than AA considering years of service. Go ahead, line up a list for the group.

I'll buy the "overpaid pilot" argument if when faced with an airborne problem, we can just slap on an inop sticker inflight, write "could not duplicate, ops check normal" in the logbook, then parachute out above some breakroom 😀

AMT's need to get their own union. I'll never figure out why you let unskilled groups decide your pay.
AAmech said:
Oh yeah, Right!! Its all about their "Negotiating Skills". Doesn't their Skill Level and Education have something to do with their compensation? What your negotiating WITH counts a lot more than WHO is doing your negotiations.

If skill level and education have something to do with compensation then why do Ramp Service people make as much as they do?

Now you see why AMTs at AA want out of the twu. You ARE seeing the light aamech! Take a step forward. The twu CAN NOT represent skilled and unskilled in the same union. That was easy. Now, how many more twu supporting alias cowards need to see the light? 😉
AAmech said:
If our contract was negotiated by amfa how come we didn't get stuck with the 38% scope clause disaster? You know and I know our 2001 contract was far superior to NW's. The amfa drive fizzeled out completely and the organizers were no where to be found after ratification. The best thing that ever happened to amfa was the concessions we voted in. It gave new life to effectively a dead organization.

aamech, how was our 2001 contract better than NWA's? Just getting a PIN to vote was illustartion enough to show how inept the twu is in getting what the membership wants/needs. Oh, how many contracts were we able to change our vote on in the past? The AMFA drive did not fizzle. It was denied due to corruption. How many dead people will be on the next eligibility list? How can AA have MORE eligible people AFTER an AMFA vote was about to happen? The organizers never left. We are still here. Posting the truth about the twu's inability to protect OUR craft & profession.

Tell me, when AMFA is voted in at AA later this year will you remain a coward behind an alias? 😛h34r:
At what rate and to what limit does the company match on the B plan?

I do know senior captains go out with a little over 2 million lump sum. This is down a little from a few years ago.
You'd have to be a complete idiot not to take the lump sum. That's what the corporate executives do . . . . take as much as you can, from anywhere/anyhow you can, as fast as you can. Prime directive for execs is look out for #1 and the long term health of the company be damned.
Winglet said:
You'd have to be a complete idiot not to take the lump sum.  That's what the corporate executives do . . . . take as much as you can, from anywhere/anyhow you can, as fast as you can.  Prime directive for execs is look out for #1 and the long term health of the company be damned.

Yep, and in the 1980's the TWU allowed the AMT lump sum option to be eliminated.

No beneficiary beyond the spouse.

You and your wife die, the kids are screwed.

When you take the lump sum, the kids can have what is left when you and the spouse are finished here on earth.

What a worthless piece of crap union!!

Just like Memorial Day, they always let the good things slip away without a fight.
Ken MacTiernan said:
If skill level and education have something to do with compensation then why do Ramp Service people make as much as they do?

Now you see why AMTs at AA want out of the twu. You ARE seeing the light aamech! Take a step forward. The twu CAN NOT represent skilled and unskilled in the same union. That was easy. Now, how many more twu supporting alias cowards need to see the light? 😉

"Ramp people make as much as they do"? Are you saying after 15 years I should still be making $6.85/hr? Ramp at AA makes below market rate. USAir pays an even lower top out of $17/hr in their class 1 stations which are the hubs and large cities and the top out pay is $15.60/hr in the class 2 cities, which are places like MIA, JAX, etc. Also no more pensions. People are leaving US in droves and they can't find people for what they want to pay. Meanwhile, someone with my seniority at Southwest makes $25/hr. Fedex starts at $12/hr which is $4 more than what AA starts at. AA just tried to hire temps in MIA for $8/hr and it seems that they can't get anyone. So the pay at AA for ramp is below the non-union market rate. Although I feel the AMTs should be adequately compensated for their skills, the fact is the mechanics at TIMCO will work for significantly less than what the AA AMTs are being paid. Heck former UA AMTs in IND are working in the same building, for the same supervisors, on the same UA planes for 50% less and no pension than they were making when they worked for UA. I hope your next card drive is successful.
Amfa UAL highlights:

• Effective through December 31, 2009

• 3.9% wage cut against all pay factors

• An added layer of job security language for Line, C-checks, Ground Equipment and Line Plant Maintenance, and most Base Maintenance Shops

• Permits outsourcing of cabin cleaners system-wide with double severance pay or a three year bridge to retirement

• Eliminates job protection and allows outsourcing of all Computer Technician (CT) work with double severance pay or a three year bridge to retirement

• 5% defined contribution pension plan includes a 1% weighted distribution based on an age and service point system

• $40 million in convertible notes will be distributed to active AMFA employees

• 2X overtime reduced to 1.5X

• 2.5X holiday pay reduced to 1.5X

• 75% sick leave pay for both “N†and “I†time for the first seven workdays, 100% thereafter

• Holidays reduced from ten to eight effective January 1, 2006 (six fixed and two floaters, Easter and day after Thanksgiving dropped)

• Current vacation schedule remains unchanged

• Success Sharing participation reduced to 1%

• Allows outsourcing of 747/777 heavy maintenance (HMV) to international vendors (work currently performed by domestic outside vendors)

• Company will fund up to $75,000 per year for an audit of the 20% outsourcing limit
Uh, aside perhaps from the question about the lump sum which went away in the 80's, what exactly does all this AT crap and the details of the UAL AMFA tentative agreement have to do with the pilot pension question?...
AAmech said:

Well if we get rid of the TWU before you have your 5 years in the TWU International Pension plan then I'm sure we will hear as many WAAAA, WAAA, WAAAs as we did when you were President of the Local.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the TWU pension plan, which is funded by our dues here are a few points.

The TWU plan that we pay for uses the "highest paid year" not like the AA plan that the TWU got for us that uses the average of the best four.

The TWU plan that we pay for uses 2.5 as the multiplier not like the AA plan that the TWU got for us that uses 1.66.

The TWU plan that we pay for has a built in 5% annual COLA increase for these same unelected officials, not like the 17.5% decrease with 1.5% annual increases that they got for us.
AAmech said:
If our contract was negotiated by amfa how come we didn't get stuck with the 38% scope clause disaster? You know and I know our 2001 contract was far superior to NW's. The amfa drive fizzeled out completely and the organizers were no where to be found after ratification. The best thing that ever happened to amfa was the concessions we voted in. It gave new life to effectively a dead organization.

Thats not what you said when you were President.

The AMFA drive fizzled after 9-11.

In fact when you brought the contract back you said that it was not what we went for but that you were tired and burnt out and that if the members decided to go AMFA that you would be "right behind them".

You are right about one thing, the latest round of TWU concessions did breath new life into the AMFA drive. You will find that when they file in the fall again. The TWA guys have contacted their ex-coworkers from TWA that AA included on the list and they are returning signed cards, even the retired ones, so the next time they file, regardless of what happens at UAL, there will be a vote.
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