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There IS NOT going to be a STRIKE!

The pilots do not have the resolve. They are begging for an olive branch to save face. They will settle for a predetermined pension which will be far less than the current contract which will include the PBGC guarantee and a few additional bucks to make them feel good. They don't want to look weak, but don't have the cajones to STRIKE. IMHO, this is just a bunch of posturing trying to get managements attention.

[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/22/2003 3:20:14 PM oldiebutgoody wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/22/2003 2:53:59 PM Biffeman wrote: [BR][BR]You can't strike under the RLA, if the PBGC terminates your pension, you will lose everything, ALPA will be sued and you can be jailed for violoating the injuction the company will have one second after an attempted wildcat. [BR][BR]And as for Chip, you post you cant strike in september and now that your group is gonna get it you change your mind. Go read the RLA you are not in section six negotiations therefore no self-help is allowed. The Company is not making changes to your pension, the PBGC is and once it is terminated ALPA and US will have to negotiate a replacement plan. [BR][BR]I guess ALPA is finally getting a dose of reality and they can't handle it.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]That is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. The only way to terminate the pension without ALPA's consent is to get an 1113 action. That would replace the contract with a new one, and "self-help" is permitted. Don't believe me, read section 1113 of the bankruptcy code. Not only could it happen, in my opinion IT IS HIGHLY LIKELY to happen if the company attempts to replace the pension with anything substantially less.
[P][/P]Old you are 1000% wrong, read the PBGCs web page, they will terminate it they dont have to go to court.
So...I'm out for a few days and everyone starts talking crazy. Let's just take a deep breath and let the process work. No sense solving problems that don't exist yet. We will have to deal with these issues one at a time.

A320 Driver
The word from PIT line is that the majority of the pilots are saying they hate to have their pension reduced, but they will not walk out. Sounds like cracks in the unity already. That is one thing nice about having so many pilots that can fly maximum hours. The reserve guys will fill in nicely and appreciate moving up too. Not to mention the recent furloughed guys coming back.

-If you don't like it quit.
Who comes up with this stuff. What would be the point of a strike??? To have the Company file Chapter 7? If the company goes Chapter 7 then the pension goes to the minimum under the Pension Guarantee Fund and you have no job.

If the company terminates the plan (which most likely will happen unless there is some act of God or Congress) then it pretty much goes to the minimum and you still have a job.

A job is better than no job in today's market place. And for us a F/O on Reserve is still better off than unemployed. Start over at age 50 is much harder than at age 25. So the Pilots are not stupid. Frustrated, Angry, Disenchanted, but not stupid.

Please stop these stupid Rumors.


What color is the sky in your world???
On 1/22/2003 4:44:10 PM av8orwife wrote:

Who comes up with this stuff. What would be the point of a strike??? To have the Company file Chapter 7? If the company goes Chapter 7 then the pension goes to the minimum under the Pension Guarantee Fund and you have no job.

If the company terminates the plan (which most likely will happen unless there is some act of God or Congress) then it pretty much goes to the minimum and you still have a job.

A job is better than no job in today's market place. And for us a F/O on Reserve is still better off than unemployed. Start over at age 50 is much harder than at age 25. So the Pilots are not stupid. Frustrated, Angry, Disenchanted, but not stupid.

Please stop these stupid Rumors.


What color is the sky in your world???
Finally a voice of reason.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have confidence that something mutually acceptable will be worked out. However, don't underestimate the resolve of this pilot group. In 25+ years I have NEVER seen this group this galvanized over ANY issue. I truly hope it does not come down to a game of chicken. If it does, EVERYONE loses. Us, Dave, RSA and the creditors. The only winners will be the other carriers. And that would be a true shame.

The mineworkes are NLRA not NLRB, Bushie boy will get you back to work so fast your head will spin. And there are 1,000s of pilots who will take your job.
The company leadership will deal with the "few extremist" if they partake in any illegal job actions.
I agree with Mrplanes that the pilot group is galvanized unlike ever before and unless something changes, the airline could liquidate in short order. The pilots do have the resolve and tomorrow the MEC will begin "to coordinate pension plan issues and MEC contingency strategies," per yesterday's code-a-phone message.

It's unfair for the pilot group to be the only employees asked to give up their defined benefit plan and all 12 MEC members are in concert on ALPA's intent.

Furthermore, the company will not negotiate a replacement plan until ALPA agrees to terminate the existing plan.

One option is for all of the other seven defined benefit plans to be voluntarily terminated then we all would be on a level playing field.


I know it's painful but I did make it through. I am in the CWA group who has NO pension, just a 401K. I get to make all the decisions of how to invest that money, and all the responsibilty.

I think it would be a great idea if all the groups left that have a pension gave them up and then all of you would be on a level playing field with us(CWA) and the fleet employees.

It's not bad once you get used to it. I have a personal investor who has been great to work with and actually made a profit in the 4th quarter.
On 1/22/2003 5:02:44 PM chipmunn wrote:

I agree with Mrplanes that the pilot group is galvanized unlike ever before and unless something changes, the airline could liquidate in short order. The pilots do have the resolve and tomorrow the MEC will begin "to coordinate pension plan issues and MEC contingency strategies," per yesterday's code-a-phone message.

It's unfair for the pilot group to be the only employees asked to give up their defined benefit plan and all 12 MEC members are in concert on ALPA's intent.

Furthermore, the company will not negotiate a replacement plan until ALPA agrees to terminate the existing plan.

One option is for all of the other seven defined benefit plans to be voluntarily terminated then we all would be on a level playing field.


And I am to believe that then the pilots would take a big cut in their pension ? I don't think so!!!!! Its obvious the more I read that the pilots are out for themselves and only themselves. Reading this board leaves one with that conlusion and only that conclusion. Sad, but true. Savy
I'm honestly not too worried about the pending pension termination. I am confident that U, ALPA, and the PBGC will work out a deal that preserves much of the pilot pension while reorganizing US' payment obligations into a more manageable structure.
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