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Strike ...... Whats The Point

balloonguy said:
You say "we don't want to hurt the passengers". Really??? By forcing U to cancel a flight (s), you cause the "passenger" that you don't want to hurt to have to stand in a long line to hopefully get a new ticket written on another airline and flight, not to mention having to reclaim their baggage, stand in another Airline's line at a ticket counter and probaly have to be re-screened. Also, create the potential for a more in-depth screening since you have now caused that passenger to have a one-way ticket issued and the same day as the flight. Furthermore, that passenger will be substantially delayed in getting to their final destination, if at all. If it's a business traveler, they can kiss their meeting goodbye!!

You just don't get it do you? Have you ever heard of "dancing with those that brung ya"? The loyal customers over many many years have put up with your bad attitudes and lack of service far longer than we should have. You don't care about us and we are at the point where we absolutely don't care about YOU!!
nycbusdriver said:
USAirways management's incredible and unparalleled greed, arrogance and stupidity got us into this mess. The employees (except for 58% of the bedwetter pilots) have had just about enough. Along with the judge, they are about to make these jobs near worthless. But the jobs are OURS, to do with as we see fit. If the unions decide to make a statement, then SO BE IT.

So I guess the management of United, Delta, Northwest and soon to be American and Contiental's are also arrogant, greedy and stupid. I know it has nothing to do with the price of oil, the LCC's and 9/11. At least we're in good company!!!!
balloonguy said:
You say "we don't want to hurt the passengers". Really??? By forcing U to cancel a flight (s), you cause the "passenger" that you don't want to hurt to have to stand in a long line to hopefully get a new ticket written on another airline and flight, not to mention having to reclaim their baggage, stand in another Airline's line at a ticket counter and probaly have to be re-screened. Also, create the potential for a more in-depth screening since you have now caused that passenger to have a one-way ticket issued and the same day as the flight. Furthermore, that passenger will be substantially delayed in getting to their final destination, if at all. If it's a business traveler, they can kiss their meeting goodbye!!

You just don't get it do you? Have you ever heard of "dancing with those that brung ya"? The loyal customers over many many years have put up with your bad attitudes and lack of service far longer than we should have. You don't care about us and we are at the point where we absolutely don't care about YOU!!
You certainly never received bad service from the majority of the employees at US. Although some people are impossible to please.

As far as YOU no longer caring about us, I figure someone like you quit caring a long time ago. Just about the time that you and your company flocked to the LCC's. You want the service and the schedules, and the amenities of a legacy airline, but you want it at the LCC's price!

Hurting the passengers is not the intent of CHAOS. Just like booking on the LCC's was not intended to hurt the Legacy carriers....right?
BoeingBoy said:
Management used each and every concession as a crutch to keep the airline limping along. No structural changes, nothing to better compete with the LCC's that have been cited in every annual report during this period as a competitive challenge. Nothing but take their bonuses, golden parachutes, etc. They kept that part of their bargain.


This, more then anything else, is the real heart of the problem. We, as an airline, never adapted to the change until it was to late. MetroJet, Highground, Business Select and any other event were always competitive responses and not structural changes. Definitly not the fault of the employees, but the employees always bore the brunt of the fall out.

Excellent post Jim
bestservedcold said:
Hurting the passengers is not the intent of CHAOS. Just like booking on the LCC's was not intended to hurt the Legacy carriers....right?

No, just the result. And you can't blame the passengers for making the best choice for their needs.
Seatacus said:
No, just the result. And you can't blame the passengers for making the best choice for their needs.
I agree completely! But now the employees are forced to make the "best choice for their needs."

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