When you sell your labor to a single employer your job is always in jeopardy, unless you work for the government. There are many ways that your job can be eliminated and you have pretty much ZERO control over it. Thats why you should always get as much as you can, working for less just puts more money in the hands of your employer which doesnt translate into job security because if your employer isnt handling the money they already have responsibly they will likely blow whatever you give back too and they will simply come back for more. Working for less just makes your financial situation worse. The logic of working for less to make your job safe is like saying if you are losing money on an investment you should invest more to save your investment, you are increasing your risk, not decreasing it. TAKE every penny you can get, the only way you can improve the likelyhood that the company will prosper and you will have a good job is to be productive not work for less.
Airline workers have to step back and ask themselves "Why did I choose to come into this industry?". Then we have to ask ourselves "Do those conditions still apply?" I came into this industry because I figured I could make a good living doing something I liked doing. There was a balance between sacrifice and benifits. I knew I had to work weekends, shifts and Holidays but I was led to believe I was to paid well and have good benifits. However there was always some crisis why the company couldnt live up to their end of the bargain, always a reason why we had to make further sacrifices in pay and benfits to "save the company". Well thats been going on for over 22 years now and the company, despite having doubled in size and generating billions more in revenue year after year claims they still need more sacrifices to save the company. You know what, I've sacrificed enough and I want the balance restored.
AMEN! I went to school and WORKED MY TAIL off to get into this industry. I jumped through all the hoops to become an AMT with no guarantees I'd make it. I took the risk that I'd fail, or that once getting my license I wouldn't be able to find a job.
I knew all the risks and responsibilities that came with this job but I accepted them because I felt I would be well compensated.
Well thanks to circumstances beyond my control. I'm now stuck with the worst labor contract I've ever heard of, with no end in sight. For almost six long years now, I've been stuck in a so-called OSM position. Which means above and beyond what we all had to give up, I and those like me have also lost over 65,000 additional dollars. And again, no end in sight. True lots of folks hit the street, and have my sympathy. However at least they know (or should know) they're not coming back, and can move on with their lives and find better careers.
As for me and lots of others I've spoken with...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! No more "Working Together", while incompetent corporate leadership steers us onto the rocks while stuffing their pockets with the money we have given up. Then the same people who've got our money protruding from their pockets tell us.."Sorry, times are bad, no money for you!"
Does anyone think this is going to change without drastic action? I say let's go for it.
Either we get restore and more, or we walk. So what if we never come back.
Better to have tried and failed than to just give up and give in. Better to live like men than cower like mice. And if we lose, we too can move on to bigger and better things. I'm ready, I just want to know I did everything I could here to make things better before I move on.