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STOP Bashing AFA-70

There is a far bigger problem here. I am pushing for a rotating RSV system, so we could share the pain. Also, maybe we could do something like the LTO system for the BH's. Once you got a trip, then everyone behind you would have to get one also. Wait, that doesn't sound fair, imagine that.
This seems to be moving away from the seniority system. Let's not go there. It would be nice if we got more leaves (in ALL bases), and the ability to pass or drop all trips if there is enough coverage. There are many who would love 170 hours!
My gut tells me not to expect any changes unless it costs the company less than the current system.


We kicked that idea around here on the board last winter.
rotatating RSV @#$^% flip that...it's bad enough we lost NRSA with DOH know of a pilot that had to suit up take the JS to get his spouse home...door closed then pulled JW back got off to fly his trip...deal with the cards stop being kitty to be (PC)
the ETB gives us all the same flexibility I re build my line all month long...it's a GREAT tool if you take the time to learn it...love the ETB never use AIL it's old school...

Hmm, do you receive full flight pay loss too, International pay in addition to your ETB?
My gut tells me not to expect any changes unless it costs the company less than the current system.

If the company spews the line, "cost neutral", then we need to say, pack sand.

"Cost neutral" is an indirect way of saying that you will continue to take compensation cuts each year, if you buy onto it.

Their bonus system is determined to be some small percent of what they save the company by tricking labor into giving more and more.

Consider that should the total bonus paid was some $1 million, a going rate could be 2% of the total showing a total, per year labor savings _might_ be $200 million. From an uninvolved viewpoint, I would certainly pay those dudes two percent of what they saved the company.

I would be shocked were USAirways mgmts business plan not to include more reasonable expenditures on labor so one need not worry about pushing "them" over the edge, whatever that is.

From a practical standpoint, the pilots and mechanics can certainly show dissatisfaction by directly impacting the bottom line, though it needs to be done in a methodical manner so the message is not mistaken for something else. A positive spin-off of such an event is to strengthen the hand of unions and establish some credibility.

Go for it guys and gals.
When a RSV is on duty, they are working--tied to the company by beeper, and must be in base. Also, they can not pick up just any trip--must meet legalities. It is not as flexible as it is for B/H. Seniority is moot for RSVs because of the bucket system. There is no way that the flexibility is the same. You are probably a junior B/H, or secondary because no one chooses to be RSV with this system.
BEEPER? Do they Still make them? 😱
I think one of the problems is that they don't have a set schedule. So what happens is, they pick up trips off the ETB when ever they want, with no restrictions, due to the fact they have all days off when trips are picked up. Then they backfill with AFA days. I would be upset with that also. No one else has close to that much flexibility.

Are you saying TG picks up trips off the ETB?

Let me see here. First, she is way too senior to worry about something like that.

TG worked in the office 21 days last month and had 4 days vacation, not overlapping her days on duty.

The president decided to pay TG 21 minus 4 days, even though the vacation never overlapped, in any way, her 21 days of duty.

So, the president, ms. 160+ hours per month, docked the vp for the amount of vacation pay, stating that TG worked four days for free.

Guys, you are being ripped off by your president. She is being a girl dog.
So know you want to feel sorry for me ..........Please spare me for me it has never been about the power or lack of money.Take Care all of you and Play it Forward
Are you saying TG picks up trips off the ETB?

Let me see here. First, she is way too senior to worry about something like that.

TG worked in the office 21 days last month and had 4 days vacation, not overlapping her days on duty.

The president decided to pay TG 21 minus 4 days, even though the vacation never overlapped, in any way, her 21 days of duty.

So, the president, ms. 160+ hours per month, docked the vp for the amount of vacation pay, stating that TG worked four days for free.

Guys, you are being ripped off by your president. She is being a girl dog.

Okay now lets get this straight. She just stated how much she has been receiving 160 up and if she is not picking up ETB trips then she is over flying (claiming) whatever the case. Keep on sharktooth you are helping the cause.
Okay now lets get this straight. She just stated how much she has been receiving 160 up and if she is not picking up ETB trips then she is over flying (claiming) whatever the case. Keep on sharktooth you are helping the cause.

When has she said she is picking up 160 hours? If so, let me know, because her W-4 does not reflect that. I would welcome corrections.

Perhaps you don't hear very well? Or, more likely, maybe you are just stupid?
When has she said she is picking up 160 hours? If so, let me know, because her W-4 does not reflect that. I would welcome corrections.

Perhaps you don't hear very well? Or, more likely, maybe you are just stupid?

Love the sun is talking about the LECP E-line, not Terry.
So know you want to feel sorry for me ..........Please spare me for me it has never been about the power or lack of money.Take Care all of you and Play it Forward

Can you translate this to English?
That's my point...gotta love the system...let it work for you! there is more than one way to skin a cat...If more RSV's got the word out they would hold a line in no time...

"If more RSV's got the word out they would hold a line in no time??? What does that mean? :blink:

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