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AFA/70 Graf,Cangey,Elias,Jones

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I'm not saying I want all of the flexibilities to go away. I would LOVE to have that sort of ability to rearrange my schedule over and over. The undisputed fact though is the system a blockholder enjoys today certainly DOES keep more people on reserve. ALL of that open time could be a block for another flight attendant sitting on reserve. There is absolutely NO reason to schedule an airline daily. Those trips should have names to them instead of sitting open for a blockholder to rearrange. Not to make this a blockholder vs. reserve issue at all but those are the facts. We need a COMPLETE overhaul of the system.
The union tells us (in a sarcastic, disdainful and CAPS SCREAMING tone) that rotating reserve or any other 21st Century system will not be ratified. If they will give me some comprehensive facts and numbers concerning it's non viability (other than it's lack of popularity because it is analogous to proposing a luxury tax) I will stop asking the question. However, I don't think that I have read anything from the company saying that they will not consider it. What is US Airways view of a reconstruction of the system to something similiar to other airlines? Has Mike Finn made a statement of it's cost to the company? I do know that Doug Parker is not a big fan of the present system as his statement at a reserve meeting that the purpose of the reserves was to provide flexibility for the lineholders was framed as an apology.

I do not know if any airline has changed from straight reserve to rotating in negotiations in the last ten years but more important is that I do not have any knowledge of any airline abandoning rotating to go to our system. As much as the AA flight attendants don't like their changes I guarantee you they would like 18 years straight reserve a lot less. I have to believe that it was instituted and remains at larger carriers because it conforms to what the purpose of a union is.....which is to deliver the highest possible level of fair treatment and quality of life for all of it's paying members.

Has it been thoroughly examined and rejected by both the union and the company?

I have never not read any information from the reserve chairs or comittees on this. Has this subject gone to the negotiations table at all?
As much as the AA flight attendants don't like their changes I guarantee you they would like 18 years straight reserve a lot less.
I agree. But there is no way that we would (or HP for that matter?) ratify a new combined reserve system that would keep us on straight reserve for 18 years. Aside from rotating reserve, if the entire bidding process is streamlined, and people actually fly the lines they are awarded, there would not be such a need for the "panic mode" staffing US currently uses (thus creating tons of reserves sitting around...). How many times do lineholders need to adjust their schedule? This nonsense only happens at US. Put a name on each trip position- would that not create lines for may many more people? Less reserves on a system where they are able to eat and pay bills might be beneficial.

I just think if the JNC focuses so much of their reserve negotiating time on creating this dynamic rotating reserve system, it would leave a cr@p reserve system that even more people would be subjected to, and there is no guarantees it would ratify. Get rid of all the pri,sec,sap,ail cr@p and streamline the bidding process, giving the majority lines and lives. Time to fly your line, like most other airlines. To me, that is a shared sacrifice that must become a reality.

Just my thoughts......
Let's just talk about arrogance shall we....

AGain, you don't know what the negotiaitons were at MAA, you just happend to decide to take a job there and complain later.
What is your opinion on US starting/having another airline with in an airline and downsizing the exiting larger airline and allow the employees to go to unionize lower wage and benefits express pay airline...
American Airlines. Not sure about how many years ago they did this because when I was employed there Flight Attendant reserve was straight reserve. They are now on a rotating reserve system. I believe they voted in rotating reserve in the mid-Nineties.

I was a flight attendant there in 1998 and we had rotating reserve then. I left to come to US Airways (i know....what a joke, i just laugh at myself for it)
I also am no fan of straight seniority because as mentioned the top would fly over and over and over while the middle seniority reserves would fly on occasion. The bottom reserves would fly on quick calls only.

That did not happen with straight seniority that included a pay cap.

Yes, the bottom reserve, for the most part, did not have a life, with about half the trips were doggy and the other half were pretty darn good.

The FA problem with a perception of "too many reserves" (I know you did not say that) is simply because those that can, do over-fly. It was greed on the part of the company, thinking if they can get the average pay-time per month up, they would not need as many FAs. Unfortunately management turned out to be too (incredibly) stupid to take advantage of that favorable change and it has turned into the fertilizer you enjoy today.

1. Raise pay. FAs should be in the $75 per hour range.

2. Cap the monthly to 85 hours. Make it so overages go to the next month and/or comply with FAA limits, 100/120 per month.

3. Make it seniority based for future/daily. Force the company to display when trip available and when person called so they don't park it until minimum call out time and assign. Make scheduling more transparent. Instead of old broken tech. like CATCREW, go with secure web pages.

4. Include straight and mixed (rev and trip) lines in the secondaries. Bid what you can.

5. Since you pay for it, keep the Trade Board. Allow reserves to fly on off days, without restriction.

Any one of the above or even parts thereof should make life easier.

Oh, and the above does not mean you should not "remove" incompetent management. Apparently US operates pretty well with no one at the helm on weekends. Only one or two people in the halls of Tempe should not be cause for alarm, at least until you get some adults in there.
What is your opinion on US starting/having another airline with in an airline and downsizing the exiting larger airline and allow the employees to go to unionize lower wage and benefits express pay airline...

They've already done that...MAA Division.

didn't work for a multitude of reasons, and they sold the E-170 a/c to Republic.
Wow...talk about thread drift...

Interesting discussion but back to the program...I know TG and ME very well and am familiar with RC as well. Let me just say the very idea of this team taking over the PHL LEC has this returning f/a very encouraged. If ANYONE will stand up and be the voice that we all need but nobody has been, it's definitely this triumvirate!

We keep hearing the Presidential hopefuls talk about "change, change, change" this year with the coming election...how appropriate that we may finally have a turnaround that brings about some change in the most powerful base on the East. PHL may finally make a difference with this team and then get the ball rolling in taking down that useless Flores!

I'm glad I'll have the opportunity to vote since I have accepted recall and will be back in PHL by April. You better believe you will have me encouraging and informing all of my fellow Junior returning F/A's that I come across and that are willing to listen that it is ABSOLUTELY in their best interest to vote for this team. The influx of us "Juniors" may actually make the difference that causes the ball to start rolling toward the change that is so desperately needed here.

Nothing is done about overflying because when a supervisor calls you on it the union makes sure your not reprimanded and just get a tap,tap,tap on the hand. It's BS and STEALING from another flight attendant. I actually had a f/a show me his option 2 screen on catcrew while at a gate in CLT. I just looked at him.......in shock. I said, "You realize that as a reserve I can barely crack 50 hours and live off of minimum guarantee". He had absolutely NO IDEA what the hell I was talking about. Either he was truly clueless or played it off well.
Oh hey flyguy121 the thread seems strayed from topic but the laugh is on us. There is only allowed to be ONE thread concerning AFA issues. ALL AFA under one thread so you'll see responses go back and fourth between topics. Nice huh?
Nothing is done about overflying because when a supervisor calls you on it the union makes sure your not reprimanded and just get a tap,tap,tap on the hand. It's BS and STEALING from another flight attendant. I actually had a f/a show me his option 2 screen on catcrew while at a gate in CLT. I just looked at him.......in shock. I said, "You realize that as a reserve I can barely crack 50 hours and live off of minimum guarantee". He had absolutely NO IDEA what the hell I was talking about. Either he was truly clueless or played it off well.
Oh hey flyguy121 the thread seems strayed from topic but the laugh is on us. There is only allowed to be ONE thread concerning AFA issues. ALL AFA under one thread so you'll see responses go back and fourth between topics. Nice huh?

I'm going to throw an opinion on here quickly, just in case it disappears just as quickly;

I always felt this board was rather democratic with various and sundry postings from all different viewpoints. Sometimes these were multiple posts on the same issue, not always though. Usually the slow ones just die a merciful death.
I feel that the moderators are going too far in shutting down all of these threads.
This is a very active board. Reading a mishmash of different topics in one singular post is confusing and very difficult to decipher. The subject can change 10 times before I read it again.
Since you can't post on a closed thread and I don't want a target on my back for an invitation to the cornfield by posting a new thread on the subject, I'll tag it onto the ONLY ACCEPTABLE flight attendant thread.
Should we do a poll on how WE (our board, remember) feel about this recent change in moderator editing?
I'm going to throw an opinion on here quickly, just in case it disappears just as quickly;

I always felt this board was rather democratic with various and sundry postings from all different viewpoints. Sometimes these were multiple posts on the same issue, not always though. Usually the slow ones just die a merciful death.
I feel that the moderators are going too far in shutting down all of these threads.
This is a very active board. Reading a mishmash of different topics in one singular post is confusing and very difficult to decipher. The subject can change 10 times before I read it again.
Since you can't post on a closed thread and I don't want a target on my back for an invitation to the cornfield by posting a new thread on the subject, I'll tag it onto the ONLY ACCEPTABLE flight attendant thread.
Should we do a poll on how WE (our board, remember) feel about this recent change in moderator editing?

You've got my vote! The moderators should not jumble threads. Its too confusing.

But, hell, I'm just a veteran for the past 6 years and get no respect....
Or our Moderators are disgruntled West employees who work in an out station like Kalamazoo or klamath Falls 😉 (FCE)
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