F/A union bashing has got to stop...

Ganesha, thanks for your question.

When someone gets successfully nominated for a LEC position they get a packet from the International AFA office that has the breakdown of the results that include the names, number of votes and information in the form of an Election Handbook. In past packets we would get contact information for the candidates and I would call everyone that I didn’t know and see what their goals were for the position and open the lines of communication between nominees. This year our packets did not contain any contact information so it’s been difficult to reach out to everyone but here is what I know so far.

During the infamous LEC meeting in Philadelphia last year Grace Jones was very vocal about our quality of life to Mike and Laura and I was impressed with her knowledge and outspokenness. What caught my attention most was her professionalism while discussing her issues and her staying on topic. I spoke to Grace once I knew she was committed to serving and learned we share many ideas about what we want to accomplish for the membership and how the new office will be run. Our biggest issues are accountability to the members, and communication. We agree that there should be a way for the members to see how their LEC dues are being spent, and who is getting paid what. Grace and I both want to continue to fly and have worked out a great way to save the Local money that can be put back into the committees and a Printed Newsletter among other services for the flight attendants. We want to bring value back to the members of the Philadelphia AFA. Grace Jones is committed to doing an outstanding job for the flight attendants and we will work well together.

For the position of LEC Secretary I am supporting Janet Linton. Janet has a strong background in finance, budgeting, and her experience will be very valuable to the local membership. After she sent out her letter over the e-line I sent her a note via her website and she called me back immediately. We spoke for some time discussing our plans for the office and our understanding of how important this election is for the Philadelphia flight attendants. Janet, like me, has thought long and hard about running for and LEC Officer Position and we share a strong belief in being honest and telling it like it is. Janet brings 17+ years of experience as a flight attendant at US to the office and will be a great asset to the new team.

For the position of LEC Rep I can’t suggest anyone at the moment. I know a couple of the people running but haven’t had the chance to talk to any of the nominees. I know what will make the new Local successful is to change the entire way we do business…and we are in the business of taking care of all 2056+ Flight Attendants in Philadelphia.
I have selected Microsoft Office Groove as the LEC office workgroups communication and file sharing software giving us the ability to keep the team on the same page anywhere in the world. This tool will reduce cell usage, copying/printing expenses and give the newly elected officers the ability to securely share information about case files, meeting notes and ideas giving you a well informed powerful team.

Another thing that I want to do differently is the way the office staff is scheduled and flight loss is paid. To use previous LEC practice as an example, our LECP would claim about 105 hours of base pay at their respective work agreement rates. If they had 14+ years they were collecting about $3986.00 monthly-this doesn’t include any meal expenses, parking, tolls, lead pay or international pay if they could hold that bid line. My plan is to split the month in half, take one officer and put them in the office to cover the business, while the other flies the line keeping in touch with the members and our working conditions. This two-week rotation will alternate between the officers so each has the opportunity to be out on the line accessible to you. By doing this I will only be collecting 50 hours of FPL each month costing the Local $1737.00 at my rate under our current agreement. My base pay alone saves the local $2249.00 each month. This is money we can spread to the other officers/support staff and the new member services like a newsletter that I spoke of earlier.

Building a team that is dedicated, professional and represent all the different groups that make up our flight attendant family is the key and I hope we can count on your support.
Again, thanks for your question and fly safe.
Watch all RSV's get voted in...Andy, Grace, and Josh! :up:
Hello it - did you get a change to read Andy's platform? He has a good balance of what all flight attendant's need.

ANDY, thank you for such a well written, well thought response. Thanks for your input on the other candidates.

What we need is a good balance with people in the union office. We don't need all 40+ year f/a's, and we don't need all 1999 seniority people. My personal opinion is that anyone that has worked for this company for only a couple of years (that includes the MDA furloughed mainline - recalled back people) do not have enough experience to know how this company operates. I was here for Colodny, Schofield days. Do you even know who they are? I bet you don't.

I was rsv when rsv was an hour call out. I was rsv when we were so short staffed because Colodny and Schofield didn't hire to keep up with attrition, that 3 or 4 times a month when you were going into your days off, the company would assign you a trip. You basically bid for days off, and they didn't mean anything. This is when INV days came into play. At least then you could plan to take your child to the dentist because you were sure you have 4 days off a month. You couldn't do anything with rsv being an hour call out - takes 30 min to park and get to the gate! Could go out to lunch, couldn't plan to go to a dinner. Just sit and wait. Did I break guarantee? Usually, I would get 80:01 by the 25th of the month, but you couldn't count on it. I was here when my best friend (sept 89) was displaced from PHL to DCA, (remember call out was an hour), then displace to SFO (she moved) then, a year later recalled and sent to BOS. She finally quit, she had enough. RSV isn't good. I agree with ANDY, get rid of all the open time, and build more blocks. There is no reason that every trip should not be covered by the 1st of the month. Who do you want? RSV's just because they are RSV, or people who have worked as BH, RSV's under both systems, or a mix of both? I want a mix of all three. Open your mind, it is your mindset that people like LA get elected (her friends elected her I bet)
I agree with ANDY, get rid of all the open time, and build more blocks. There is no reason that every trip should not be covered by the 1st of the month. Who do you want? RSV's just because they are RSV, or people who have worked as BH, RSV's under both systems, or a mix of both? I want a mix of all three. Open your mind, it is your mindset that people like LA get elected (her friends elected her I bet)
That would require giving up the bid sheet. Good luck with that one. We could also break away from the pilots and build our own trips for the f/s'a. In CLT, when you mention doing this, you get, " we don't want top do that, crew scheduling will just jerk us around. At Piedmont, scheduling us to jerk us all the time" Hey people, we are not freakin Piedmont anymore. That was 18 damn years ago. Most of those people aren't even on rsv status anymore. Good airline, yes, I agree. I for one am tired of flying the pilot trips. Build the trips to the f/a's. If you need help signing into the hotel or making a trip sheet, I'll give a classor put out a handbook for you. Scheduling will only screw you, if you let them.
That would require giving up the bid sheet. Good luck with that one. We could also break away from the pilots and build our own trips for the f/s'a. In CLT, when you mention doing this, you get, " we don't want top do that, crew scheduling will just jerk us around. At Piedmont, scheduling us to jerk us all the time" I for one am tired of flying the pilot trips. Build the trips to the f/a's. If you need help signing into the hotel or making a trip sheet, I'll give a classor put out a handbook for you. Scheduling will only screw you, if you let them.
Careful what you wish for! Staying with the pilots keeps us protected by the me-too language that we have now. Breaking that will result in our not being limited to the 8 hour hard time FAA rule that the pilots have. I feel we need to stay together, loosing this we would find ourselves being subjected to increased flying in the day, added legs at the end of a trip, along with the challenge of being on one type of A/C one leg and moving to another the next and so on…imagine the headache of working with different people each leg along with the breakdown in CRM.

If you have a chance in PHX to visit the AWA crewroom take a look at the trips they are ugly compared to ours. Reserves have to call scheduling at the end of a worked pairing to see if they are released and can be sent back out again if they are still good for the time. So I would recommend we try and save as much of our scheduling language as we can.
I was here for Colodny, Schofield days. Do you even know who they are? I bet you don't.
Sure I do, I started my airline career in 1986. I was actually hired at US Air in 1987 and missed a question on a test in training and was released after one week.

Things happen for a reason, after leaving I cared for a sick friend who eventually passed away and helped my Mom through a difficult divorce. I tried again when the time was right and got hired in Charlotte while working for Office Depot as a Business Machine Specialist in 1996.
That would require giving up the bid sheet. Good luck with that one. We could also break away from the pilots and build our own trips for the f/s'a. In CLT, when you mention doing this, you get, " we don't want top do that, crew scheduling will just jerk us around. At Piedmont, scheduling us to jerk us all the time" Hey people, we are not freakin Piedmont anymore. That was 18 damn years ago. Most of those people aren't even on rsv status anymore. Good airline, yes, I agree. I for one am tired of flying the pilot trips. Build the trips to the f/a's. If you need help signing into the hotel or making a trip sheet, I'll give a classor put out a handbook for you. Scheduling will only screw you, if you let them.

You think the trips are bad now? Wait until they split us from the Pilots! :shock: :shock:

You think the trips are bad now? Wait until they split us from the Pilots! :shock: :shock:
This was just an idea. A thought, that might provoke other ideas, Sort of what I was trying to get S. Hearn to do before the LTO system was put in. He didn't want to explore other avenues, and look where that got us. JetBlue does 21 hour three days. They go: JFK-Orange county-ATL(they lose their pilots in Orange county). They have a 25 hour RON in ATL, then do the reverse route. I would be open for something like this. Once again, I am just trying to look at other ways of helping the f/a's. And to also look at something the me-too clause got us is, less duty rigs, translating into working 4 more days, if you were on the 105 hr option. Really loved that one. I feel we could keep parts of the clause and lose others.
There is no CRM over there...like there is here. You will fly with 4 different (or more) sets of pilots in a 4 day trip. Thats 4 briefings, atleast 3 different type of a/c....its not that great. I am all for staying the way it is now. I think that is the way AWA has adapted come May,
This was just an idea. A thought, that might provoke other ideas, Sort of what I was trying to get S. Hearn to do before the LTO system was put in. He didn't want to explore other avenues, and look where that got us. JetBlue does 21 hour three days. They go: JFK-Orange county-ATL(they lose their pilots in Orange county). They have a 25 hour RON in ATL, then do the reverse route. I would be open for something like this. Once again, I am just trying to look at other ways of helping the f/a's. And to also look at something the me-too clause got us is, less duty rigs, translating into working 4 more days, if you were on the 105 hr option. Really loved that one. I feel we could keep parts of the clause and lose others.
NO to be rude but JetBlue does not fly to ATL.. Delta and AirTran kicked them out... AirTran contracted with Ryan Air to fly the A320 from ATL-LAX-ATL and ATL-SFO-ATL... They also did some high routes to MCO when I was there.
As far as the spliting from pilots its nice if you have a certain pilot from NZ over hear on the west...
But if your pilots are cool its all great. There is pro's/con's to being with/and without your pilots... :blink: I could go either way with this one... unless I have a crummy crew. :lol:
Another thing that I want to do differently is the way the office staff is scheduled and flight loss is paid. To use previous LEC practice as an example, our LECP would claim about 105 hours of base pay at their respective work agreement rates. If they had 14+ years they were collecting about $3986.00 monthly-this doesn’t include any meal expenses, parking, tolls, lead pay or international pay if they could hold that bid line. My plan is to split the month in half, take one officer and put them in the office to cover the business, while the other flies the line keeping in touch with the members and our working conditions. This two-week rotation will alternate between the officers so each has the opportunity to be out on the line accessible to you. By doing this I will only be collecting 50 hours of FPL each month costing the Local $1737.00 at my rate under our current agreement. My base pay alone saves the local $2249.00 each month. This is money we can spread to the other officers/support staff and the new member services like a newsletter that I spoke of earlier.

Building a team that is dedicated, professional and represent all the different groups that make up our flight attendant family is the key and I hope we can count on your support.
Again, thanks for your question and fly safe.

The pay for local officers is based on what they can hold. If there is any reserve who gets elected and by virture of moving up as all f/as do with medical leaves, retirees etc...the officers often times move off reserve and hold lines.

So, based on the assumption of saving the local money because the officers are elected as reserves is just plane BUNK!

I think the members should scrutinize all candidates, including secondary education background, reputation, and vote accordingly.

IMO, Celine Deluca deserves major consideration for LECP. Michael Elias, who is a dedicated f/a deserves consideration and Ginger George (if she is running for council rep) should have consideration.

I know most of these indivisuals who are running and have worked with some of them in the past on different committees. I recognize dedication vs. bull shittt, talent/skill vs. BS and fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants representation.

IMO, a base like PHL needs TWO officers in the office daily, and then 1 support staff appointee to answer phones. A base like PHL needs the officers in the office LECP should be in the office at least 4 days a week setting up appts for supervisor meetings. The only way to have continuity is to ensure two officers are in the office keeping abreast of the daily local issues. And If Terry Graf doesn't get reelected, she should still be brought in to assist the newly elected on how to run the local and also give assistance with the grievances.

The budget can sustain this and any money that is left over at the end of the year will undoubtedly go back into AFA International coffers. So utilize the budget for the needs of the local.
So, based on the assumption of saving the local money because the officers are elected as reserves is just plane BUNK!

And If Terry Graf doesn't get reelected, she should still be brought in to assist the newly elected on how to run the local and also give assistance with the grievances.

So utilize the budget for the needs of the local.

I am not saving the local money because I am a reserve. I am saving the local because I as LECP and the LECVP will only be claiming FPL of 50 hours each month. NO bunk NO BS! There will be at lease two officers in the office at all times and because it will be a friendlier, professional office more people may want to come in and commit to helping out.

You had a great voice for the F/A’s when you ran the show, but you worked yourself to death. I believe in working just as hard, but smarter and using the whole team and new tools to achieve the LEC goals and give the F/A’s a voice. Philadelphia needs leadership that doesn’t spend all its time in the office, we’ve had that in the past and it DID NOT work for the members.

You are correct about Terry she would be wonderful in that capacity I have said this many times. It should be no surprise to her that I am running, and we briefly spoke about my running for LECVP under her but she was irresolute…also many flight attendants told me they could not support her in that position and I failed to be nominated for LECVP so it’s the way its supposed to be.
Can you tell us what the incremental decrease in FAs the company thought they would get with preferential bidding vs the "old" system?

The airlines that have preferential bidding really have the same number of FAs to block hour as USAir. I am not certain I see how this would decrease the FA count. I hear you have a lot of FAs overflying their obligations which would tend to skew any calculations. Perhaps by enforcing a cap, one could stabilize the FA count and really get a feel what is required.
true... why can't there be a cap? i mean, as a reserve, if i try to pick up something on the etb that gets back at 6:01pm on my last day off, scheduling is quick to deny it. why can't there be a red flag that would deny a b/h a trip if it brings them over their option? that would add some time for reserves.
There is no CRM over there...like there is here. You will fly with 4 different (or more) sets of pilots in a 4 day trip. Thats 4 briefings, atleast 3 different type of a/c....its not that great. I am all for staying the way it is now. I think that is the way AWA has adapted come May,

Bid the 757 like I do...same pilots, same aircraft, usually the entire trip.

If you continue to bid 737/A320 mix lines, what do you expect? :rolleyes:

I am not saving the local money because I am a reserve. I am saving the local because I as LECP and the LECVP will only be claiming FPL of 50 hours each month. NO bunk NO BS! There will be at lease two officers in the office at all times and because it will be a friendlier, professional office more people may want to come in and commit to helping out.

You had a great voice for the F/A’s when you ran the show, but you worked yourself to death. I believe in working just as hard, but smarter and using the whole team and new tools to achieve the LEC goals and give the F/A’s a voice. Philadelphia needs leadership that doesn’t spend all its time in the office, we’ve had that in the past and it DID NOT work for the members.

You are correct about Terry she would be wonderful in that capacity I have said this many times. It should be no surprise to her that I am running, and we briefly spoke about my running for LECVP under her but she was irresolute…also many flight attendants told me they could not support her in that position and I failed to be nominated for LECVP so it’s the way its supposed to be.

Not sure why you are worried about saving the union money.
The office needs staffed full time by at least two people.
You thinking is naive because there will always be conflicts in office politics.
You will not be able to sit around and sing "cum by ya" in a "friendlier professional office". The world just doesn't work that way.
I want the elected Officer in the office full time.
The past "leadership" DID NOT work because they didn't work.
How about getting some of our pay back and using the union dues in making it happen.

P.S. No way in hell can you work any smarter.