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AFA/70 Graf,Cangey,Elias,Jones

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To be honest Twicedbaked I don't think the Company or the Union knows that
answer to your question.
I think if the Company offered another buy out like GM gave their group...
That might just do the trick.
One years pay and medical with passes. ( even though the passes would be meaningless) 😉

Funny you should mention GM.

My father was an Engineer for GM and retired at 47...yes, I said 47!!...with an Early out package

UAW is a REAL union.

When I discuss the problems with ours (lack of representation for reseserves as compared to the BHs) he can't understand how they get away with it.

Like I have said before...our union is nothing but a bunch of primadonnas.

Remember that show Kid Nation (or something like that)...that is what our union is ........a PRETEND union.

We worry more about our damn uniforms and when they are "rolling out" and how to open a f%^$ing can of Coke (coaching program) than we do on the real problems................ MAKING A LIVING AND HAVING QUALITY OR LIFE FOR ALL MEMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<SNIP> We worry more about our damn uniforms and when they are "rolling out" and how to open a f%^$ing can of Coke (coaching program) than we do on the real problems................ MAKING A LIVING AND HAVING QUALITY OR LIFE FOR ALL MEMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll give you that, perhaps in not the same words though.
Funny you should mention GM.

My father was an Engineer for GM and retired at 47...yes, I said 47!!...with an Early out package

UAW is a REAL union.

When I discuss the problems with ours (lack of representation for reseserves as compared to the BHs) he can't understand how they get away with it.

Like I have said before...our union is nothing but a bunch of primadonnas.

Remember that show Kid Nation (or something like that)...that is what our union is ........a PRETEND union.

We worry more about our damn uniforms and when they are "rolling out" and how to open a f%^$ing can of Coke (coaching program) than we do on the real problems................ MAKING A LIVING AND HAVING QUALITY OR LIFE FOR ALL MEMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even if this where true...would you want to be without a Union?
Funny you should mention GM.

My father was an Engineer for GM and retired at 47...yes, I said 47!!...with an Early out package

UAW is a REAL union.

When I discuss the problems with ours (lack of representation for reseserves as compared to the BHs) he can't understand how they get away with it.

Like I have said before...our union is nothing but a bunch of primadonnas.

Remember that show Kid Nation (or something like that)...that is what our union is ........a PRETEND union.

We worry more about our damn uniforms and when they are "rolling out" and how to open a f%^$ing can of Coke (coaching program) than we do on the real problems................ MAKING A LIVING AND HAVING QUALITY OR LIFE FOR ALL MEMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The flight attendants on the property are the union. When you have an unorganized group you have a very weak union. Your elected officials are NOT your union. YOU are YOUR union. We are exactly in the position the company wants us in. The "union" which is the membership is giving the company the upper hand.
The flight attendants on the property are the union. When you have an unorganized group you have a very weak union. Your elected officials are NOT your union. YOU are YOUR union. We are exactly in the position the company wants us in. The "union" which is the membership is giving the company the upper hand.

Finally, you admit to somehting that is "true". But, you forgot an addendum....the elected leadership organizes the membership and it is their delivery of information, courage, spirit, relentless energy, and skill set to be able to unify.

That is precisely what is lacking in the leadership of AFA at USAirways. Those who have the most influence and power should use it; but the perception is... they don't, because they can't; because they don't know how; because they lack the skills.

Can you comment without being defensive and making excuses, or playing the blame game? What do you think can be done to motivate the leadership to LEAD and unify???? Do not divert the issue by saying "you can lead the horse to water, but you can't make'um drink" mantra. what are you doing to lead the group to the water so they can drink your strategy and participate? What do YOU think it will take to be successful and move forward from this present state if you were in the position?
Finally, you admit to somehting that is "true". But, you forgot an addendum....the elected leadership organizes the membership and it is their delivery of information, courage, spirit, relentless energy, and skill set to be able to unify.

That is precisely what is lacking in the leadership of AFA at USAirways. Those who have the most influence and power should use it; but the perception is... they don't, because they can't; because they don't know how; because they lack the skills.

Can you comment without being defensive and making excuses, or playing the blame game? What do you think can be done to motivate the leadership to LEAD and unify???? Do not divert the issue by saying "you can lead the horse to water, but you can't make'um drink" mantra. what are you doing to lead the group to the water so they can drink your strategy and participate? What do YOU think it will take to be successful and move forward from this present state if you were in the position?
I am not exactly sure who you think I am. I can assure you I am just a flight attendant, an informed one. I attend every union meeting in my base, I read all the elines even from other bases off the website. I want to be lead. I do agree we do not have good "leadership" mentors within this union. It does start at the MEC level, however the local levels have just as much obligation to their members to engage, mobilize and organize. Other airlines have committees for member engaging/mobilization, we do not.

I grew up in a teamster home, my father was President of his local for 18 years. Union and all it stood for was bottle fed to us. As far as what can be done here to lead and unify, good luck.
I am not exactly sure who you think I am. I can assure you I am just a flight attendant, an informed one. I attend every union meeting in my base, I read all the elines even from other bases off the website. I want to be lead. I do agree we do not have good "leadership" mentors within this union. It does start at the MEC level, however the local levels have just as much obligation to their members to engage, mobilize and organize. Other airlines have committees for member engaging/mobilization, we do not.
Just two nits.

When you say, "I want to be lead.", do you mean that you want to lead the flight attendants or did you really mean you want to be "led"?

Also, when you bring up "mentors", do you mean teaching leadership skills and if so, how does that play into the engaging/mobilization meme? Perhaps you meant "leaders that someone can look up to and learn from"? Which brings up the point, how are leadership skills taught and honed on the LEC/MEC level? Is there an effort to ensure those are at least acquainted with basic principles? If not, why not?

Just so you don't think I am a smart arse, I fervently believe that every leader should always be training their replacement(s). It should be ingrained in our supervisory training, but, apparently our business schools teach graduates to politicize themselves, making everyone think they are irreplaceable, "it is all about me". If so, it is no wonder so many businesses are in the toilet and even in a good five year period, 95% of all startups fail.
Just two nits.

When you say, "I want to be lead.", do you mean that you want to lead the flight attendants or did you really mean you want to be "led"?

Also, when you bring up "mentors", do you mean teaching leadership skills and if so, how does that play into the engaging/mobilization meme? Perhaps you meant "leaders that someone can look up to and learn from"? Which brings up the point, how are leadership skills taught and honed on the LEC/MEC level? Is there an effort to ensure those are at least acquainted with basic principles? If not, why not?

Just so you don't think I am a smart arse, I fervently believe that every leader should always be training their replacement(s). It should be ingrained in our supervisory training, but, apparently our business schools teach graduates to politicize themselves, making everyone think they are irreplaceable, "it is all about me". If so, it is no wonder so many businesses are in the toilet and even in a good five year period, 95% of all startups fail.
Please forgive the typo error, I'm sure I am not the first to have done that. Bottom line, we need member organization in this union, it needs to start at the top. The top is our MEC level it should also be a priority for the local levels. Member engaging and mobilizing should be a top priority in any union but especially in one as disjointed as ours. If you believe the elected officers only need to have the ability to answer a contract question or handle a scheduling issue then maybe you need a 101 in what organized labor is really about. Yes leaders need to be someone you can respect, but they also need to be someone who can lead, mobilize and organize their members. Yes leadership skills can be taught, however there are many who are born leaders. Our Ms. Xidas is one of those people, she had amazing organizing and leadership skills. If memory serves she didn't have much experience prior to taking office, but that didn't stop her from realizing what being a union leader meant. She did exactly that she organized and "led" her members.
Please forgive the typo error, I'm sure I am not the first to have done that. Bottom line, we need member organization in this union, it needs to start at the top. The top is our MEC level it should also be a priority for the local levels. Member engaging and mobilizing should be a top priority in any union but especially in one as disjointed as ours. If you believe the elected officers only need to have the ability to answer a contract question or handle a scheduling issue then maybe you need a 101 in what organized labor is really about. Yes leaders need to be someone you can respect, but they also need to be someone who can lead, mobilize and organize their members. Yes leadership skills can be taught, however there are many who are born leaders. Our Ms. Xidas is one of those people, she had amazing organizing and leadership skills. If memory serves she didn't have much experience prior to taking office, but that didn't stop her from realizing what being a union leader meant. She did exactly that she organized and "led" her members.
Your comment led to equally possible conclusions, context was little help. I simply wanted a clarification. No need to get defensive. What seems obvious to you may not be obvious to others.

Please do not conflate leadership with organized labor. Taken together, hopefully they overlap, lately they have not. Since you brought up the word, "mentoring", I am simply asking what sort of training is experienced by leadership positions in unions these days? Bringing up Xidas is no help in answering that question.
Please forgive the typo error, I'm sure I am not the first to have done that. Bottom line, we need member organization in this union, it needs to start at the top. The top is our MEC level it should also be a priority for the local levels. Member engaging and mobilizing should be a top priority in any union but especially in one as disjointed as ours. If you believe the elected officers only need to have the ability to answer a contract question or handle a scheduling issue then maybe you need a 101 in what organized labor is really about. Yes leaders need to be someone you can respect, but they also need to be someone who can lead, mobilize and organize their members. Yes leadership skills can be taught, however there are many who are born leaders. Our Ms. Xidas is one of those people, she had amazing organizing and leadership skills. If memory serves she didn't have much experience prior to taking office, but that didn't stop her from realizing what being a union leader meant. She did exactly that she organized and "led" her members.

Duly noted.

May I add that the company also respects as well as fears those leaders that have passion as well as the ability to lead the masses and energize the group to action.
Your comment led to equally possible conclusions, context was little help. I simply wanted a clarification. No need to get defensive. What seems obvious to you may not be obvious to others.

Please do not conflate leadership with organized labor. Taken together, hopefully they overlap, lately they have not. Since you brought up the word, "mentoring", I am simply asking what sort of training is experienced by leadership positions in unions these days? Bringing up Xidas is no help in answering that question.
I was not in any being defensive. In my opinion leadership and organized labor do go hand in hand. The leaders that the members elect need to have the ability to lead the masses and energize the group to action, as Pitbull stated. I don't believe the leaders we have possess those skills. Using Ms Xidas was simply an example of how leadership and organizing is accomplished. Since I am using Ms Xidas as the example, I believe she did mentor as she rallied and led the membership. She showed the members as well as the company a strong group of organized labor.
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