You will never see all airline workers be in one union.You are asking for the impossible.
Why not? You are a defeatest. Obviously despite your claims to the contrary you are content with things the way they are. How convienient is it is so sit back and blame the membership. Tell me what the membership did wrong, what they could have done differently, that would have prevented the disaster that has befallen every worker in the industry?
When you put people into the system it breaks it.
Only when they are the wrong people. People such as yourself, who have no faith in their peers do not belong in leadership positions.
As long as you have an apathetic membership, nothing will ever get accomplished.
Apathy is a symptom of poor leadership, not the cause.
And you say you need new leadership, no one has stepped up yet, why do you think it would change?
You already brought up why new leadership does not appear, did you forget what you said about how they are labeled? We may have to burn the fields in order for a new crop to appear since the established weeds prevent productive plants from germinating.
The fact is that the labor movement at one time was effective, people did enjoy increasing living standards and the leaders of unions actually believed in what they were doing.
Listen to yourself. Your comment on membership apathy are a statement that reveal contempt for the people. The change did not take place among the thousands of members but rather among the few at the top. Think about it, how likely is it that the character of a group made up of hundreds of thousands of people would radically change as opposed to a group made up of only a handful of people?
I have little doubt where this contempt for the membership comes from. It comes from the top. Its very easy for union leaders to blame the members for their lack of leadership skills. Thats why most unions have made it so that they are not accountable directly to the members. This way they never really need to develop leadership skills but rather simply learn how to maneauvure through the International structure.
You had it right a few days back- the entire system is broke, and its the structure that needs to be replaced not just or neccisarily, the leaders of any part of this broken system. The greatest barrier to changing that structure is not the members-its the leaders.
You didnt answer my question, "Would you object to having all airline workers in one union?"
The leaders will resist change because this strucure, as faulty as it is provides them with salaries and perks they would otherwise never see. Salaries and perks that they would never even attempt to get for their members.