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Statement from IAM

QUOTE(700UW @ Feb 15 2006, 08:55 AM)

If the IAM has to represent them it is done at the Local level then the District, the IAM only has to represent them if the company takes any action against them.

Anything that is done is confidential and by law (Duty of Fair Representation) they have to legally represent if the company takes action against any member.
To what extent is the unions obligation to these individuals? Job related only?? What happens when/if criminal charges are filed?? Is the union obligated to represent them then?? Federal charges - union obligations?? What if the union as a whole is found to be involved?? Will the represent themselves?? Aren't members dues for this legal representation?? Money out of the pot, out of the pension plan?? Dues increase in the future?? Wow.........legal representation at whatever level for 25 or more individuals!! Plus whatever else may be uncovered!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
The iam better not use one red cent of my union dues to represent these 25...........due Ihave any recourse?
The iam better not use one red cent of my union dues to represent these 25...........due Ihave any recourse?
The IAM expert, aka 700UW, has yet to address anyone's specific questions so..........??????

I guess your only recourse would be to VOTE OUT the IAM and stop paying dues to them. :up:
By the law the IAM has to represent them if the company takes action.

Even if there is an election and the twu wins, by law they have to represent them.

It is called the Duty of Fair Representation.
By the law the IAM has to represent them if the company takes action.

Even if there is an election and the twu wins, by law they have to represent them.

It is called the Duty of Fair Representation.

I just thought I would ask this to clear up any confusion.

By this statement I gather that the IAM has to represent these people if US Airways presses for any violated company rules or regulations. However this does not mean that the IAM is responsible for representation for any outside legal proceedings (ie TWU Rep vs Joe Ramp or Marriott vs John Doe). Am I correct in this?
Hmmm.....I can see a civil suit taking place if the TWU individuals don't get the satisfaction they want. 🙂

The IAM is not responsible to represent them in a criminal or civil suit.

The IAM is not responsible to represent them in a criminal or civil suit.

So if local 1776 uses dues money to hire a lawyer to represent them in criminal or civil suit that would be illegal correct?

How much do you wanna bet the mob boys are doing that as we speak.
Hmmm.....I can see a civil suit taking place if the TWU individuals don't get the satisfaction they want. 🙂

That's fine, and by all means I hope they do. I just wanted to clear the air a bit (in my eyes). From what I read in this topic it seemed that a lot of people thought the IAM had to represent them outside the company. I have no stake or take with the IAM, but I couldn't understand the vilification it was getting for doing what it members pay it to do. I asked, he answered, and life goes on.
It would be improper for 1776 to do that and the International would stop them.
It would be improper for 1776 to do that and the International would stop them.

Great but the "convicts" are running the Prison! So where is the oversite to prohibit this. Its not like you have a International rep doing surprise audits of the local books.

But thats ok I'm sure the FBI would love to look at the books and interview some people
Great but the "convicts" are running the Prison! So where is the oversite to prohibit this. Its not like you have a International rep doing surprise audits of the local books.

But thats ok I'm sure the FBI would love to look at the books and interview some people
local treasurer is resposible to the district who perform audits of all local monies on up to the grand lodge.complete accountability all the way in accordance with gov't established rules.
of course someone could do as they wish but it would show up at a later audit.
The IAM does not have the option to decline, the Department Of Labor would sue and prosecute.

Every union has to account to the government for every single penny spent.

The Treasurer takes an oath and the IAM has to bond every officer in case of financial wrong doing.

Every check that a local lodge issues has to be issued from a voucher the Recording Secretary gives to the Treasurer. Every check requires a dual signature, one from the President, one from the Secretary-Treasurer.

The local lodge has to have four audits conducted locally each year, and one from the international and one usually from independant auditors. And any member at anytime has the right to call for an audit.

Can you say the same about corporate America?

Bob, you should really stick to things you know about.
Dell, my friend you have just broken the code! Spend now, apologize later. A little "Creative Accounting" after the fact and no harm, no foul!

The Treasurer "Resigns" and goes back on the line and the IAM declines to prosecute. All these shenanigans bought and paid for by the rank & file. Only way to stop it that I know of is a RICO investigation and given the itimidation factor who would stand up or speak out.

And you guys thought Jerry Glass was unethical?
wouldn't say glass was/is unethical....just the new breed of corporate anti union gunslingers that the "old unions" have to fight in this new corporate america.

too many old farts with old ways in those higher up union positions...look at O'driscoll,Triechler and so on...time for some youth to turn around the labor movement vs corporate.
say what you wish,but people with the dedication of 700uw and awa contract and others are the shot in the arm trade unionism needs.
It would be improper for 1776 to do that and the International would stop them.
It happens all the time. TWU officers get sued all the time by members for violating the LMRDA. Not only do the legal costs get paid by the TWU but so do the $ettlement$.

As far as union finances the fact is there are laws in place to protect members from financial malfeasance, but unfortunately they are not enforced.

Sure the audits are supposed to be done, but are they, and by whom? Do the people running the local/union pick who does the auditing?

A few years back USAIR gave the IAM over $1 million to conduct the concessions campaign, well where are the LM-10s and the LM-30s detailing where that money went?

The law states that these forms must be completed when anything of value over the threshold is exchanged between a company and a union. It was put in place to protect the members from having unions that were bought off by the company.

Your deal as USAIR is not so bad. AA gives the TWU $3.1 million a year! Neither party has filed the required forms either. Over at AA the company actually continues to pay International officers their full salary too. This is illegal, but once again, without enforcement its legality is a moot point. Now you know why these guys are doing whatever the company tells them to do, such as travelling across the country promoting the union busting "Joint LeAAdership TeAAm".

Sure all the laws are in place, but the fact is that without enforcement and without more detailed reporting the members are left out in the dark.

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