i'd really like to but i have to take little leslie to piano lessons and the boy to soccer that day....can i reschedule?? :blink:GET OUT OF THE QUICK SAND AND VOTE IBT
i'd really like to but i have to take little leslie to piano lessons and the boy to soccer that day....can i reschedule?? :blink:GET OUT OF THE QUICK SAND AND VOTE IBT
The iam better not use one red cent of my union dues to represent these 25...........due Ihave any recourse?QUOTE(700UW @ Feb 15 2006, 08:55 AM)
If the IAM has to represent them it is done at the Local level then the District, the IAM only has to represent them if the company takes any action against them.
Anything that is done is confidential and by law (Duty of Fair Representation) they have to legally represent if the company takes action against any member.
To what extent is the unions obligation to these individuals? Job related only?? What happens when/if criminal charges are filed?? Is the union obligated to represent them then?? Federal charges - union obligations?? What if the union as a whole is found to be involved?? Will the represent themselves?? Aren't members dues for this legal representation?? Money out of the pot, out of the pension plan?? Dues increase in the future?? Wow.........legal representation at whatever level for 25 or more individuals!! Plus whatever else may be uncovered!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
The IAM expert, aka 700UW, has yet to address anyone's specific questions so..........??????The iam better not use one red cent of my union dues to represent these 25...........due Ihave any recourse?
By the law the IAM has to represent them if the company takes action.
Even if there is an election and the twu wins, by law they have to represent them.
It is called the Duty of Fair Representation.
The IAM is not responsible to represent them in a criminal or civil suit.
Hmmm.....I can see a civil suit taking place if the TWU individuals don't get the satisfaction they want. 🙂
It would be improper for 1776 to do that and the International would stop them.
local treasurer is resposible to the district who perform audits of all local monies on up to the grand lodge.complete accountability all the way in accordance with gov't established rules.Great but the "convicts" are running the Prison! So where is the oversite to prohibit this. Its not like you have a International rep doing surprise audits of the local books.
But thats ok I'm sure the FBI would love to look at the books and interview some people
wouldn't say glass was/is unethical....just the new breed of corporate anti union gunslingers that the "old unions" have to fight in this new corporate america.Dell, my friend you have just broken the code! Spend now, apologize later. A little "Creative Accounting" after the fact and no harm, no foul!
The Treasurer "Resigns" and goes back on the line and the IAM declines to prosecute. All these shenanigans bought and paid for by the rank & file. Only way to stop it that I know of is a RICO investigation and given the itimidation factor who would stand up or speak out.
And you guys thought Jerry Glass was unethical?
It happens all the time. TWU officers get sued all the time by members for violating the LMRDA. Not only do the legal costs get paid by the TWU but so do the $ettlement$.It would be improper for 1776 to do that and the International would stop them.