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Should US Allow Affiliates To Fly The E170 Family?

Should US allow affiliates to fly the E170 family?

  • Yes, cost cuts are needed to survive in the current world.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it needs to stay in-house with furloughed U employees.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Furloughedagain asks: "And what would YOUR response be Captain? (assuming such a request would be subject to membership ratification). I can only imagine the firestorm of messages on 'Pilotaction'."

USA320Pilot answers: I cannot comment until I see the LOA, then I will make my decision. In regard to Pilotaction, since I am the Moderator I am responsible for the behavior and decorum.


USA320Pilot said:
Separately, US Airways also must take steps to avoid defaulting on $900 million in loans backed by the ATSB because the government expects US Airways to hit certain profit levels by the end of June.
In the POR US said they would not make a profit till 2005 or beyond, go read it!

Wrong again, they have to have $1 billion in unrestricted cash in June.
I'll respect the wishes of the moderator on THIS board and not tell you what I think of you and your response.

I imagine you are well aware. Some things need not be said.

LightYears asked: If they were going to sell Mid off, why would they want E-Jets at other carriers? Why not just spin it off like CoEx, let someone else with money build a huge fleet of them to operate exclusively for US? Why give the orders to Mesa, CHQ and friends only to see them pop up in America West, United, Delta, and American colours?

USA320Pilot answers: Any such agreement would also have a MOU to require the aircraft to be flown J4J and per current US Airways Express agreements. In fact, GECAS wants this to occur and for US Airways to succeed to protect their 5% ownership in US Airways, protect their $2 billion in mainline aircraft financing, and maintain their CFM engine overhaul power-by-hour contract.

It's important to GECAS and US Airways that the revenue be kept within US Airways Group to meet ATSB requirements.


USA320Pilot said:
I forgot another point, it appears that the only assets that may be sold are PSA and Allegheny/Piedmont, then if necessary MDA.

I understand at this point the Shuttle, the New York LaGuardia terminal, and other assets will not need to be sold, provided the company and the unions agree on "Going Forward Plan" contract changes. In addition, Business Week is reporting talks have broken down between USA Virgin and US Airways and Richard Banson's proposed start up will not be obtaining any US Airways assets.


Wrong again,

US leases the LGA terminal from CO, US does not own it and CO has the first rights to reposess the terminal if US defaults on the leases.

ATSB loan documents also state that US cannot sell or purchase any assests unless the loan principal is paid down 50%.

Your track record of posting wrong info is batting a 1,000!

I understand your frustration, but with all due respect, it serves no useful purpose to “shoot the messengerâ€￾. Today I have provided factual information and thoughts from the MEC. Nobody likes what is happening with the network carrier, bit its reality. If you do not like the MEC’s viewpoint, then I suggest you contact them.



700UW said: “US leases the LGA terminal from CO, US does not own it and CO has the first rights to reposess the terminal if US defaults on the leases.â€￾

USA320Pilot answers: That’s true, but the proposal provided to Morgan Stanley was for Delta, Continental and US Airways mutually reach an agreement where the Atlanta-based airline would acquire the LaGuardia terminal. The intent was for Delta and its partners to move into US Airways present terminal and then combine all of the companies operations in one building. This would include Delta, Northwest, Continental, Song, Delta’s RJ operations, and the Delta Shuttle, which would move from the MAT. The US Airways would sell its Shuttle that would then operate our of the MAT and US Airways would take over the eight gates now in the Delta/Northwest terminal and fly RJ point-to-point routes and mainline to the hubs.

700UW said: ATSB loan documents also state that US cannot sell or purchase any assets unless the loan principal is paid down 50%.

USA320Pilot answers: True, but that’s currently being renegotiated with the Board.


Delta and NWA all ready have their own terminal.

The shuttle is part of mainline, their is nothing to sell and the slots at LGA are collateral for the ATSB loan, can't sell the slots while thier is a lien against them and once again, the 50% loan payment.
Oh sure, those airplanes would remain EXCLUSIVELY for US Airways. All of those airlines are only in the business of helping out US Airways, not themselves or thier numerous other "partners." <_<

And where, preytell do the flight attendants fall in all of this? No job anywhere while the company continues to lay off F/As (having already gotten rid of over half) while brand new shiny jets in midnight blue pop up all over the place? That sounds about right, huh?


I regularly talk with the LaGuardia Station Manager and Dave Siegel and Jerry Glass routinely fly to New York on the Shuttle. As a LaGuardia based employee I fully understand the negotiation issues and restrictions.

Delta has provided a proposal to Morgan Stanley that has been discussed by those parties interested in US Airways.

The proposal is for Delta to provide US Airways with a cash payment, Continental will waive its claim to the terminal, and for the Port Authority of NY and NJ to authorize the transaction.

The deal would have Delta taking control of the current US Airways terminal and then Delta, Continental, and Northwest would co-locate their mainline operations for their tri-lateral code sharing; as well Song, Comair, ASA, and Chautauqua moving into the terminal as well. The Express operators would use gates 1 through 8 and Delta’s Shuttle would move from the MAT to the current US Airways Shuttle location -- gates 17 through 20.

US Airways would then take custody of the 8 gates in the current Delta/Northwest Terminal. The Arlington-based company would then sell its Shuttle (which would operate the new operator to fly out of the MAT) and only offer fly RJ point-to-point and mainline service to the hubs.

I understand this plan is now on the back burner, but it could resurface, if the company and its unions do not agree to "Going Forward Plan" contract changes.


USA320Pilot said:
I understand this plan is now on the back burner, but it could resurface, if the company and its unions do not agree to "Going Forward Plan" contract changes.


Since you have a semi-direct connection to The Seg_gal and The G-Pane, I suggest you relay the fact they should move that plan to the front and not the back burner, since the majority of employees are holding the line and are telling them loud and clear, do what you have to.....
Seems that we need to contact the SEC since you and Dave have more cockpit chronicles.

The Shuttle is part of mainline, there is no more dedicated planes, it is part of mainline the only thing they could sell is the slots, but they cant sell something that is collateral on a loan and the 50% balloon payment if they sell any assets.

So there is no Shuttle to sell.

Cav said: "Since you have a semi-direct connection to The Seg_gal and The G-Pane, I suggest you relay the fact they should move that plan to the front and not the back burner, since the majority of employees are holding the line and are telling them loud and clear, do what you have to..... "

USA320Pilot comments: Cavm with all due respect, that's not what I understand.



700UW, the ATSB is party to the discussions and to protect their investment, since the proceeds would be used to pay down the loan guarantee, they would likely approve the deal. Again, the proposed LaGuardia terminal/Shuttle divestiture will likely not proceed, unless the unlikely event occurs where the employees do not participate in the "Going forward Plan".



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