I was faced with the same decision this time last year. I was hired in 2000, furloughed in 2003, recalled in June 2006. I dealt with the bs for one year. Of course, I was on reserve and would have been for at least 15 years. I loved the job, loved what US USED to be about, and for the most part enjoyed the people I worked with. Nevertheless, I had to face the realization that I was in love with the "thought" of the job and not necessarily the "thing" that it was. I used to always, and sometimes still do, think about how great US was but the reality is, it is just not anymore. It will never be what it was. The contract was gutted and contrary to what anyone thinks, the f/a group will never get half of what they lost back. Reserve will never get better for the reason that we both know...the union does not care about the reserve, they only protect the blockholder.
So, I left and went back to the job I had while I was furloughed. It turned out to be the best decision I ever made. Sure, there are still days when I look up at the sky and see a plane and think that I would love to strapped into the jumpseat, but then the reality hits. I was in love with the thought, not the thing. Now even more than ever I can't imagine still working at US. Everyone hates them and they (management) have completly demeaned the flight attendant group with making you sale drinks! Imagine the arguments you will have. People used to fight with me over BOB, must less a soda.
Best of luck to you and make the best decision you can. Just ask yourself where you will be in 10 years with US versus teaching? If you decide you don't like teaching you can always go back to flying. Sure you will start over new somewhere else. But then, what will the differnce be? You are a career reserve at US. It does not get any worse than that...and Southwest will be hiring in the future because we all know they will still be here.
Good luck!!!
Ok, I know I'm going to get flamed for asking total strangers for their opinion but here goes:
I'm a reserve flight attendant. I have no seniority and I'm constantly being jerked around with the reserve system which I hate. I don't really like this job but I don't hate it either. It's just OK. It's low stress. I don't have to take work home with me. I get lots of free time, except for the times when I need to be off the most. Oh, and I never get Christmas or Thanksgiving off so I have to celebrate with my family before the actual holiday, then I get all depressed when I fly on that holiday.
I was offered two teaching jobs. I have to make a decision about whether to take them (and which one which I think I know I just don't know whether I want to quit US) and make it fast, as in today. Should I stay here, which is unstable, and things are only getting worse for us, or should I go back to the real world that is full of stress, but I can also make a living doing what I really enjoy and will be beneficial to my future career goals? I do have fun here sometimes. Teaching jobs will always be there, but if I quit here, that's it. I'm out for good. Is my future worth waiting another year? Ugh! I hate this. I was so fed up with US Airways and I have been saying all year I am quitting and now that it's time for a real decision, I am having second thoughts. My gut instinct says to stay for one more year but I just get so fed up with things here that I just want to leave. I am embarrassed to tell people I work for US Airways but I won't be embarrassed to say I am a teacher. Ugh! I know, nobody can make the decision but me. I just needed to get it out. OK, gotta go think some more. The clock is ticking.