I agree the TWA guys should of gotten their seniority at the time of the AA acquisition.
But that did not happen and will not happen this time around. This is an assumption on my part but I think just as fences were put up with the AA and TWA guys when they merger between USAir and AA similar events will be negotiated. Even as far as transfers between AA stations and USAir stations at least for a limited time frame while the unions work out which will be the representing union and after they figure away to integrate both work forces. Looking at the seniority of the USAir guys and talking with guys I know there, many are older and may even be gone as I might be before it all gets resolved. Most at USAir started in Maintenance when they hired in at USAir. Where here at AA alot hired into the ramp and upgraded after time even though they had A&P's when hired in. Your vacation time will always stay as it is by company time even the TWA guys got that. They bid vacation before AA guys. So much is going to be negotiated that it will be yrs before its all worked out.
The big thing I see the USAir guys are going to loose is the IAM pension, it will stop being funded. AA will not put into that. So depending on what the IAM does with it, that will and should be discussed before we merge. I would assume what ever union is at AA will be the union that when its all said and one will represent both.
The agreement which the IAM/TWU have put out is what was discussed months ago and will be done by the McCaskill/Bond agreement which is fair for all. BY classification/occupational time same just different name at each union in place.
Many TWA guys have many different seniority dates as well as some AA guys since some lost time due to layoffs and deals made by the TWU with company when they did not follow the rules and put up fences at AA stations that had jr guys.
Just a question we gave AMFA their time where? Explain?
TWA/Ozark happened before my time but I'll fill you in as best I can.
TWA merged with/ bought Ozark airlines in 1986, TWA was the larger
Controlling partner, with much greater market share in STL where they both competed. TWA also came up with 250M to make the deal fly.
TWA was IAM, and Ozark was AMFA. In the end, Mechanics SENIORITY WAS DOVETAILED, like it should be!! AMFA guys kept full seniority, time in service, and their pensions, TWA kept there's.
I don't think there were any layoffs as a result of the combination, no fences, no arbitrators was involved that I was aware of.
I'll say it again, you AA guys say you want a new union that will listen to the membership, and act in your best interest when negotiating a new contract, but when it comes to divisive issues like TWA occupational seniority, you pretend it's out of your control, you play deaf, dumb, and blind.
I've got news for you, It's not a dead issue, not yet anyway, but the clock is ticking guys. I encourage employees interested in fair seniority integration to contact there congressional leaders, union and company officials, find someone can will listen to reason, and help bring this fragmented work group together.
Awarding TWAers their full OCC seniority, would be a step in the right direction, and a source of pride and goodwill, which is obviously lacking here at AA.
It would also be a good way to pander for signed AMFA cards and/or votes, as many as 400 of them...