Sandra Bland

delldude said:
Officer was well withing his job parameters with Bland.
You should be asking why did she react the way she did to his polite questions?
Ahh, social justice activist (I hate cops)
Nope....I don't hate cops.  But I have posted two different videos of a KC SWAT Captain discussing a concept that is unheard of...treat people like people.  Change starts about with the police?   Helluva concept.  Not a single comment.  Does he hate cops too? 
KCFlyer said:
Nope....I don't hate cops.  But I have posted two different videos of a KC SWAT Captain discussing a concept that is unheard of...treat people like people.  Change starts about with the police?   Helluva concept.  Not a single comment.  Does he hate cops too? 
LOL....Bland was a cop hating social justice activist......not referring to you. Sorry
If you watch the video and read the transcript, he did treat here with dignity and respect, it was she that chose to escalate the situation.
delldude said:
LOL....Bland was a cop hating social justice activist......not referring to you. Sorry
If you watch the video and read the transcript, he did treat here with dignity and respect, it was she that chose to escalate the situation.
Why don't you watch the video I posted about a confrontation resolved?  Had you watched that, you would have heard a SWAT captain relay a story about a foul mouthed black woman who was cussing like a sailor at him...and how he diffused the situation.    He was facing a foul mouthed black woman and got her on his side by....being nice - and not in an Eddie Haskell "Golly chief....I mean, I was about to wish her a great day and she starts calling me a motherf-er".
KCFlyer said:
Why don't you watch the video I posted about a confrontation resolved?  Had you watched that, you would have heard a SWAT captain relay a story about a foul mouthed black woman who was cussing like a sailor at him...and how he diffused the situation.    He was facing a foul mouthed black woman and got her on his side by....being nice - and not in an Eddie Haskell "Golly chief....I mean, I was about to wish her a great day and she starts calling me a motherf-er".
Thats a great concept but until you get everybody on board, we will see interactions go different ways.
delldude said:
Thats a great concept but until you get everybody on board, we will see interactions go different ways.
Kansas City's west side had been patrolled by 40 officers.  Today there are 2.  They work WITH the police because the police didn't view every single person on the street there as a problem - like they used to.   It doesn't happen overnight, but I guess since we don't have a simple solution, we do nothing except justify the poor behaviour of cops and blame the victim.  It must be a right wing pledge:
"I promise to be respectful of all police officers at all times.  If they pull me over for changing lanes without signalling, I will understand that it is for my safety.  If they pull me over for "running" the stop sign at 3 mph, again - a kid could have been in that intersection and he was just looking out for the community.  I promise to be this way even if I am driving after learning that my wife has left me and my job is being eliminated.  I will not let the events of my life rear the ugly head of frustration when speaking with the officer". 
BTW....Kansas City has been doing it for quite some time.  Remember Ferguson?  It's just on the other side of the state from us.  Did you know there were protests in KC?  Most likely not...because they didn't make the news.  Part of that is because the police CHIEF told people that they had a right to protest...and they WANTED them to protest.  He just asked that they be respectful.  And they were.  It can catch on pretty quick. 
It's ok having armed government agents running around asserting their authority basically unchecked, after all, if you aren't doing anything wrong, or that they don't like, then you have nothing to worry about

Said the loyalist, on observing the Boston Massacre

Some of you folk would have fit right in

Modern day Tories and Loyalists

The revolution is an ongoing thing, and it isn't over yet
No, it doesn't have to be violent
It will be"accomplished" when, and only when all of everyone's rights and freedoms are protected, and all are equal under the law

The officer may have stayed barely or mostly on the legal side of conduct, but he was unnecessarily pushing it really hard

For no reason other than his personal power trip

No one was in any danger
Hackman said:
The officer was following guidelines, she was the one who was not. As I said multiple times, some cops will take it, and some won't. His choice.

That is not what I am asking you.  In the first quote of yours you seemed to imply that since the Bland case was 'a simple traffic stop' she should have obeyed all the requests of the officer even with he was not following guidelines and had no basis for his actions.  
Bundy is grazing his cattle on public lands and he is fully aware that he is breaking the law.  He was ordered by federal officials to cease and desist.  He has refused to do so.  By your own logic, the Feds were fully within their rights to go in with guns blazing to apprehend and arrest Bundy.  
What I am asking is when is it OK in your eyes to ignore law enforcement.  Given your different stances on Bland and Buny it seems obvious that you see some situations where ignoring law enforcement is OK. 
Bundy was breaking the law, but with much more complications than a simple traffic ticket. Bundy also had the support of many ranchers and citizens, except for black lives matter libtards, Bland didn't have the same. Guns blazing? I didn't hear of any guns being fired at Bundy. Did you?
It's ok to ignore lawful orders from an officer/s if you feel you must. That choice is yours too make, with the consequences of said actions on your part sometimes not so much fun. Get arrested, go to court, take your case to the judge. That's how it works.

Again, according to the article posted earlier he did not follow procedure.

Are you comfortable with the idea that the police officer can do what they want based on what kind of moon the suspect or the cop is in? I'm sure as hell not ok with it. Unless the actions are a threat to the cop or others there is no reason that the cop should act on it.

I think you want it to be more complicated but you have not said how. The fact that other people are helping Bundy violate the law is irrelevant unless you are saying that majority rules. He is in clear violation of the law. He has disregarded orders from officers (both federal and local). No there were no guns blazing and that's the point. Bundy and his co-conspirators stood in the way of the officers and there were no repercussions. No one got hauled off in cuffs much less shot. Yet an unarmed woman who got pissed at cop gets arrested. Another unarmed suspect runs from the cop and gets shot in the back. A teen in a bikini gets arrested.

Im trying to figure out how that is fair. Bundy refused several lawful orders (your words) at his own peril and nothing happened. Seems there is a bit more going on here.
Not only did nothing happen, Serial Lawbreaker Bundy was hailed as a hero by the very same crowd, and individuals, that are now proclaiming that people should "just do what the cop tells you", no matter what, and hiding behind "If you haven't done anything g wrong you habe nothing to worry about."

It is apparently ok for some people to blatantly break the law, and disobey not only law enforcement but the courts

Just not " those people "
Ifly2 said:
Ok, I can't buy a tank or an F16 either

I can buy whatever they have for sale

And I can sell it to whomever comes up tje drive with the $$

And I am not qualified to judge whether someone is mentally ill, so tjey act normal for a few minutes, and off they go

I am not the one wantimg your guns

I Want all of the Bill Of Rights enforced

All the time

For everyone

The NRA, Reagan and a host of other comservatives have advocated rational and reasonable controls in the past.

Jeb says we have to find a way to keep guns out of the hands of thise who might do somethimg bad with them

How would one do that?
God your clueless, really? Can't buy a tank sweetykins? Wrong. Ever heard of Military Surplus? Yes, tanks, half-tracks, other military vehicles.
I also know of a few wealthy individuals that have purchased and fly F5 Tigershark fighter jets. A few others have Russian fighters. Yes, real ones.
You cannot buy whatever they have for sale. Not without the proper licenses. Get it?
You cannot knowingly sell a weapon to whoever you wish. Get it? Federal Law.
You want all citizen owned guns banned. Nice try though with the deflection.
I also want the United States Constitution enforced, but as we know Obammy goes right around it with Executive Orders, and/or not enforcing federal laws he doesn't like.
There are reasonable Federal Laws and controls in place for firearms. They are not correctly enforced much of the time. As when Eric Holder and the BATF allowed gun running to Mexico and a Boarder Agent was shot with one of them. Covered up, no prison, no one ever charged.
I don't care what Jeb says, until gun laws already on the books are enforced, more libtard gun laws will not matter.
Stick to being a flight attendant Ifly2. Debating guns and laws thereof isn't like serving drinks and warm nuts.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You seem to like calling guys sweetykins while talking about warm nuts.

Do you have a closet to exit soon?
Would it matter as long as he keeps hitting on guys he never met in an airline forum?
Actually, yes, I can buy whatever is offered for sale

I can pass any background check, or at least have so far, includimg that Secret Clearance thing back in the Navy, so I can buy what most folks can walk into the store and buy, under the same laws.

No, I can not knowingly sell firearms to certain people.

Knowingly being the key word there

Yes, one can buy some obsolete military vehicles and aircraft that have been de-weaponized.

That is not anything like buying the weapon, and is not the point.

I do not want your guns.

I do want all of everyone's rights to receive the same attention and defense and support that is lavished on guns and the second amendment.

Where is the outrage for "law and order" violations of the 4th like sobriety checkpoints and random drug testing? Yes, I know that the conservative appointed judges have ruled that the public safety trumps the individuals' rights. Really? A citizen can be stopped, compelled to give evidence, detained and possibly arrested with out any hint of probable cause? And "conservatives" support this in the name of "law and order" and "feeling safe"?

That is just plain Orwellian.

Conservatives in general and the NRA have plum gone off the reservation from the responsible and rational positions held by their heroes and predecessors just a few years ago.

All the while, They proclaim that the mentally ill, or medicated, or stressed, or this one and that one should not have access to guns - and simultaneously oppose any sensible effective improvements in the laws that would facilitate the very thing that they say is needed.

That is just plain stupid.

I said facilitate, not acheive perfection.

That ain't happening.

Comservatives clamor for the government to "protect them", and "keep them safe" from every.damn.thing. Including "those people"

And then cry when government's' attempt to do so to do affect their little world.

That is just plain hypocritical.

I personally recognize that if we choose to have some freedoms, we will also have some risk. BFD
Live with it.
Stop being afraid of life.

I'm not.

BTW, it was Dell deflecting, and I am not a Flight Attendant. I have however known a great many of them who were very intelligent people, successful business owners, no-**** real-life War Heroes, and many other things deserving of great respect, and able to engage in a more coherent and reasoned discussion on any subject than you have ever demonstrated on this forum.

Anyway, All honest work is honorable, and deserving of respect.

Unless one is an insecure ass, and must raise himself up by tearing others down for such superficial reasons, I guess.

I advocate The Founders' position.

Disarm the government, and let the people have theirs.

Take all the guns away from all of the governmemt agents.

Distribute them to the people.

Yes, I do mean it.

Does that make me a liberal, sweetykins?
Ms Tree said:

Again, according to the article posted earlier he did not follow procedure.
You seem to like calling guys sweetykins while talking about warm nuts.

Do you have a closet to exit soon?
happened. Seems there is a bit more going on here.
I don't know, is that an invitation Quagtard? I surmised Ifly2 (A perfect F/A crew member handle) was a female F/A libtard by her posts of illogical idiocy. I'll be at the gym tonight if you want to come over an be my spotter big boy, we can work on firming up those man boobs fer ya.
Hackman said:
I'll be at the gym tonight if you want to come over an be my spotter big boy, we can work on firming up those man boobs fer ya.
I spend some time in the gym, too.  Never thought of firming up anyone's manboobs..