Ifly2 said:
"I wish for my friends sake the drunk illegal would have been stopped by a check point beforehand, and you call that wrong. Very disturbing."
The very disturbing thing is that you, and so many of the Law and Order right and "gun crowd" use that safety argument to defend violation of the 4th Amendment, and then turn claim that even a thorough background check and simole registration are unconstitutional restrictions on the 2nd. Those things are not to take your guns away, they are only reasonable and rational steps to make it more difficult for the wromg people to get guns legally. The exact same people with mental and criminal issues that the conservative crowd says shouldn't have them.
I specifically said "without probable cause" in my reference to the 4th. The rules naturally and rightly change when there is probable cause, a search warrant, a legal arrest, etc.
Tossing "illegal mexican" in there is a rhetorical device intended to generate a reaction. It is so common in today's "news" and dialogue that you may not even realize it, but you probably do. I wasn't offended. I was/am pointing that out.
Would your friend have been any better off if some barely literate confederate flag flying straight ticket republican voting, middle-aged white NRA member and president of the local gun club had hit him?
(See how that works..?)
I am actually not quite ready to disarm the entire government, but there have been revolutions in the past, including ours, where The People did decide it was time to do just that. If you do not think that events in Ferguson and other places are the local micro-manifestations of the same forces, then you should turn Rush and the Hot Fox Chicks off for a few days and read some history and some real news.
The police forces can definitely be demilitarized, as it was never the intention to have our communities occupied by military patrols. Efforts such as those in KC and LA are a step in the right direction. The motto is "Protect and Serve", not "Under My Thumb".
Those of you who clamor for smaller government should be looking at the constitution and the founders' intent for guidance in the area of the military and armed government agents/law enforcement areas.
Lastly, dismissing everyone who doesn't agree with your narrow view as libtards, or whatever other derogatives, is offensive, and not only conteibutes nothing to any discussion or advances your argument, but illuminates the weakness and shallowness of it.
There is little reasoning with a nonsensical libtard who thinks it's a 4th Amendment violation to stop a subject who is committing possible crime. Don't let the police intervene, just let anarchy reign, open the borders and let every 3rd world individual slide in for free benefits and democratic votes. Disarm all the "government agents" because they are trampling all over the 4th amendment....right. Fully agree with the firearms laws and back round checks
already in place to prevent the criminals and the insane from getting hands on guns. They are not enforced unfortunately as you know, look at the murder rate in Chicago and Baltimore 'hoods where black lives don't matter, unless of course its a white cop involved. There is no "probable cause" with anarchists, the police are out just to rape and pillage....see the video of the insane black lives matter Bland imbecile screaming obscenities at a police officer. One demented individual.
You keep repeating yourself about the "illegal mexican" drunk killer. If your not offended, then your out to generate some. I speak the truth and call the tragic event what it is, I don't care who gets offended. Hopefully as many libtards as possible. Illegal immigration is big issue that will win the presidency. You wanna hype my statement of truth is what a peevish and petty leftist does in use of the race card, predictable.
You forgot the rhetorical "redneck" in your diatribe of fantasy in your comments about the death of my friend. I will hereby dismiss them off hand, so no it did not work, much to your dismay. Nothing but bovine excrement. I suppose you would say the same thing about Kate Steinle and her murderer who was another
illegal mexican, and deported 5 times.
Our police forces are combating militant hood rats burning down the city and militant radical islam bombing and cutting heads off, I haven't seen communities occupied by military patrols except during riots. Maybe you can list some current occupied US cities that are "Under my Thumb" of a military force. Not to say better training should not be implemented and continue immediately.
"If the rule of law is abolished, then the only lawless will rule". Sure that you have heard that, but as an anarchist that's the goal...anarchy and chaos. It seems a race war and division of the country is the goal. Then blame others.
I really don't care what you think of my comments, the liberal side does more name calling and derogatory comments here than anything I have ever witnessed. In your myopic view, the full on liberal utopia would be something like what Putin does to his detractors. Silence them.
If anything is base, weak, and shallow, is your nearly pathetic slapping away on your cell phone, trying to make excuses for your failures.