I can only speak for the f/as but during the TWA acquisition of Ozark we did not HAVE to give them anything. We CHOSE to give them DOH. Given the fact that 5000 of our f/as were on strike, we tried to insure that the Co would not keep us locked out because of the merger. The Supreme Court upheld our seniority (strike related) issues and while there was posturing on both sides, in the end, we GAVE them DOH. The seniority breakdown was quite different and while fair with the TWA-OZ acquisition, I still say it would not have been fair with the AA-TWA. DOH would have given us "super seniority". Can we keep this to the original thought...1000 AA f/as have been removed from the seniority list as of 10-7-2006.
Well, you should capitalize those letters because without AA, you and the rest of the twaers would have nothing. I don't capitalize twa because of the twaers lack of gratitude for what they have. Ever since the arbitration, you have done nothing but pi$$ and moan. The twaers are always saying that there COULD have been a deal with America West, UA, or NW. Under Franke at America West, they contracted out ALL of their heavy maintanence, he would have shut your base down. With UA, all airframe was farmed out, again you would have been gone. If you would have ended up at NW, MCI would have been closed up like ATL, MSP, and DLH. The fact is twa should have been gone long before the overhaul mechanics at UA,US,DL,NW were. But thanks to AA, you and the other former twaers at MCI have outlasted them all and you are the highest paid overhaul mechanics around (the miniscule 200 or so Southwest mechanics that do C-checks don't count). You criticize us for telling you like it is. And before you or any other twaer mention that you gave Ozark their seniority remember 2 things. 1. You twaers did not want to give it to them. 2. Ozark was in not in bankruptcy, twa bought all their stock, so their labor protective provisions HAD to be honored along with ALL liabilities. I had talked to a former twa pilot who was Ozark. It was quite clear he did not like twa and he went on about how he got screwed by twa and how he had to take a pay cut and suffer from inferior work rules.