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Revenge can be Ugly!

And I hate to be the one to tell you not to preach grammar to someone when yours ( your[ CORRECT IS YOU'RE) not successful in life) is noticeably deficient!

LMAO :up: I'm a flight attendant so I'm NOT successful. No problem explaining that one. :lol:

If he wanted to be part of the crew, especially a flight attendant, there really isn't a long list of prerequisites to get through. No need to be so hateful against crew members.
As long as the grammar/spelling police are out and about:

Lose: To lose something, such as "I'm going to lose my mind."
Loose: Something is loose, such as "The wheel on the landing gear is loose."

"Anyways" is as ungrammatical in written English as "anyhows."

Grammar question about "always".

Is saying that someone is "always" late really that grammatically incorrect? I know one could replace "always" with "consistently" but I have never heard the "always" argument. I did a search and came up goose eggs.


PS. I am not being factitious or sarcastic. I really have ever heard of this one.
Grammar question about "always".

Is saying that someone is "always" late really that grammatically incorrect? I know one could replace "always" with "consistently" but I have never heard the "always" argument. I did a search and came up goose eggs.


PS. I am not being factitious or sarcastic. I really have ever heard of this one.

Are we having a dyslexic moment? :lol: His correction was to the non-word, anyways, not the real word, always.

From Perfesser Jimntx (the English major)...(if you in fact wanted to ask about always)
There is nothing grammatically wrong with the statement, "He is always late." Technically, it would be considered hyperbole (overstatement) unless he is, in fact, always late--which would be difficult to "prove."
However. in common discourse, if a person is consistently or usually late, then to state he is always late is acceptable.
LMAO :up: I'm a flight attendant so I'm NOT successful. No problem explaining that one. :lol:

If he wanted to be part of the crew, especially a flight attendant, there really isn't a long list of prerequisites to get through. No need to be so hateful against crew members.

I agree...partly, however, I would add that people who are willing to lay their lives on the line to save others (should the need arise) are hugely successful people. (success measured by character or finance is the question).

And no, he does not have to be so hateful to FA's.

p.s. My grammar can be atrocious at times.(when I am being lazy...in a hurry) I am NOT a grammar Cop. (I do hate the misuse of your/you're)
Well if the lady helping you in the baggage office wanted revenge - I am assuming you mean she would not help you recover your belongings. Now, how did it get lost in the first place? Is there a conspiracy between the lost luggage agent in one city and the upline agent at the gate in another?

I certainly do not condone revenge/retaliation or any such behavior. But if there are bad apples out there, I think being stapled to the bottom of a seniority list and losing one's career may send them over the edge. I am NOT saying that is ok to exact revenge - but you can see that the motivation exists. I know over here at USAirways - there are certain gals who have it out for AA over the whole TWA issue. I don't believe it is appropriate to act out on individuals. But the attitude is out there. Whether the reasoning is appropriate or not - the attitude is just there in the first impression sort of way.

Once again - I agree retaliation is unacceptable.
Hi everyone! I am sure NAME DELETED BY MODERATOR never expected to hear from the SWA employee he is accusing...but someone advised me this story was on here and they figured out it was me. So here I am to tell the real story. I admit I am furloughed from AA and my recall rights have expired, but I love working for SWA and probably would not go back even if recall rights are extended.
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who defended SWA and myself from DEL BY MOD accusations which are bordering slander. I NEVER EVER use the word "pissed" which, along with my strong customer service attitude to EVERYONE was a dead give away to the person who saw this that something was not correct about the entire story.
I hope this is not too long, but the details are important to refuting DEL BY MOD accusations.
I am sure you all know that no airline takes responsibility for non-revs bags. DEL BY MOD bag was tagged at the gate with a small tag only listing STL as the destination. No name or phone number was anywhere on the bag or the tag. These kinds of bags are missed all the time in transfers. Because he was a non-rev I should have taken a courtesy report on paper so the loss would not go against SWA and our DOT stats. I decided to take a report in the computer vs on paper to make it easier to track his bag.
I found the actual report I took to find DEL BY MODs bag to make sure I remembered the situation correctly. I wrote the report up 12/07/07 at 19:10 CST. I attempted to call BWI, the station where the flight continued on. I had to leave them a VM. I then sent a message to them on the computer to look for his bag and return it to STL ASAP. The DEL BY MOD asked it to be sent to SAT so I asked them to send the bag to SAT if they could not get it to us that night...(Also a step beyond normal non-rev procedures because Non revs are responsible for getting the bags from where ever they are checked.) I did this with DEL BY MOD standing in front of my desk. I thought we were having a pleasant chat.
Later that night I researched in the computer and found his bag in BWI and called them and asked it to be sent to SAT. BWI already had it coming to STL which is where it came the first flight the next morning. BWI is a very busy station and they did not have time to make the change. The bag came to STL as per my original request. DEL BY MOD was called by another SWA agent at 08:45am the next morning advising him his bag was in STL. The notes in the report say DEL BY MOD wanted us to hold the bag in STL, which we did. I also called DEL BY MOD when I saw the bag was in STL when I came to work the next night, but DEL BY MOD said to just keep the bag in STL. He came and got the bag in STL at 17:15 on 12/09.
So, he lost his bag at 7pm and the bag was back where he originally checked it to at 8:45am the next day....hmmmm. If anyone wanted to keep a bag maliciously from someone they would certainly be much more creative then that.
DEL BY MOD, I am sorry you felt so mistreated....but after working in bags for several months I know you were not at all singled out by the original flight attendant or by myself. We "delay" lots of bags every day ...which is why we are low in the baggage stats. We are high in the customer service stats because we are so nice about it and knock ourselves out to get the bags back ASAP. Please be more careful what you say and especially what you put in a public forum. You never know who is reading it and what they will do with the information.
A final piece of advice from baggage services, tag everything with your name and phone number. Even if you don't check it, you may lose it and no one can contact you without that information.
Fly safe!

It seems only fitting that you at least respond to the last poster. As a proud member of the group that you publicly smeared with your accusations of revenge...Id like to hope that maybe you are rethinking your position?
I have always appreciated your objectivity and support regarding the treatment of the former TWA flight attendants, and I thank you for it.

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