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RJ 900's for PSA-- REJECTED!

On the hub....upper left side, click on crew news. the Aug. CLT Pilots meeting..... On the subjects, watch the RJ's feeding mainline or something like that. Kinda interesting...
the main reason everyone wanted the 50 seaters was because the pilot pay was so much less at the regionals than the ML's. I.E. OUTSOURCE. I.E. they were for one reason, ...to lower mainline pay rates...
I agree, the reason express grew and mainline shrink was cheap labor. Express lower the bar for the airline employment and allow US Airways to still operate
Here's another sound bite you guys can speculate on. In the West crew meeting, most recent one, there's a subject regarding 737's or growth, something like that.
Anyways, the individual asks about the incredible shrinking airline, East loosing 3 757's and west loosing a 737. Dougie explained they didn't want the 757's to go away, but that with the BK and renegotiated lease rates, alot of the leases they had to agree to call options for the Lessor. Lo and behold, the lessor simplye called his airplanes back, (which we knew), Then he commented on the west side 737....which he said was, well....oh yeah.. THAT one, well you see, it has the lap joint thingy, that well costs alot of money, so we aren't going to spend the money on that. He also said to not get alarmed, as the fleet is going to go up and down 1-2% as these leases come up, and are either not renewed or called back, and they will have to find better deals somewhere.

Though he did say, they are talking to boeing and airbus about replacements, or redoing the order that's still open out there.....

Just found it interesting regarding the lap joint comment, and expect to see more of those come up, and replaced with 190's. Anyone know what the date is, that the baseline gets reset at again? Thought it was 1 year after BK emergence???
"Thought it was 1 year after BK emergence???"

That is correct per the transition agreement. Like all agreements, though, it can be changed by negotiations.....

Anyone have any news on when the PSA training department is going to begin "ramping up" for the upcoming onrush of hiring? Don't they need to prepare for this process soon?

Even this reactionary management team needs to get the ball rolling soon.
Anyone have any news on when the PSA training department is going to begin "ramping up" for the upcoming onrush of hiring? Don't they need to prepare for this process soon?

Even this reactionary management team needs to get the ball rolling soon.

You just can't wait for those airplanes can you?

Better watch what you ask for...what if they are replacement aircraft for the 200's....which would equal close to zero growth?

I've seen crazier things occur.
Anyone have any news on when the PSA training department is going to begin "ramping up" for the upcoming onrush of hiring? Don't they need to prepare for this process soon?

Even this reactionary management team needs to get the ball rolling soon.

You really need to relax or this stuff is going to eat you up.

You just can't wait for those airplanes can you?

Better watch what you ask for...what if they are replacement aircraft for the 200's....which would equal close to zero growth?

I've seen crazier things occur.

nothing to "wonder" here. dp said in CLT that the 50-seaters are too expensive and make no sense. which brings us back to the same point: they want psa to fly 90-seaters at 50-seat rates, when they plan on getting rid of the -200's anyhow. So I guess mainline should fly 330's for 319 rates, and express should fly 90 seats for 50-seat rates. f*ck DP.... he's proving himself more every day.

You really need to relax or this stuff is going to eat you up.


Too late, it's already consumed me as well as many others. Management needs to know that this pilot group cares dearly about their jobs, their future, the airline and this industry. Some are still very excited and anxiously awaiting the outcome of these 900 negotiations.

Anyone notice why PSA is hiring so many more FA's as of Sept. 1? Ummm....take a wild guess, I doubt they're hiring just for attrition. Read the writing on the walls.

Alright already! Let's wrap the 900 negotiation today so we can all move forward and enjoy the holiday weekend.

"Surely you must see what's happening here! And don't call me peanut."
Too late, it's already consumed me as well as many others. Management needs to know that this pilot group cares dearly about their jobs, their future, the airline and this industry. Some are still very excited and anxiously awaiting the outcome of these 900 negotiations.

Anyone notice why PSA is hiring so many more FA's as of Sept. 1? Ummm....take a wild guess, I doubt they're hiring just for attrition. Read the writing on the walls.

Alright already! Let's wrap the 900 negotiation today so we can all move forward and enjoy the holiday weekend.

"Surely you must see what's happening here! And don't call me peanut."

Just remember to have the pay lopsided to the F/O's. We all know the Captains took advantage of us the last time pay was negotiated. Now it is time to show some integrity and give the F/O's something they can live off of. $.50 raise to the Capt and $15 for the F/O's. That sounds about right to me, and 220 other starving first officers.
Management needs to know that this pilot group cares dearly about their jobs.....Some are still very excited and anxiously awaiting the outcome of these 900 negotiations.
Yea peanut, management KNOWS you all are wetting your panties over these shiny new jets...that's why K Houck will probably take advantage of you again.
The following was posted to Flightinfo.com in July 2005.

Shiny-Jet-Syndrome: The Career Killer​

<<enter Sally Struthers in front of a black backdrop>>

Sally: "Every year hundreds of children from around the world are afflicted with a paralyzing disease. Shiny-jet-syndrome. SJS."

<<Fade to daylight. Sanford Airport, Comair academy, a 19 year old CFI climbing into a Seminole with his student>>

Sally: "Thats right. Today 9 in every 10 young pilots is a victim of SJS. Take Jimmy here. Jimmy is a smart, young man. He was raised in an upper, middle-class suburb. Jimmy's dad was a Delta pilot. Jimmy has been a flight instructor here at Comair academy for 3 weeks now. See how happy he is? See how much pride Jimmy takes in his job?"

<<Jimmy hears a jet engine overhead, looks up at the contrail of a jetliner passing overhead, fade to black>>

<<Fade to daylight. Sanford Airport, Comair academy, summer, the 19 year old CFI climbing into a Seminole with his student>>

Sally: "It's now been six weeks since Jimmy started his new job. He has almost 60 hours of instructing under his belt. The symptoms of SJS have already begun to manifest themselves. Jimmy is a victim. He constantly complains about his lack of career progression. With a little over 500 hours total time and zero actual instrument, Jimmy had expected to be flying a regional jet by now."

<<Zoom to Jimmy in the cockpit, sweat pouring from his face, his features twisted. angry, arrogant, frustrated (i/e Anakin before becoming Darth Vader) Fade to black>>

Sally: "A year later, SJS has fully taken him over. Jimmy is a regional jet co-pilot now. Let's watch..."

<<fade in on Jimmy walking through the terminal. He is wearing a uniform of sorts. He is carrying his hat, listening to his IPod, with his backpack tossed over his shoulder. His hair is frosted at the tips and he chews gum as he strolls through the terminal. He see's "RJ" - the Comair mascot up ahead, and thinks of how cool it is to fly for an airline with a big, fuzzy, talking, RJ for a mascot.>>

Sally: "Jimmy looks happy now, he's an airline pilot. With less than one-thousand hours total time though, Jimmy is a burden to the Captains he flies with. His ego is enormous. He feels as though he is a modern day Ernest Gann or SkyKing but without the autopilot and flight director he is borderline dangerous. He is lazy, apathetic, and still angry. He had expected to be working for a major airline right now."

<<camera pans to Jimmy peering outside the terminal at a Boeing 737...and then, an EMB170 taxies out from behind it. A crooked smile forms on Jimmy's lips. Fade to black.>>

<<Fade to daylight. The cockpit of an EMB190. The year is 2010 and Jimmy is a Captain.>>

Sally: "SJS has finally claimed its victim. Jimmy -- for the time being -- is happy. His airline flies an armada of narrow-body, Embraer jets that carry as many as 120 passengers. Jimmy gets paid less today than a city bus driver. He earns less than an Amtrak conductor. On average he is earning more than $100/hr LESS than the major-airline pilots he has replaced. His copilot, Sean, has been an airline pilot for about one month. He is elated to be flying a big-jet for $20,000/yr. As long as his parents continue to send those allowance checks, this could be the best job ever!"

<<camera zooms on Captain Jimmy as he sees a Boeing 757 pass by in Delta colors... Jimmy's vision blurs... he looks again and the paintjob has changed. It says "Delta Connection" now. Jimmy's mouth contorts once again to that crooked smile. Fade to black>>

<<camera fades in on Sally>>

Sally: "Do YOU know someone who is a victim of SJS? Watch for these warning signs! "

* Do you know a CFI who has applied at Mesa or Boston/Maine?
* Do you know a CFI who is burned out after 6 weeks of instructing?
* Do you know a student pilot who has answered an flight school ad for "guaranteed interview with our regional airline partner"?
* Do you know a pilot who has purchased a CRJ type-rating?
* Do you know a regional-jet pilot who has purchase a 737 type-rating?
* Do you know an airline pilot who has taken concessions in order to allow their company to purchase larger airplanes?
* Do you know a pilot who believes that AirTran and Jetblue are the "majors" they've wanted to work for for "their whole lives"?
* Do you know any member of the RJDC who STILL BELIEVES that mainline pilots are hurting their career expectations?
* Do you know any airline pilots who refuse to dress in their uniform as specified by their SOP because "if they wanted me to dress better, they'd pay me better"?
* Do you know any airline pilots who carry their hats for 4-days without ever putting it on their head?
* Do you know any airline pilots who wear a backpack rather than carry adult-luggage?
* Have you flown with copilots who say, "I cant believe they pay us to do this!!"?
* Do you know any individual whose first "real" job involved carrying 50-90 people in the back of a jetliner?
* Do you know any regional jet pilot who drops the "Express" or "Connection" portion of their airline name while using their profession to attempt to pick up women in a bar?

Sally: "If the answer to any of those questions was "yes" your friend might have SJS. Watch for these warning signs. SJS is a violent and dangerous disease. If left unchecked for too long the entire airline piloting profession will be NEUTERED. It is important to stop it in its tracks. Together we can reach that goal."

"Here at the Jets R' Neat Institute we are researching cures for SJS. We've developed revolutionary cures including:

* Make minimum experience requirements to fly part 121 at LEAST as stringent as part 135 minimums -- and make it a regulation.
* Shut down all flight schools that "guarantee" interviews.
* Raise CFI pay so that pilots are more likely to spend time in that position.
* Require that each part 121 candidate have at least 500 hours PIC (not instructor time) operating within the IFR system in day and night, and in all weather conditions.
* Preference to be given to pilots who have held jobs outside of aviation.
* Bryan Bedford and Johnathan Orenstein to be executed publically at dawn.
* Duane Woerth will be forced to watch the execution of the above before being surprised by his own execution. He's just too stupid to be left in charge of ALPA.

Sally: "We've done a lot, but you can help. For just $246 per day you can sponser a flight instructor or regional airline pilot.

For less than the cost of a good-quality, high definition television you can sponser an aspiring airline pilot and show them what life would be like if they actually made the money that major airline pilots used to make. This is the first step in ending SJS."

<<camera fades to Jimmy's Comair Academy enrollment photo. He's shaking hands with mascot "RJ">>

"Jimmy needs your help. Please send your check for $7626/month to:

The Jets R' Neat Institute for the Elimination of SJS
C/O Doctor Sven Rosenstein
Trailer #12
Happy Valley Trailer Park
Coraopolis, PA 15108"

<<we now return you to your regularly scheduled episode of Spongebob>>

This message has been sponsered by people on reserve with entirely too much free time!
Anyone notice why PSA is hiring so many more FA's as of Sept. 1? Ummm....take a wild guess, I doubt they're hiring just for attrition. Read the writing on the walls.


Are they hiring a lot more? They have had a class almost every 3 weeks since the beginning of the year. Plus there are always open houses. While I don't think the attrition is horrendous, it is enough to have a class every 3 weeks. It's hard enough getting 50% of the classes to graduate, then 50% of those are gone around 6 months.

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