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RECALL of Council 70 President! Merged Topics

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Uh, ok...

ME may have been put there by LA, but I seriously doubt that he was "closely affiliated" with LA. U might want to check your facts.... Was he NOT locked out of the office with TG by LA herself? Sounds like a REAL close affiliation to me! 🙄

Where were the 3 elected officials? Good question Wolf! I know that TG was ALWAYS there, and the SEC/TREAS was not due to some sort of fallout with LA (surprise)....Can't answer that question, sorry, and that's obviously the problem. Rest assured, TG and ME were there!

I will say it one more time... WHO CARES what days off his seniority could hold? He was in the office M-F, and therefore had WEEKENDS....*OFF*!!! If you or I were in the same position, WE would have weekends off as well! Pretty simple, really.... I don't think it's fair that I am on reserve in PHL and would be a BH in LGA....And???? I don't think it's fair that the Product Specialists in PHL get Space Positive to and from work! Newsflash: Life Aint Fair!

You don't think that certain reserves on this board are upset and bitter about ME and how he supposedly "worked the system?" LOL have you read the thread?? :lol:

I doubt ME is bitter that he is no longer in the office. I do not know him personally, but he is probably just looking at the turn of events, rolling his eyes, and flying his trips.

If my math is lacking "logic", care to correct me? Oh yeah, and How was he "working the system" again? 🙄

Thank you.

Yes your right.

L.A. pulled names out of a hat and Mikie was the lucky winner. :lol: Or let's think, maybe she wanted him in the office initially. She did appoint him.

He was locked out after the she caught heat from members for allowing him to abuse his position. Just like she has done.

As for M.E. being in the office M-F, HE WAS NOT ELECTED! Unless pehaps he was covering for L.A. being absent????

In regards to your theory that M.E. is "probably just looking at the turn of events, rolling his eyes, and flying his trips."
We'll write that off to you being psychic, or psycho :wacko: since "you don't know him personally".
His website indicates otherwise.

Logic is something that is needed in advanced thinking in mathmatics. You are correct in 5 x 5 = 25. You're just incapable of thinking beyond the basics, which in the case of M.E. is required.

Your quote, "Newsflash: Life Aint Fair!"
This speaks for itself. It's obvious it has not been fair to you, as you have been short changed with respect to intelligence.
Isn't "Aint" a town in Texas?

Anyway, I'm done with you. :boring:

The issue remains to remove L.A., get some new people in the Elected positions who will return dignity and character to the Local, along with Leadership, and leave M.E. out of it as he is no longer an issue.
Yes your right.

L.A. pulled names out of a hat and Mikie was the lucky winner. :lol: Or let's think, maybe she wanted him in the office initially. She did appoint him.

He was locked out after the she caught heat from members for allowing him to abuse his position. Just like she has done.

As for M.E. being in the office M-F, HE WAS NOT ELECTED! Unless pehaps he was covering for L.A. being absent????

In regards to your theory that M.E. is "probably just looking at the turn of events, rolling his eyes, and flying his trips."
We'll write that off to you being psychic, or psycho :wacko: since "you don't know him personally".
His website indicates otherwise.

Logic is something that is needed in advanced thinking in mathmatics. You are correct in 5 x 5 = 25. You're just incapable of thinking beyond the basics, which in the case of M.E. is required.

Your quote, "Newsflash: Life Aint Fair!"
This speaks for itself. It's obvious it has not been fair to you, as you have been short changed with respect to intelligence.
Isn't "Aint" a town in Texas?

Anyway, I'm done with you. :boring:

The issue remains to remove L.A., get some new people in the Elected positions who will return dignity and character to the Local, along with Leadership, and leave M.E. out of it as he is no longer an issue.

Thank you!!!! Now recall recall recall and lets get some new blood in the office!!! I have met a flight attendant who is new in base from PIT and I want to nominate her. Her name is CELINE DELUCA!!!! So everyone CELINE DELUCA for President!!! She has really been fighting for all the flight attendants for a very long time and is very knowledgeable with information and appears to keep on top of things affecting flight attendants.
Yes your right.

L.A. pulled names out of a hat and Mikie was the lucky winner. :lol: Or let's think, maybe she wanted him in the office initially. She did appoint him.

He was locked out after the she caught heat from members for allowing him to abuse his position. Just like she has done.

As for M.E. being in the office M-F, HE WAS NOT ELECTED! Unless pehaps he was covering for L.A. being absent????

In regards to your theory that M.E. is "probably just looking at the turn of events, rolling his eyes, and flying his trips."
We'll write that off to you being psychic, or psycho :wacko: since "you don't know him personally".
His website indicates otherwise.

Logic is something that is needed in advanced thinking in mathmatics. You are correct in 5 x 5 = 25. You're just incapable of thinking beyond the basics, which in the case of M.E. is required.

Your quote, "Newsflash: Life Aint Fair!"
This speaks for itself. It's obvious it has not been fair to you, as you have been short changed with respect to intelligence.
Isn't "Aint" a town in Texas?

Anyway, I'm done with you. :boring:

The issue remains to remove L.A., get some new people in the Elected positions who will return dignity and character to the Local, along with Leadership, and leave M.E. out of it as he is no longer an issue.
Done with me? But I agree with you (on some points...)! I believe it is in our best interest to have LA removed as well! Not sure if you even know who you are fighting with, or for, or against... :lol:

If i am incapable of "thinking beyond the basics", then please CORRECT ME, Wolf! What am I missing? How was he stealing or misrepresenting the FA group? What FAR was he breaking (whatever happened to that rant??? Anyone???) Let us see your math! You are "done with me" because you have absolutely no idea how to defend your position! Same as Airportman, Lovey, etc.... :up:

Why is ME no longer an issue? Who says that he won't be helping out in the future? You? Please....🙄

Thank you.
Done with me? But I agree with you (on some points...)! I believe it is in our best interest to have LA removed as well! Not sure if you even know who you are fighting with, or for, or against... :lol:

If i am incapable of "thinking beyond the basics", then please CORRECT ME, Wolf! What am I missing? How was he stealing or misrepresenting the FA group? What FAR was he breaking (whatever happened to that rant??? Anyone???) Let us see your math! You are "done with me" because you have absolutely no idea how to defend your position! Same as Airportman, Lovey, etc.... :up:

Why is ME no longer an issue? Who says that he won't be helping out in the future? You? Please....🙄

Thank you.

Our position has and is being as you put it defended. Note what is going on in PHL!! M.E. definitely has an axe to grind. Guess he was all on L.A. side as long as he was getting what he wanted and was benefiting him! The fact that he spent the time to make the web site to get back at someone who has supported him for how long says alot about the character of M.E. Amazing that he is not bidding weekends off instead his days off are mainly weekdays. Not so easy to get pure weekends off and to arrange the etb trips now is it M.E. As for airportman, he managed to get the ball rolling on everything that is currently going on in PHL. Look back at the original posts.
Our position has and is being as you put it defended. Note what is going on in PHL!! M.E. definitely has an axe to grind. Guess he was all on L.A. side as long as he was getting what he wanted and was benefiting him! The fact that he spent the time to make the web site to get back at someone who has supported him for how long says alot about the character of M.E. Amazing that he is not bidding weekends off instead his days off are mainly weekdays. Not so easy to get pure weekends off and to arrange the etb trips now is it M.E. As for airportman, he managed to get the ball rolling on everything that is currently going on in PHL. Look back at the original posts.
What are you talking about? ME has no "axe to grind," he is simply putting out the information that needs to be available to the membership. He is still doing his job that he was appointed to do, only now for FREE. From what TG says, LA has not been "effectively" running AFA70 for a good while now, and this recall is a last resort; something that needs to happen. Most agree.

Why do you really care if he "arranges" ETB trips or not? EVERYBODY does it! The company sees NO problem with it! Why is it ok for us to do it, but not ME? And most people, with the exception of a few jealous types on here, already understand WHY he had weekends off, it's pretty simple, really.

Basically, Lovey, you are all for the recall of LA, but even though ME and TG are largely moving this recall along, you still believe they are being deceitful and only in it to further their cause of stealing days off, stealing FPL, etc..... Unreal. I think you have completely confused yourself! 🙄

The only thing I can surmise is that ME wouldn't go out with you :lol:
What are you talking about? ME has no "axe to grind," he is simply putting out the information that needs to be available to the membership. He is still doing his job that he was appointed to do, only now for FREE. From what TG says, LA has not been "effectively" running AFA70 for a good while now, and this recall is a last resort; something that needs to happen. Most agree.

Why do you really care if he "arranges" ETB trips or not? EVERYBODY does it! The company sees NO problem with it! Why is it ok for us to do it, but not ME? And most people, with the exception of a few jealous types on here, already understand WHY he had weekends off, it's pretty simple, really.

Basically, Lovey, you are all for the recall of LA, but even though ME and TG are largely moving this recall along, you still believe they are being deceitful and only in it to further their cause of stealing days off, stealing FPL, etc..... Unreal. I think you have completely confused yourself! 🙄

The only thing I can surmise is that ME wouldn't go out with you :lol:

Have not confused myself, but I definitely do believe that you are in fact out to lunch on reality. As far as well....will not even go there since sexual preferences is not a topic that should be discussed on a public forum.
Have not confused myself, but I definitely do believe that you are in fact out to lunch on reality. As far as well....will not even go there since sexual preferences is not a topic that should be discussed on a public forum.
Sexual preferences? I dont even know (or care) if you are a boy or a girl! :lol: Did I hit a nerve?!

I believe I am being realistic. You agree that LA should go, and you support TG in the recall? But then you want her out too? And we have seen the "alleged" charges against ME (which no one can prove), who sat in the Union and did nothing at all for the membership, right? I bet he is really suffering now because he can no longer have his beloved weekends off! He has to fly ETB trips on the weekdays now! Whew, you showed him! :up:
Sexual preferences? I dont even know (or care) if you are a boy or a girl! :lol: Did I hit a nerve?!

I believe I am being realistic. You agree that LA should go, and you support TG in the recall? But then you want her out too? And we have seen the "alleged" charges against ME (which no one can prove), who sat in the Union and did nothing at all for the membership, right? I bet he is really suffering now because he can no longer have his beloved weekends off! He has to fly ETB trips on the weekdays now! Whew, you showed him! :up:

No definitely did not hit a nerve on that. Just felt that for me to come back with a response on that issue would not be appropriate, but if you feel otherwise let me know...can get down and dirty just like you. Also, the charges as you put them against ME can and have been proved. So you want to get even more nasty then go to it. Do not know who you are up against! So bring it on if you dare to!
No definitely did not hit a nerve on that. Just felt that for me to come back with a response on that issue would not be appropriate, but if you feel otherwise let me know...can get down and dirty just like you. Also, the charges as you put them against ME can and have been proved. So you want to get even more nasty then go to it. Do not know who you are up against! So bring it on if you dare to!
LOL relax, Lovey, the dating thing was a joke. No need to become hostile! Did not realize it came across as "down and dirty!" 🙄 No need to threaten....

Anyway, back to topic, can you show me where these charges against ME have been "proved?" In the rsv book in the crew room? On the LTO screen? That tells me nothing because one would need to know if ME was in the Union office when he said he was. So please post the factual information you supposedly have, if you care to share....I have always said that as soon as someone can show that ME was collecting the AFA time and was NOT in the office, I would change my position. Has not happened as of yet....

Anyone have any idea how many signatures TG and her peers have collected? Would love to know the totals.

Sorry for offending you, Lovey. Did not realize you had such a sensitive side. 🙁

Thank you.
Well just WHO when you say everyone moves their schedules around on reserve to accomodate ETB? NOBODY. It's out from 10am and in by 6pm period. He also was an appointed position by L.A. working in the office. He was NOT elected so why would he be REQUIRED to be in the office 5 days a week? Should the elected people in the office have been taking of care of daily union business and M.E. doing what was needed as far as "reserve" issues? I do want people to understand that what he did in the office was FOR the f/a's. I'm not saying that he didn't work hard for us. NOT AT ALL! ! When you have someone that is fighting for the very reserves that can't make it barely from check to check with the hours he had you'll have issues. I don't care how some claim he NEEDED to be in the office 5 days a week and off on the weekends. So basically he could say, "Hey, I understand you reserves are broke but I NEED to arrange my schedule to better help you in the office and rake in a HUGE check". Sorry but you can't blame some for thinking the system was being abused there. Great that he helped but the arranging of days to accomodate ETB will never be justified. So L.A. made him look bad when SHE was the one who approved all he did whether you feel it right or wrong. That is where she is to blame and responsible. On top of everything else the Phantom President did.
Oh and btw I was not saying that T.G. didn't work while in the office. Just that M.E. was doing more than what he was truly there for. So what are the signatures up to so far. Any idea? Keep em' comming.
This is so TRUE I AGREE 100% RSV is not that bad MOVE TO BASE!!! I bid RSV in the winter get paid more than B/H M.E. was bustin his butt working all that time in the office when he could have been getting 73+00 to work what only 45+00 and watching TV eating bom boms reading movie star mag's NO he was giving back to AFA and the F/A's stop whining about M.E. stop bitchin about being poor RSV's and P/U some ETB time move to base or find another job...M.E. should have gotten some flex time for all his hard work...
Stop bitching. Are you an idiot? Pick up trips on our precious days off. Why the hell should we have to? Where the hell is Pref. Bidding? We were sold this new LTO system on the basis that we were getting a preferential bidding system( oh, but that would also mean getting rid of the bid sheet, so we can't do that. Why was there not a clause that said if Pref Bid was not implemented" no later than June 2004" we would go back to the old RSV system. Might it be due to the fact our union cares very little for RSV's? I would say yes to that. Our commuters should not have to "move to a base" to get there time in. Theie senoirity would hold trips, but wait, our union gave up RSV senoirity. Sorry, I forgot. Find another job? Kiss my "you know what. At over 17 years, I shouldn't have to. I should be able to P/U trips with my senoirity. Our union really let us down on this one.
Yes they sure did. We will get EVERY excuse as to why things are the way they are today. We were in BK with a gun to our heads negotiationg. yeah, yeah, yeah. I know it was certainly tough but as soon as the contract was thrown out by the judge we should have walked off. No advance notice like AFA NWA. 🙄 So here we are. Anyway. RECALL, RECALL, RECALL. I would love to know how many signatures have been received. Can anyone believe that the crew I'm working with has NO IDEA about anything going on and nothing about a recall sheet. THIS is another reason stuff goes to hell in a handbasket. Everyone wants to piss and moan but as soon as something needs to be done 90% don't want involved. Too many things to do outside of work. Oh well.
The AFA never had their contract abrogated, only the IAM Mechanic and Related and Fleet Service.
Stop bitching. Are you an idiot? Pick up trips on our precious days off. Why the hell should we have to? Where the hell is Pref. Bidding? We were sold this new LTO system on the basis that we were getting a preferential bidding system( oh, but that would also mean getting rid of the bid sheet, so we can't do that. Why was there not a clause that said if Pref Bid was not implemented" no later than June 2004" we would go back to the old RSV system. Might it be due to the fact our union cares very little for RSV's? I would say yes to that. Our commuters should not have to "move to a base" to get there time in. Theie senoirity would hold trips, but wait, our union gave up RSV senoirity. Sorry, I forgot. Find another job? Kiss my "you know what. At over 17 years, I shouldn't have to. I should be able to P/U trips with my senoirity. Our union really let us down on this one.
17 years in PHL? you should hold your own with no problem...where are you based? PIT? I have less that 16 and get er done in 10 to 12 days no problem...learn the systems in place and make them work for you...
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