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Recal Of Phl Reps Fails

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Casual observers might mistake my post as "comments" rather than what it was---A quote. People more studious than the average would know where the quote comes from and those more interested in real debate would point to the specific items they propose are factually in error. (That would demonstrate their intellect and serve to enlighten others of what is the “real truth,â€￾ allowing people to make their own judgment.)

A simple “You are wrong. Nanny nanny boo boo.â€￾ Doesn’t reveal much, at least not of what was intended.

The fact remains…pilots in distant bases conspired to discredit and recall the reps that they perceived as the most vulnerable to being overthrow. The men who unilaterally agreed to the company forcefully acquiring the several billion dollar pension, without membership representation or ratification, are the same men who failed to keep their promise to present the capitulation of the same pension to all the voting members of the active pilots. (Notice that not only did the active pilots not have a chance to vote on the capitulation of their pension, neither did those pilots who were already living on their pension in retirement.)

A handful of men unjustly misrepresented the wishes of their pilots whom they were sworn to represent, and for doing so several of them where tossed overboard.

These men who orchestrated the false accusations in the present matter, and failed in their slanderous recall efforts were also the same men who orchestrated a retroactive pay cut not too long ago (have we already forgotten?)

As examples of their questionable tactics (notice this is not nanny nanny boo boo):

As already mentioned:

1. They agreed to a retroactive pay cut without membership ratification though they promised it.

2. They agreed to the capitulation of the several billion dollar pension for all pilots, retired, active, and furloughed. Without membership ratification though they promised it.

3. Some of the men used questionable tactics to gain an MEC seat in an election that was by electronic ballet (ie over the internet). They presented their own personal laptop to hundreds of pilots in the crew room to allow pilots to vote. (nothing like owning the ballot box).

4. They who used questionable tactics (in example 3. above) to gain the seat remained in power by defeating a recall effort by capriciously discrediting proxy votes. Funny that they should capriciously discredit votes when they were being recalled for “unjustâ€￾ voting practices.

5. They made false accusations in the recent events. PHL reps made attempts to insure ballots were legitimate. The GAG tried slander. Perhaps they should have looked for hanging chads.

6. But most of all, these orchestrated this whole effort from a different base, attempting to meddle in affairs not their own in order to disenfranchise the pilots of a different base.

There is clearly a pattern here. The men who had the power, who lied to their constituents to gain power, who lied to their constituents to follow their own agenda, who were tossed out because they failed to keep their promises of fair and equitable representation, are indeed the same individuals who are still lying in an attempt to regain power.

The pattern is manipulation and execution of their desires without regard to the wishes of those represented.

The current PHL reps promised to allow membership votes on all changes. So far they have kept their promise to present everything for membership vote. As long as they do, then the self-appointed saviors will have to remain in the peanut gallery.


I believe holding a meeting in a bar with alcohol and the public present, not permitting both sides to count the proxies to ensure fairness, potential ballot count fraud, refusing to accept certified/return receipt letters, and not abiding by the ALPA constitution and by-laws prior to the meeting is wrong.

If Truth or Consequences comments are accurate, there could be grounds for a formal complaint and protest due to corruption. Furthermore, this action could be grounds for Article VIII charges and removal from the union, not just the LEC.

This could be interesting to watch.


The tactic of presenting a phantom provocateur with false accusations, and then having someone of presumed authority propose a course of action based on those false accusations (now presumed to be true) is a tried and true tactic.

Some additional tactics for insurgents.

1. Never publicly acknowledge your opponents valid authority over you. If you are a leader, your acknowledgement would only serve to re-enforce their position of authority. (But be sure and settled in your own mind that it is exactly the acknowledgement of authority that you seek. Don’t subvert yourself by lending your vote of confidence to the one you seek to overthrow.) Carefully craft your words to have duplicitous meaning so your designs are not too obvious.

2. Equivocate (Never allow yourself to be defined by facts. Just present an air of “knowing†–- by persistent, even if offensive, opining. Mentioning friends in high places, and your presumed equivalence with them, even if you use the Yahoo boards to communicate, is of utmost importance to the appearance. Just get the message out. Some people would say, “Fake it till you make it.â€

3. Deny accusations against you, sometimes by simply saying “you are inaccurate†or by simply ignoring them. An argument unengaged is an argument un-lost. Don’t forget to feign civility.

4. Counter accuse. Use the 10% rule here, as well as the rule of non-attribution. You should avoid making any accusations that are not at least 10% true. You should leave flat out lies to those in the secondary layer of your political party. Thus you can spread the flat out lies with non-attribution to you by beginning; “If the accusations of my colleague are true….†Thus the lie is spread. If it is exposed as a lie then you proudly point out that you did not make it. If you don’t have friends that make up your “secondary layer†then it will be necessary to invent them.

5. Demand proof. Demand all kinds of proof. Demand answers that you are not reasonably entitled to ask, so you can counter accuse them of not being forthright. Demand proof of things that are already well established in order to waste their time. Demand things you fully expect them to answer and have your “secondary†ready to make lies about their answers so you can quickly spread lies about their truths.

Finally, do not restrict your employment of these tactics. Use them liberally and in concert.

And above all, deception can only be accomplished if the ones you intend to deceive accept that “Perception is Realityâ€.

Build your own "reality" and see who you can convince to live in your world...


USA320Pilot said:
I believe holding a meeting in a bar with alcohol and the public present .......... is wrong.


Your are an embarassement. Is that the best you can do? If you happen to be a U pilot, you would perform your prefilight, checklists, and boarding announcements while a "bar" is open 4 feet behind you....in full view of the boarding and drinking 1st class passengers. The rest of us are perfectly capable of performing OUR duties in a room with a CLOSED bar at one end. I guess the thought of the drinks calling to you would be a little too much. This is a new low, but then again we always expect you to excel at these types of situations...you know, the ones where you meddeled in the affairs of ANOTHER base and were sent packing. Take it like a man and stop the whining. Greeter, you know who!
USA320pilot you are a LGA based crew member commuting from PIT meddling in PHL crew base matters. You want a piece of PHL, transfer. But until you do BUTT OUT! C-YA
It appears Phoenix managed to steal a copy of A320Pilot's playbook and paste it here for all to see.

The bar in the room where the meeting was held was NEVER open for business or otherwise. It was explicitly stated that NO ALCOHOL was allowed in the meeting room at ANY TIME.

If having an operating bar anywhere on the premises where ALPA meetings are held, that pretty much rules out every hotel the MEC has used, the LGA Marriott, the CLT Hilton, the PHL Ramada (a Tosi favorite,) and so on.
nycbusdriver said:
It appears Phoenix managed to steal a copy of A320Pilot's playbook and paste it here for all to see.

The bar in the room where the meeting was held was NEVER open for business or otherwise. It was explicitly stated that NO ALCOHOL was allowed in the meeting room at ANY TIME.

If having an operating bar anywhere on the premises where ALPA meetings are held, that pretty much rules out every hotel the MEC has used, the LGA Marriott, the CLT Hilton, the PHL Ramada (a Tosi favorite,) and so on.
Everyone here knows and realizes that the bar is not the issue nor should it have received an honorable mention. It is just another diversionary tactic with which to shade the real, honest and above reproach methods used to thwart the efforts of someone that has never won an argument, let alone an audience.

My post is accurate and you know it. The council chairman and ballot certification committee apparently violated ALPA by-laws and there could be some serious fraud issues involved here, which could be very detrimental to the PHL Reps.


Late in the night when you wander into the kitchen and flick on the light switch, the cockroaches normally flee for the shadows.
USA320Pilot said:

My post is accurate and you know it. The council chairman and ballot certification committee apparently violated ALPA by-laws and there could be some serious fraud issues involved here, which could be very detrimental to the PHL Reps.



Its over you have lost all credibility on this board. You have gone too far and have lost. Face it its over. You have continuously been proved wrong and a liar. You get so deep you have no defense except to say its not true. You offer no supporting evidence or witnesses. Please go away you have grown very tiring and give it a rest..
USA320Pilot said:

My post is accurate and you know it. The council chairman and ballot certification committee apparently violated ALPA by-laws and there could be some serious fraud issues involved here, which could be very detrimental to the PHL Reps.


I cannot speak for the PHL reps, but I suspect their unanimous response to your post would be "bring it on." Why not get out your copy of the ALPA Constitution and By-Laws and show us EXACTLY which parts were violated. Not your conjecture, just fact.

You continually insist on making posts based on second and third hand information and then say you know them for fact. But when eye witnesses refute your nonsense, you merely stonewall.

I rarely agree with him, but the LGA F/O rep was dead on accurate when he described you as that "crawly, slimy creature" some months back. You need to crawl back into your dark, fetid recesses and stay OUT of PHL business.
Not Piney. He is a smart cockroach. He is making money off of the cockroach idea.

I was refering to the cockroaches that sit in the middle of the kitchen floor and make themselves easy targets.

Some cockroaches don't seem to know how easy of a target they are.
PineyBob said:
Not to worry, I'm having to much fun reading this thread to post anything serious. Besides I don't know about the inner workings of ALPA anymore that I can figure out the workings of A320's brain & motives.

This thread is better than Jerry Springer and about as enlightening. Have at it.
Actually this is the best and most truthful thread I read in a long time
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