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Recal Of Phl Reps Fails

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This thread was hijacked again and I simply responded to a comment made by another poster regarding ALPA's opener, which will have a bankruptcy protection letter prior to the pending pre-packaged filing, unless something changes.


USA320Pilot said:
This thread was hijacked again and I simply responded to a comment made by another poster regarding ALPA's opener, which will have a bankruptcy protection letter prior to the pending pre-packaged filing, unless something changes.


Hello I just reread this thread and you my friend were the hijackie you were the first to post a story and to comment on a topic that has no place here and in fact has it own two threads. Why do you lie and put your foot in mouth so much? Diverting attention from the real issue?
USA320Pilot said:
Although the recall effort failed, the desired objective is about to be obtained prior to a potential pre-packaged bankruptcy filing.
There is no such thing as a pre-packaged bankruptcy. Everybody takes a bath (you really need to take a look at the history of 1113 and why it exists in the first place).

That said, those letters are not worth the paper they are printed on. Pension, anyone?

(might not be a problem this time if ALPA simply gives the pension away, but you get the point).

Anyway, it's nice to see that the "strongest revolt in 19+ years" went so well.
In the interest of remaining on topic…

The PHL reps were vilified to no end by many self-proclaimed saviors from ever other base in the system. (the self-proclaimed saviors had every intention of subverting the rightful representation in a base that they had no business meddling in.) No doubt everyone is familiar with the actors, some of which have a verbosity that rivals diarrhea.

They hoped to topple the reps in a base that was not their own in order to insert reps agreeable to their agenda of capitulation.

Despite the fact that such a coordinated campaign of character assassinations, lies, maligning, and malfeasance was thrust at these honorable men, the assault failed.

Had these men simply been party to denying membership ratification on something simple like a Defined Benefit plan then perhaps the “saviorsâ€￾ would have been successful in their overthrow. (Indeed one of the most vociferous “saviorsâ€￾ successfully recently gained an MEC seat by running his campaign on a promise to change the agenda of capitulation. Well change he did.

He should have kept his own campaign promises rather than turncoat. But it wasn’t enough to turncoat in his own bases alone. He had to lead the charge to overthrow the membership vote of a base that was not his own.

There will be no apology or admission of wrong doing from the “saviors.â€￾ Insurgents have no shame.


I am,

Most truly,

USA320Pilot said:
Yesterday’s meeting was a heated debate and the RC4 used political manuevering to accomplish their goal of staying in office. The meeting was forced to be called by a petition with over 360 signatures that was forwarded to ALPA National and then the LEC Chairman called the meeting.

Most observers believe ALPA’s $211 million offer to the company two days before the PHL LEC meeting played are part in the result and I now understand the RC4 has let it be known that ALPA will fully participate in the new business plan.
What political maneuvering? The mostly unverifyable faxed proxies presented by the insurgents were accepted without comment. Even unverifyable proxies were not enough to thwart the will of the PHL pilots.

The signatures on the petition to call a meeting were also never verified. There was no need to do so, because by the time the petition was presented at ALPA National, there was already a meeting scheduled with the recall on the agenda. As promised by Crocker to Thomas. As per ALPA Constitution and By-Laws. Those petition signatures could very well have been collected at K-Mart for all anyone knows.

As far as a heated debate, I was present. You were not. You certainly like to pass on second-hand information as if you were an eye-witness. Kind of like the four furloughs you "experienced." Tell us again, just exactly how you arrived at that one.

I believe the meeting was attended so well because both sides had extremely strong, even emotional, convictions that their side was the correct one. Anyone who would try to use the NC opener as a spin to mitigate the results is deluded, at best. In this case, it's a flat-out lie. I challenge USA320 to come up with even a handful of folks who changed their mind after walking through the door of the meeting because of the NC opener. "Most observers believe" my patootie! What most observers really believe is that USA320 can't even accept reality when it slams his own words down his whiny neck.
This thread was hijacked again

Hijacked? I thought it was about the Recall of the PHL reps.

I have an idea. Why don't you open you open your own website, post what you want, where you want and edit as you see fit. It shouldn't be too expensive because it won't get too much traffic.

BTW, whould you care for some cheese with your whine?

Your account of the events that lead up to the meeting and what transpired is incorrect.


USA320Pilot said:

Your account of the events that lead up to the meeting and what transpired is incorrect.


The only person PROVEN to be incorrect is you!

USA320Pilot Posted: Apr 15 2004, 08:14 AM
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Joined: 18-May 03

The PHL Rep recall effort is being led By Larry Thomas.

Larry is a PHL based B757 F/O, a fighter pilot, a Navy Top Gun graduate, and now an Air National Guard Brigadier General selectee.

He has commanded two Air Wings, he was recently deployed in hostile areas, and flew two special operation missions in defense of America's freedom. He is a candidate to be the next vice-commander of the New Jersey Air National Guard, which I believe is a two star general position.

I have never witnessed such a strong revolt before in 19+ years at this company and the recall effort will be successful. In addition, there are some very good ALPA people not listed in this thread who have volunteered to seek the soon to be vacated positions.
USA320Pilot said:

Your account of the events that lead up to the meeting and what transpired is incorrect.


He claims to have been there, thus begging the question:

Were you in attendance, or can you post anything but the proverbial "you're wrong?"

Yeah, getting the recall bounced 2 to 1 must have stung, but it sure sounds to me like you are trying to refute an eyewitness account with nada.
ClueByFour said:
He claims to have been there, thus begging the question:

Were you in attendance, or can you post anything but the proverbial "you're wrong?"

Yeah, getting the recall bounced 2 to 1 must have stung, but it sure sounds to me like you are trying to refute an eyewitness account with nada.
He did the same thing when a pilot claimed USA320Pilot was kicked off the ALPA bulletin board for lying and threatening that same pilot. He offered no explanation and just called the other pilot a liar, sorry I can't recall what other pilots name was.
You know he lives in his own world. Thinks he is the CEO. SR VP of labor relations, secret confidant and he knows all.

He can't and will never admit when he is wrong, even if you have concrete evidence to dispute word by word what he posts. Definitely something is not right with the individual.

Sounds like delusions of grandeur.
usairways_vote_NO said:
He did the same thing when a pilot claimed USA320Pilot was kicked off the ALPA bulletin board for lying and threatening that same pilot. He offered no explanation and just called the other pilot a liar, sorry I can't recall what other pilots name was.
That would be the famous Ira. Despite his senior seniority he smells bullcrap a mile away. That's why USA320pilot can't stand him. I was on a trip with a union connected guy and I mentioned USA320pilots name eyes rolled. Believe me everybody has had it with him. Sad fact he's the butt of many jokes.
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