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Recal Of Phl Reps Fails

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FlyingHippie said:
That would be the famous Ira. Despite his senior seniority he smells bullcrap a mile away. That's why USA320pilot can't stand him. I was on a trip with a union connected guy and I mentioned USA320pilots name eyes rolled. Believe me everybody has had it with him. Sad fact he's the butt of many jokes.
Care to speculate why USA320Pilot does what he does? Like his posts on here do you think he is serious or maybe this is all a game to him? Getting kicks out of all the attention he gets? Something along that line or is he just full of himself and really delusional and/or brainwashed? Do you thing he is schizophrenic? Do you think he makes all these stories up about talking to insiders etc or do those people just feed him stories to let him make a fool of himself on this message board? I would think he would be well known among everyone he spreads all these rumors on the internet and couldn't be trusted to keep his mouth for any reason. If fact I would think they use him for a mouthpiece or to spread misinformation.
I think he has issues and my friend Siggy agrees.
Lets keep the discussion to the recall of the PHL reps vote.
scot with all due respect it is on topic. Understand that this whole ALPA internal recall issue would not even be a factor on this forum had it not been for one prolific pilot with an agenda. i had issues with usa320pilot posting in house ALPA issues on this board. i thought the names should not be posted on here but you guys let it stay on the forums. so forgive us if we are calling a spade a spade here. i think we are on topic by commenting on the reasoning behind the recall propoganda that usa320pilot posted. my two cents.
The latest Local Council 41 meeting in Philadelphia is now behind us, and you, the pilots, have spoken. The vote was one of resounding support for your local reps, and for that we thank you. The recall motion on the agenda failed, being voted down by a vote of 388 against to 188 in favor--a better than two to one majority.

To all of our credit, the meeting was conducted in a civil manner, and all of the pilots of Council 41 behaved professionally. The balloting began at 12 noon as soon as the meeting was called to order. Both the proxy certification process and ballot certification process were conducted with the utmost professionalism and accuracy by the six volunteers. It took a total of five hours and five minutes to process the votes of the 176 pilots who attended the meeting and their 388 proxies. We would like to thank the three volunteers on the proxy certification board, Mark Wolfrum, Dave Ciabattoni, and James Garbett, and the three volunteers on the ballot certification board, Mike Saint, Denny Jones, and James Walther for their herculean efforts. The final official tally wasn't completed until approximately 9 pm by Mike Saint. If you see any of these men around the crew room, be sure to thank them for all of their hard work.

We are also grateful for the personal effort a large number of pilots put forward to attend this important meeting. To take another scarce day off and spend it in such a way indicates that you fully understood what was at stake.

Now, as we close the page on this chapter of local politics, we would like to use the results of this meeting as the necessary foundation, not for division, but rather for greater unity within our council. There is no doubt that a difficult summer lies ahead, and our pilot group needs to present a unified front to the company, as we are all in this together.

As in any organization, there are differences of opinion on many matters. Your representatives are aware of and respect those differences. However, we cannot dwell on the items that separate us. Instead, we must focus our attention on the items that bind us together in an effort to secure that which is best for this entire pilot group. We cannot allow the personal agendas of a few vocal individuals to detract from this singularly most important goal, and we ask your support in this worthy endeavor. Remember, together we will prevail.
Thank you Phoenix for that account of what transpired and to prove USA320Pilot a liar again.

Posted: Jun 27 2004, 12:46 AM
USA320Pilot says:


Your account of the events that lead up to the meeting and what transpired is incorrect.


I was at the meeting too.

The pilots seeking the recall of the PHL Reps obtained nearly 400 names on the recall petition, which was submitted to ALPA.

The PHL Captain Rep attempted to invalidate faxed proxies just days before the meeting after he was told by ALPA to permit proxies. The vote count was delayed for two hours while ALPA was consulted on the issue and then ALPA directed the fax proxies be counted.

The PHL Captain Rep did not invite an ALPA International representative to attend the meeting, even as observers, despite repeated requests by those seeking the recall to do so. If a person was honorable and had a mandate, why prevent an impartial observer from witnessing the meeting and vote count?

The PHL Captain Rep refused to accept certified return receipt requested mail, from the leader of the recall.

The PHL Captain Rep held the meeting in a bar where alcohol is served, in full view of the public, where 162 US Airways pilots were conducting a heated and emotional ALPA meeting.

The PHL Captain Rep did the sole appointing of the ballot certification committee and refused to let a member of the pilots seeking the recall or an ALPA MEC officer witness the ballot count.

The current MEC Reps had a stunning 377 votes cast against the recall, amazingly close to the 400 votes that were on the petition submitted to ALPA International to force the LEC meeting. Thus, the current Reps must have had at least 94 pilots on their team out of the 162 pilots in the bar, with some drinking alcohol, with each and every one of those 94 pilots carrying 3 properly filled out proxies. Simply amazing!

The meeting was a sham and some people believe fraud may have been committed and the meeting was corrupt.
Somehow i think USA320pilot and new member Truth or Consequences are intertwined. Both posts are within 10 minutes of each other. Talk about sour grapes and desparation. You were wrong and you lost now get over yourselves or is that self.
FlyingHippie said:
Somehow i think USA320pilot and new member Truth or Consequences are intertwined. Both posts are within 10 minutes of each other. Talk about sour grapes and desparation. You were wrong and you lost now get over yourselves or is that self.
The only thing missing was the signature signoff

He really must think everyone is stupid.

I too was at the meeting and it appears your memory fails you.

>>>The PHL Captain Rep attempted to invalidate faxed proxies just days before the meeting after he was told by ALPA to permit proxies. The vote count was delayed for two hours while ALPA was consulted on the issue and then ALPA directed the fax proxies be counted.<<<

The meeting started pretty much on time and any delay was because of the large turn out and an attempt to get the room in order for the meeting. The results were annouced within 10 minutes of the end of voting.

>>>The PHL Captain Rep did not invite an ALPA International representative to attend the meeting, even as observers, despite repeated requests by those seeking the recall to do so. If a person was honorable and had a mandate, why prevent an impartial observer from witnessing the meeting and vote count?<<<

It seems to me that this was a local issue and not one needing any ALPA International assistance. As for impartial observers, Don Matthews, Chief Pilot for PHL was there as were several wifes and guests. There was even a special speaker scheduled to attend but he was called away on USAir company business.
If you took time to read the notice that was sent via the mail it specifically invited guests to attend.

>>>The PHL Captain Rep held the meeting in a bar where alcohol is served, in full view of the public, where 162 US Airways pilots were conducting a heated and emotional ALPA meeting.<<<

The meeting was held in a dining room that has a bar at one end. The bar was closed and remain closed for the duration of the meeting. The bar outside was opened and Crocker even suggested that we patronize it during the break but reminded everyone that alcohol was not permitted at the meeting. The Lagoon gives ALPA use of the room free of charge since many crew members spend time at the Hotel and it cuts down costs the LEC would have to encumber renting another hall.

>>>The PHL Captain Rep did the sole appointing of the ballot certification committee and refused to let a member of the pilots seeking the recall or an ALPA MEC officer witness the ballot count.<<<

Can't make much of a comment on this other than I saw two men working the tables that I knew and I hold both of them in high regard.

>>>The current MEC Reps had a stunning 377 votes cast against the recall, amazingly close to the 400 votes that were on the petition submitted to ALPA International to force the LEC meeting. Thus, the current Reps must have had at least 94 pilots on their team out of the 162 pilots in the bar, with some drinking alcohol, with each and every one of those 94 pilots carrying 3 properly filled out proxies.<<<

Yes that is a stunning number and I suspect that on any given day about 400 people go through K-Mart and sign something shoved in their face when told it was for something other than what was presented to be.

I saw absolutely no one drinking inside the room and when I went outside to purchase a Pepsi, the bartender told me he wasn't suppose to serve alcohol to anyone until after the meeting was over.

I carried 3 proxies and I was told to be sure they were filled out correctly because they didn't want a repeat of the CLT recall where proxies were invalidated because they were filled out in different colored ink.

I would also venture a guess that the 94 pilots with proxies were a dedicated group that saw this as power grab and didn't like what they saw. Many flew in from the west coast and points south just to be at the meeting and vote to prevent a return to the same old gang runnning the negotiating committee.

>>>The meeting was a sham and some people believe fraud may have been committed and the meeting was corrupt.<<<

The only sham here was they attempt by the old guard to reclaim the positions of stature they feel is their entitled right. It must gall them to see new faces in these positions and things happening that the pilots want to happen.

A personal observation, the only people I saw hanging around a bar near the end of the meeting were the 'Pro Recall' group. They stood there dejected and look as if they couldn't wait until it opened and drown their sorrows.

I was there also, and mntmman828's account is dead-on accurate.

Truth Or Consequences post is full of flat-out lies and inaccuracies, which are likely intentional. Despite his nickname, Truth or Consequences has little attachment to the "Truth" part.

But the Give-Away-Gang will whine on for eternity, spouting whatever lies they can come up with to try to bolster their weak, obsolete positions.
Mtnman928 said:
A personal observation, the only people I saw hanging around a bar near the end of the meeting were the 'Pro Recall' group. They stood there dejected and look as if they couldn't wait until it opened and drown their sorrows.

Thanks for the update, you show a lot of class

As far as the "Por Recall" group at the bar, can you really blame them? I mean it was a complete drubbing and they will forever now be associated with chocolate Chip cookies.
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