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Recal Of Phl Reps Fails

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Jack Stephan the ALPA Communication Committee Chairman twice reprimanded the PHL Council Reps and then in "open session" MEC Chairman Bill Pollock scolded the PHL Reps for constitution and by-law violations.


It's pointless to try. Somehow bull manure was able to be stacked 5'2". It's just a shame with that much animal fertalizer no patch of grass grows.
By the way, the three ALPA reprimands of the PHL Reps happened during their first three months if office.

On June 11 the PHL Reps distributed a council update where the LEC Reps purposely misrepresented information regarding the recent Wilson Poll, creating false furlough information that was characterized as a “reckless innuendoâ€￾ and breaching MEC confidentiality.

In a June 14 email to the Reps, ALPA Communications Committee Chairman Jack Stephan wrote, “For the record, the term "furlough" is not used in the May 17 Confidential Company Presentation and our Negotiating Committee (the pollsters you refer to) and most of the MEC were in favor of deleting any reference to any confidential/"substantial" number. To also suggest that our Negotiating Committee was trying to lead our pilots to a predetermined path in their questioning is a “reckless innuendoâ€￾, Stephan wrote to the Council Reps.

Why would the official MEC spokesman have said the PHL Council Reps used "reckless innuendo's"?


here is the other side of the story and possible motivations behind the flimsy admonishments USA320Pilot alludes to. Because maybe the communications chairman is part of the GAG mentality and supporter to that group that includes thE DCA, CLT, LGA and BOS FO rep. Maybe it's because they can't stand the RC5 has returned some democracy and transparency to the process giving more power to the group than being Management wannabes who will never achieve the self affirmation they desire driving airplanes aso they would rather play three piece suit and carry briefcases. Maybe the MEC chairman's motivation stem from the fact his support and election is owed to the GAG 7 and the previous NC were his men. Heck maybe even National's displeasure stems from the fact that the VP of finance is of the same click and mentality of the GAG 7 and his election when he was MEC chaimen was also from the GAG 7. All these points were made to show what kind of political BS is in play and USA320Pilots actions are obvious. If he was fai and balanced he would tell the whole story and show the politics aspect of instead of character assasinating the group he disagrees with. A brush can paint both ways and USA320Pilot could easily be accused of thw worst kind of politics. The unfounded smear campaign, playing the typical attack dog. The probably is every attack dog has a master and someone holding the leash. His side ain't controlling things no more. Fortunately the political view of credibility, quids, openess, and transparency is in the driver's seat now via the RC5.
May the RC5 maintain their collective spirit and strength! :up:
USA320Pilot said:
Jack Stephan the ALPA Communication Committee Chairman twice reprimanded the PHL Council Reps and then in "open session" MEC Chairman Bill Pollock scolded the PHL Reps for constitution and by-law violations.



Bud8EE said:
here is the other side of the story and possible motivations behind the flimsy admonishments USA320Pilot alludes to.

You made me think of USA320Pilot for what he is: A lying, hypocritical, blame it on the other side, never wrong, knows everything person. A Rush L. wannabe especially during the Clinton Admin. Is there one world that would sum up a person like that?
USA320Pilot said:
Burn it down to the ground…the concession stand is closed. I am disgusted ALPA took the lead an offered the company a pay cut larger than what the company sought. Burn it down to the ground.
As was explained before, the pay cut offered by ALPA was less then the package cuts the company was asking for. Tell the whole story there mr USA320Pilot

By the way Mr USA320Pilot you have been reprimanded on the board here more times then can be counted. Heck I lost count just how many times in this thread alone.
"As was explained before, the pay cut offered by ALPA was less then the package cuts the company was asking for. Tell the whole story there mr USA320Pilot."

I never said it did. I simply discussed the wage cut proposal. The fact is the "hardliners" offered the company a pay rate cut that would provide US Airways' pilots a pay rate less than America West, period.

In regard to the PHL Reps, I would not be surprised if the Department of Labor and NLRB become involved by conducting a formal investigation into alleged election irregularities and fraud. Stay tuned.

What continues to amaze me is how this and other message board's become a cesspool because the "just say no crowd" cannot discuss issues without personal insults, name calling, and a lack of decorum. It's truly sad that grown men and women -- who believe they're professionals -- act this way.


USA320Pilot said:
"As was explained before, the pay cut offered by ALPA was less then the package cuts the company was asking for. Tell the whole story there mr USA320Pilot."

I never said it did. I simply discussed the wage cut proposal. The fact is the "hardliners" offered the company a pay rate cut that would provide US Airways' pilots a pay rate less than America West, period.

In regard to the PHL Reps, I would not be surprised if the Department of Labor and NLRB become involved by conducting a formal investigation into election irregularities and fraud.


Man o man, and you ran for base LEC and you don't even know how the system works, amazing.

First of all any protest should be filed with ALPA national and/or the Department of Labor.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) does not get involved in internal union politics, only representational elections and they only cover unions under the National Labor Relations Act, which airlines are not.

Airline unions fall under the Railway Labor Act (RLA) which is governed by the National Mediation Board (NMB), which only handle representational elections, not internal union politics.

So try again and educate yourself instead of posting things that you have no idea about.

That's not how I understand it.

I have never been down this road before and running a corrupt meeting is new to me. But, I understand from ALPA sources, that a charge can be filed with the NLRB regional office at the location where the unfair labor practice took place. Once a charge is filed, the NLRB regional office does an investigation and if there is enough evidence of unlawful activity, the region will issue a formal complaint.

Moreover, the regional office has an information officer that can also explain this entire process to the complainant.

Let's see what happens in Philadelphia, especially since the PHL Reps have been warned about illegal activity three times in less than three months in office. The warnings came on the code-a-phone, in a letter from the ALPA Communications Committee Chairman, and then earlier this month verbally by the MEC Chairman in "open session" on June 18.

Filing a formal protest with the NLRB could have some serious consequences outside of the complaint, for all US Airways employees, so I believe it's best to let those parties involved sort this out.


USA320Pilot said:

That's not how I understand it.

I have never been down this road before and running a corrupt meeting is new to me. But, I understand from ALPA sources, that a charge can be filed with the NLRB regional office at the location where the unfair labor practice took place. Once a charge is filed, the NLRB regional office does an investigation and if there is enough evidence of unlawful activity, the region will issue a formal complaint.

Moreover, the regional office has an information officer that can also explain this entire process to the complainant.

Let's see what happens in Philadelphia, especially since the PHL Reps have been warned about illegal activity three times in less than three months in office. The warnings came on the code-a-phone, in a letter from the ALPA Communications Committee Chairman, and then earlier this month verbally by the MEC Chairman in "open session" on June 18.

Filing a formal protest with the NLRB could have some serious consequences outside of the complaint, for all US Airways employees, so I believe it's best to let those parties involved sort this out.


See you don't understand it.

An Unfair Labor practice is a charge the union makes against a company or the company makes against the union, amazing that you know nothing about it and you wanted to be your base president.

The NLRB HAS NO JURISDICTION for unions covered under the RLA.

The NMB handles RLA unions and it is for only representational elections and contract mediation.

I know how it works, I have been an officer and you have not.

Amazing how you keep posting false information and things which you have no idea about.

The protest get filed with ALPA National and or the Department of Labor.

If you dont believe me call the NMB, NLRB and the DOL.

From www.nlrb.gov

The NLRB is a Federal agency that:
conducts elections to determine whether employees want union representation;
investigates and remedies unfair labor practices by employers and unions.

From www.nmb.gov

The National Mediation Board (NMB), established by the 1934 amendments to the Railway Labor Act of 1926, is an independent agency that performs a central role in facilitating harmonious labor-management relations within two of the nation's key transportation modes--the railroads and airlines. Pursuant to the Railway Labor Act, NMB programs provide an integrated dispute resolution process to effectively meet the statutory objective of minimizing work stoppages in the airline and railroad industries. The NMB's integrated processes specifically are designed to promote three statutory goals:

The prompt and orderly resolution of disputes arising out of the negotiation of new or revised collective bargaining agreements;

The effectuation of employee rights of self-organization where a representation dispute exists; and

The prompt and orderly resolution of disputes over the interpretation or application of existing agreements.

So maybe you need to educate yourself before you post your wrong information.
I am not involved with this, it's a PHL issue, and we are talking about unlawful activity, which is a serious charge. Therefore, I believe enough has been said.

Just like in labor relations, the parties will decide what to do or not to do next, not you or I on an internet message board. Again, I understand this is very serious.


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