Pilots pay cut and concession package:USA320Pilot said:"As was explained before, the pay cut offered by ALPA was less then the package cuts the company was asking for. Tell the whole story there mr USA320Pilot."
I never said it did. I simply discussed the wage cut proposal. The fact is the "hardliners" offered the company a pay rate cut that would provide US Airways' pilots a pay rate less than America West, period.
In regard to the PHL Reps, I would not be surprised if the Department of Labor and NLRB become involved by conducting a formal investigation into alleged election irregularities and fraud. Stay tuned.
What continues to amaze me is how this and other message board's become a cesspool because the "just say no crowd" cannot discuss issues without personal insults, name calling, and a lack of decorum. It's truly sad that grown men and women -- who believe they're professionals -- act this way.
You got whammied again so therefore yes stick your head in sand and not debate again.USA320Pilot said:I am not involved with this, it's a PHL issue, and we are talking about unlawful activity, which is a serious charge. Therefore, I believe enough has been said.
Just like in labor relations, the parties will decide what to do or not to do next, not you or I on an internet message board. Again, I understand this is very serious.
PIT is it true what 700UW says about you?PITbull said:USA320,
What is wrong with you?
You do more damage to any negotiation process by posting these things about the internal affairs of ALPA. You erode any leverage ALPA would have at the table. Management who peruses thes boards every single moment (And I know by all the PMs from managment) that they love this division among the ranks.
Knock it OFF! :angry:
Pitbull,PITbull said:USAirways Vote No,
That depends. And what does 700UW say about me, pray tell?
I don't know, but I doubt it. Judging from feedback I got from several LGA F/O's when I worked there, they would likely refuse to fly with him as an FFDO.hp_fa said:Since "I Have an Idea" is a closed topic I really need to ask one question and its purpose is not to be mean. Is he a FFDO? Please silently say no and DO NOT RESPOND HERE. If the answer is yes, someone needs to make a phone call.
For those unfamiliar with term "Federal Flight Deck Officer " in otherwords gun totinghp_fa said:Since "I Have an Idea" is a closed topic I really need to ask one question and its purpose is not to be mean. Is he a FFDO? Please silently say no and DO NOT RESPOND HERE. If the answer is yes, someone needs to make a phone call.
Why would I do that? Then I'd have to put up with your senseless drivel in my already overcrowded email box.USA320Pilot said:Nycitybusdriver:
I find your slanderous comments interesting, especially since you are afraid to identify yourself in a PM to me. Why ignore me?
It takes courage to bare your soul on the message board, versus spread lies and simply “shoot the messengerâ€. With all due respect, if you had any courage at all, you would privately identify yourself, but you do not.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!nycbusdriver said:It's more important that my correspondence with you take place in the open, since 99.9% of it is aimed at refuting your lies and half-truths. If I PM my concerns to you, then you would not be exposed for the fraud that you are. I want everyone to know that I'm part of the vast majority of folks here who think you are somehwhat off your rocker in your continual inability to identify truth and embrace it.