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Recal Of Phl Reps Fails

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I don't think we will hear from him this weekend, he is in a place where there is no Internet Service.
usa320pilot also said if their pension was taken away there would be a revolt; the pilots were never so unified and a strike would be inevitible. He is on record for saying that US would ultimately buy UA. The list of things he has been wrong about is pretty long. :lol:
ojxux said:
usa320pilot also said if their pension was taken away there would be a revolt; the pilots were never so unified and a strike would be inevitible. He is on record for saying that US would ultimately buy UA. The list of things he has been wrong about is pretty long. :lol:
It is funny how he agreed with them and was ready to revolt for his own selfish interests back then but now when its others getting stolen from he says don't fight it just go along with it and everything will be ok. Can you say hypocritical!!

If it wouldn't be such an exhausting exercise I would love to see a list of things he predicted and list of things that came true. Compare them and even put it in a timeline format to see how he changed his predictions as time went along till one finally came true. Wow that would take years to do.

That would be a great topic too
Yesterday’s meeting was a heated debate and the RC4 used political manuevering to accomplish their goal of staying in office. The meeting was forced to be called by a petition with over 360 signatures that was forwarded to ALPA National and then the LEC Chairman called the meeting.

Most observers believe ALPA’s $211 million offer to the company two days before the PHL LEC meeting played are part in the result and I now understand the RC4 has let it be known that ALPA will fully participate in the new business plan.

Although I am surprised at the result, the silver lining is that the pilot group now has a strong transformation plan opening contract proposal that reflects the new business economic climate.

In a Reuters article published earlier today ALPA Communications Committee spokesman Jack Stephan said, "This is important. It involves real dollars and cents. I'm sure there will be further discussions in other areas, but right now this is where we are."

"It's clear as a result of the pilots' willingness to sit down and talk that they share the same commitment for the survival of the company," said US Airways spokesman David Castelveter.

Complete Story

In regard to the LEC meeting, I understand the LEC Reps were respectful to the process and their opponents, and they controlled the "harline hecklers" who made comments to those attempting to lead the recall effort, which many people appreciate.

Although the recall effort failed, the desired objective is about to be obtained prior to a potential pre-packaged bankruptcy filing.


USA320Pilot said:
Please do not what do you call it? Oh yeah hijack thread. This topic is about failing of the recall motion. The story you quoted was already started in another thread. Oh wait you know that already because you started a second thread with the very same story.

Hey I got to give the master of spin credit he came off pretty smooth trying to divert attention from the real topic and saving face.
USA320Pilot said:
Most observers believe ALPA’s $211 million offer to the company two days before the PHL LEC meeting played are part in the result and I now understand the RC4 has let it be known that ALPA will fully participate in the new business plan.

Don't put your predictions out there, my friend.

You need to hold your breath now for the company's counter-proposal.

This was only the FIRST exercise.

If ALPA thinks that U managment will settle for 12.5% wage reduction on the first proposal, they will pull a hell of alot more out of your hides. The door is WIDE OPEN now.

Good Luck!
We want an answer to this, but we all know you won't respond as when you are proven wrong like usual you choose to ignore and can't accept the facts!

USA320Pilot Posted: Apr 15 2004, 08:14 AM
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Joined: 18-May 03

The PHL Rep recall effort is being led By Larry Thomas.

Larry is a PHL based B757 F/O, a fighter pilot, a Navy Top Gun graduate, and now an Air National Guard Brigadier General selectee.

He has commanded two Air Wings, he was recently deployed in hostile areas, and flew two special operation missions in defense of America's freedom. He is a candidate to be the next vice-commander of the New Jersey Air National Guard, which I believe is a two star general position.

I have never witnessed such a strong revolt before in 19+ years at this company and the recall effort will be successful. In addition, there are some very good ALPA people not listed in this thread who have volunteered to seek the soon to be vacated positions.


Eagerly awaiting for you to not respond and admit you are WRONG!
PITbull said:

Don't put your predictions out there, my friend.

You need to hold your breath now for the company's counter-proposal.
OMG do you do believe that could ever happen? seriously
The ALPA proposal was an opener and the company is preparing their counter proposal, which is expected to be received by the pilots later this week, although management has not yet scheduled the meeting.

The hourly rate is slightly lower than America West by about 2% and most observers expect the monthly pay cap, quarterly average pay cap, reserve guarantee, and retiree health care will end up at America West levels.

It remains unclear how the scope (CRJ-705, CRJ-900, EMB-190, & EMB-195), other productivity, and retirement issues will be negotiated by the parties, but there is enough room to bridge the gap from ALPA's $211 million opener and the company's target of $295 million or $84 million per year.

In addition, ALPA expects to receive a S.1113 letter and meaningful profit sharing and stock options and/or restricted stock in exchange for their huge sacrifice.

It should be evident by ALPA's opener that even the RC4 and ALPA's "hardliners" understand the reality of the marketplace, otherwise they wold not have provided such a huge opening new contract proposal to management.


700UW said:
We want an answer to this, but we all know you won't respond as when you are proven wrong like usual you choose to ignore and can't accept the facts!

Eagerly awaiting for you to not respond and admit you are WRONG!
Did you miss it...

USA320Pilot says:

"Although I am surprised at the result"


"Although the recall effort failed"

you want more?
Ya know, 320, the least you could do if you're going to keep referring to it is to use the appropriate character. It's §1113. 😛
USA320Pilot said:
It should be evident by ALPA's opener that even the RC4 and ALPA's "hardliners" understand the reality of the marketplace, otherwise they wold not have provided such a huge opening new contract proposal to management.


NO! What is really "EVIDENT" is THAT the pilots are scared sh--t-less knowing that unlike other labor groups flying aircraft for a living puts one in a very narrow choice as to other job options, not to mention the rate of HIGH pay they have ALWAYS enjoyed unlike the lower level grunts, who by the way are so affectionally referred to by the mighty pilots as----- Neanderthals.
I want to see an admission that says I WAS WRONG!

But we know this will happen before that ever does!
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