Ramp Rat Voting results second update

I heard a comment today that said that CLT had been poisoned by all the people from PIT. I dont think that poisoned is the right word. More like educated. Thanks to all the good people from PIT I feel like I have been educated rather than poisoned.
Seems there is always that one pesky "Fact" that you choose not to print.

It was the IAM, [NOT the Membership], that decided to RE-VOTE the companies offer..
How many times do I have to tell you, the Final offer which was given to the IAM in Jan of 05 was only voted on once?

Don't let the facts get in your way.

Guess you keep getting your dates and CBAs mixed up, the offer that was voted on twice was the 2002 CBA.
This is whose fighting for us to get a fair conract...
You tell me whose interest their fighting for.....

Highest Paid District Lodge 141 Leaders & Staff Name Title Total Compensation
Stephen Canale Pdgc $ 140,425
Albert Faung Agc $ 131,867
Anthony Armideo Agc $ 122,518
Paul Kempinski Agc $ 122,412
Ira Levy Agc $ 119,762
Pat Flynn Agc $ 119,693
William Chandlee Agc $ 118,359
Nelson Davis Agc $ 117,657
Thaddeus Trynock Agc $ 115,908
Rachel Davis Agc $ 114,592
[show all officers & salaries

Its' not pretty when you realize thats basically $60.00hr if thier working a 40hr week. (apx. avg.)
Do they know what we need ??

They work more than 40 hours a week and spend more time on the road and away from their homes and families.
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San Diego results:
Not verified yet

11 yes
8 No

out of 68 guys but the voting was between 11-4pm and many of the people work doubles and couldn't go to the local.

Email your station totals here: appearances1@aol.com

Kev3188 you are right on the button with the fact that what we can attain affects everyone at our position. We're all fighting the same fight against the new "American Way" of business. The working class people are being put down, their work farmed out, and their wages and benefits taken back to the dark ages. Exactly what we're paying union dues to prevent from happening. All the time the executives in this country are earning obscene wages never before seen. To top it off they are running companies in the ground while receiving these perks and have no reason to worry since if they're asked to leave they yank a golden parachute and land on their feet at their buddies company who is part of the good ole' boy executive network. I understand that bankruptcy laws put the unions in a no win situation as the laws allow the execs to legally rape everyone from employees to vendors etc. etc. but right NOW we aren't in bankruptcy, in fact, we don't even have a contract (East) that's up for negotiations. US is rolling in money in spite of themselves and so now is the time for the union to flex some muscle. The West needs to be negotiated as they're contract expired years ago so if need be the IAM should get them up to par and leave the East with the CIC and a year and a half to go on their contract. Then go to bat for all of us in 2009 and unify. That's the least they could be doing. Get the West a contract with the same date as the East as they've suffered long enough. I don't feel this is the best thing but if the IAM truly fought for the T/A then give it up for attempting to redo the East contract and just get the West straightened out. That was a pitiful attempt at combining forces and to be giving away the farm at a time when the company is so profitable is a disgrace. If it's that hard to negotiate with the company then put some new blood in the room with the company. I can't really believe anyone without something to gain under the table for themselves would have had the nerve to bring this thing back to the employees. The vote should show how far off base you really were and I for one think the IAM NC should apologize for the mistake of even presenting this T/A and vow to get a REAL deal soon. Enough's Enough!!! Next time you are in the negotiating room "Just Say NO". Thanks to all the stations big and small out there that seen through the smoke and voted accordingly. We can and will do better if we stick together and show were unified. For the stations that are left still go out and vote. It's important that we continue to let the company and the IAM know that they weren't even close with this T/A.
How many times do I have to tell you, the Final offer which was given to the IAM in Jan of 05 was only voted on once?

Don't let the facts get in your way.

Guess you keep getting your dates and CBAs mixed up, the offer that was voted on twice was the 2002 CBA.
Don't know of any new hires who voted yes. Everyone I talked to in CLT knew how important this vote was going to be. To all those new hires who voted Thank You for doing so be it yes or no. Stay involved this is your future too.
They work more than 40 hours a week and spend more time on the road and away from their homes and families.
I have got to tell you. The IAM Rep that came to our station to push the YES Vote was the most uneducated individual I have ever met. When we pulled the CWA Book to show him where HE WAS WRONG, he got in a huff and told us we were wrong. He went as far as telling us we would get an extra weeks vacation! Maybe he should read what he pushes and then know a little about the station he is coming to. He was nothing more than a puppet. Please do not insult us the way he did. We saw NO ONE from the IAM the last time around because they did not need the Class II Stations. The last contract was forced upon us by the Class I stations. I for one have had enough of this lack luster representation.

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