raises comin sept 14

TWUBeliever said:
 I am no longer going to defend this you guys need to move on with your lives and worry about the here and now   
Didn't you put us in this association.
Are you still going defend doing that to us, or are you just going to cruise the high seas in the members paid for boat
We can move on now that you have moved on
It takes time but the truth always comes out and we went from the frying pan to the fire the association is a masterpiece you will be eating your words when we get DAL plus 7% pre-negotiated by Gless & Little with Parker & Isom before they left.  
TWUBeliever said:
The B check he is on are the highest seniority guys they work 530am-2pm with steady Sunday/Mondays off and hes' low man on the crew. I have the contract. And guess what? he barely negotiated it, Don did most of it but used Bob as a scapegoat as his superior by having him sign his name to it. Everyone loves to pass the buck and responsibility to someone else. The day AA filed he was in NY & in the court in front of that judge at 4pm who looked right at him and said "I protect assets not people" were any of you there? I am no longer going to defend this you guys need to move on with your lives and worry about the here and now and what's ahead and let go of the worst time in the history of our company. And perhaps spend a little more time concernd about the Int'l. i noticed no one commented about Sammy's boys. they aren't just workers, they are HIS guys at 100. And rumor has it he's going after Lombardo's job at next convention. No loyalty amongst thieves and people with poor judgement.  
Hey "Unbelieveable", I hear Bobby Gless used to supplement his income by selling certain things to his fellow workers.  What's he selling this weeK?  haha.  Seriously this guy reminds me of when my wife left her facebook page open and I posted on how great a guy her husband was and how he was a credit to all mankind.  You're either Bobby himself or you owe him a boatload of money and this is part of the payoff.  He screwed our ears off with the "Lower your expectations".  Don has to share the blame too but it was Gless who (didn't) represent us in court.  I am betting he's the loneliest guy in town and rightfully so.  How that guy (you) can look people in the eye after the irreparable damage done to our careers is beyond me.  In a word.........  Scumbag.
I am OldGuy and I approve this message.
TWUBeliever said:
oh cigarettes that his buddy got from down south not exactly contraband and he was very popular for that
Be careful about that Bobby. They choke you out and kill for that in NY. Why would you take credit for DAL +7% when Parker already willingly gave it to everyone else? Doesn't take too much negotiation for that. Hell, myself a F/A could negotiate DAL +7% for you guys. Let me know if you need any help.
IORFA said:
Be careful about that Bobby. They choke you out and kill for that in NY. Why would you take credit for DAL +7% when Parker already willingly gave it to everyone else? Doesn't take too much negotiation for that. Hell, myself a F/A could negotiate DAL +7% for you guys. Let me know if you need any help.
Listen to the DFW Town Hall, ( paraphasing ) Parker states that the F/A negotiations were at DL +3% and they added 4%. 
That is where the 7% came from
I am not Bobby you wish I were no one at his level would ever stoop to this level I am just so sick of listening to all this **** finally decided to say something. He is at complete peace with all he did. He feels he did his job to the best of his ability under extreme circumstances most of the time. And since not one of you were standing in his shoes nor have the balls to face him yourselves you should just shut the F up at this point. He made plenty of sacrifices too. Didn't see his kid from a baby till like 8 years old sleeping in hotels 4-5 nights a week all over the place or living in Dallas at the ATD he's lucky he never made the move there. Apparently his Italian wife kicked & screamed she wasn't leaving LI with a baby to be alone in Texas too and it would of been just like that and where would they be now? And since our headquarters were in NYC until a few years ago it worked in his favor. You want to point some fingers at self serving assholes? How about Yingst & Burchette? First firings ever at TWU. I don't know about you but if I caused an altercation in the air in first class I would of been fired upon landing. Stop with your statistics that mean nothing as our fearless leadership hasn't even opened negotiations yet. Mr. Fraternally to a senior exec at the company. Lots of class.       
Buck said:
Listen to the DFW Town Hall, ( paraphasing ) Parker states that the F/A negotiations were at DL +3% and they added 4%. 
That is where the 7% came from
Exactly, the original was everyone gets DAL +3%. Then they added the extra 4%. Everyone still gets DAL +7%.
IORFA said:
Exactly, the original was everyone gets DAL +3%. Then they added the extra 4%. Everyone still gets DAL +7%.
Except members of the association. A good will jester would help negotiations get a jump start. There does not have to be any contractual changes to just hand over the Delta+7. That is what GP should be asking for in the meantime.
1AA said:
Except members of the association. A good will jester would help negotiations get a jump start. There does not have to be any contractual changes to just hand over the Delta+7. That is what GP should be asking for in the meantime.
Forgot about this one in the other post from the meeting a few weeks back.  That was asked for by Petersen, and he told the company to add it onto the September adjustment thing as the right thing to do since we are going to get it anyway in the new contract.  Company has said no.  I'll add it to the other post
TWUBeliever said:
I am not Bobby you wish I were no one at his level would ever stoop to this level I am just so sick of listening to all this #### finally decided to say something. He is at complete peace with all he did. He feels he did his job to the best of his ability under extreme circumstances most of the time. And since not one of you were standing in his shoes nor have the balls to face him yourselves you should just shut the F up at this point. He made plenty of sacrifices too. Didn't see his kid from a baby till like 8 years old sleeping in hotels 4-5 nights a week all over the place or living in Dallas at the ATD he's lucky he never made the move there. Apparently his Italian wife kicked & screamed she wasn't leaving LI with a baby to be alone in Texas too and it would of been just like that and where would they be now? And since our headquarters were in NYC until a few years ago it worked in his favor. You want to point some fingers at self serving assholes? How about Yingst & Burchette? First firings ever at TWU. I don't know about you but if I caused an altercation in the air in first class I would of been fired upon landing. Stop with your statistics that mean nothing as our fearless leadership hasn't even opened negotiations yet. Mr. Fraternally to a senior exec at the company. Lots of class.       
He's at piece with himself?  That proves he has no conscience at all.  If you want to talk about balls how come he never came down to Tulsa to explain the screwing he rubber stamped?  I would tell him to his face he is a scumbag and was Jim Little's trained monkey.  Stop trying to justify what he helped AA do to us.  You gonna go to bat for Hitler next?  The damage done to our careers is astronomical and we will never recover fully.  Also he made sure AMTs got a lot more concessions than Fleet or Stores.  But apparently you forgot all about that.  We haven't.  If it flies like a duck (Scumbag), quacks like a duck (scumbag) and swims like a duck (scumbag) it is a duck (scumbag).  I hope he tries to skip a puddle leaving work and breaks his leg.  I also wouldn't pi$$ on him if he was on fire.  But I'm betting he'll be ok since he got the TWU International retirement while he threw us to the dogs.  Hate is a strong word but Bobby Gless is hated by those of us who will always be reminded of what he helped AA jam down our throats.  You wanna kiss this guys a$$ then go ahead and do it.  Save the rest of us the pain of seeing it.
OldGuy@AA said:
He's at piece with himself?  That proves he has no conscience at all.  If you want to talk about balls how come he never came down to Tulsa to explain the screwing he rubber stamped?  I would tell him to his face he is a scumbag and was Jim Little's trained monkey.  Stop trying to justify what he helped AA do to us.  You gonna go to bat for Hitler next?  The damage done to our careers is astronomical and we will never recover fully.  Also he made sure AMTs got a lot more concessions than Fleet or Stores.  But apparently you forgot all about that.  We haven't.  If it flies like a duck (Scumbag), quacks like a duck (scumbag) and swims like a duck (scumbag) it is a duck (scumbag).  I hope he tries to skip a puddle leaving work and breaks his leg.  I also wouldn't pi$$ on him if he was on fire.  But I'm betting he'll be ok since he got the TWU International retirement while he threw us to the dogs.  Hate is a strong word but Bobby Gless is hated by those of us who will always be reminded of what he helped AA jam down our throats.  You wanna kiss this guys a$$ then go ahead and do it.  Save the rest of us the pain of seeing it.
It is funny that this guy came on here pushing Gless, because just the other day some of the union guys here started mentioning Gless as a potential candidate that they and a few guys in JFK and LAX want to run for 591 president next year because they think that Petersen is too hard on the company.  I spit my food up when I heard this crap they were spewing.  These guys were saying that they are pissed because Petersen wants the work rules to be the same for all, no deals, so they want him out and want someone who will, and I quote, "play nice" with the company.  And Gless was a name they kept pushing
ASSociation Clown said:
It is funny that this guy came on here pushing Gless, because just the other day some of the union guys here started mentioning Gless as a potential candidate that they and a few guys in JFK and LAX want to run for 591 president next year because they think that Petersen is too hard on the company.  I spit my food up when I heard this crap they were spewing.  These guys were saying that they are pissed because Petersen wants the work rules to be the same for all, no deals, so they want him out and want someone who will, and I quote, "play nice" with the company.  And Gless was a name they kept pushing
Well yeah! They want company men leading their bought and paid for union association!
Is the company still giving A5 pass travel to union officials?

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