I am not pushing Gless just finally had a man to man conversation with him after a year & a half of him being back and shocked at how good a mechanic he is too. HATE? While it may be a strong word it's not the opposite of love, indifference is and indifference is what you should feel towards him. Since you feel hate that implies he really got to you and you never bothered to get informed. You also place sole blame on him. There were several players at the ATD & higher and he didn't agree with everything he was ultimately told to do. He answered to higher ups. At least he's a family man with decency. So many degenerates at councils and conventions doing all kinds of stuff their families wouldn't be happy about. I heard and saw him approached about the 591 thing and he walked away from the people who pitched it. Apparently after suffering massive damage after Sandy and only being back in his house weeks he got the call over the summer what Harry was up to and his family thrusted right back into chaos. None of you care of course but a natural disaster of epic proportions followed by losing your job in close proximity can't be fun. But again he walked back into JFK like it was 98. There's more to a person than the finger pointing and blame you place on them.