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raises comin sept 14

Buck said:
I stayed at the American Airlines Mansion in London once.....
You must have met a few former TWU reps there that slithered into AA management. Free drinks on us bloke!!!
Buck said:
Wow, actually for the last 27 years, I have been known to favor replacement of the current type of union representation.
The reason for asking was I thought that place was only reserved for big wig CEOs and the good ole boys in the TWU?
I love how people take credit for other people's work. This raise is all Bobby Gless. He put that clause in the BK contract that if there was no new contract by 9/12/15 there would be an industry average raise auto triggered. $68/week isn't a ton on money but it's more than you would of had without him. And he is still reigning as a ghost with the NMB's decision on the JCBA without even letting the AMT's vote. Both of his babies. And over at JFK one by one people are crawling back to him and with his 28 year seniority he's bumped plenty of people down and holds a great shift and is now running the weld shop and happy as a pig in #### going home to his hot wife every night and the boat that SHE bought as a stockbroker not your dues. I guess we should all be careful what we ask for first being what has our new leadership done for us the last 2 years? Why aren't we in negotiations? And when we go in there is no one at the International level with any experience to help and guide us. Something everyone claims they don't want. Lets see how this goes. 2 more years till 2017 convention start making a plan B cause these guys just want their pensions.    
^^^^^^^ Somebody is infatuated with Mr. Lower your expectations Bobby Gless.
A. that's a misquote from people who have been jealous of Bobby Gless for so damn long they can't see the forest for the trees and got all of you believing their bullshit. It's not his fault from the time he took office 9/11 happened 587 went down, Carty lied during 2003 concessions & he helped get him to resign. You also all think he's responsible for the BK to begin with cause finger pointing is what you do best. I work with the guy everyday and have heard his side of everything. Try it sometime 
TWUBeliever said:
I love how people take credit for other people's work. This raise is all Bobby Gless. He put that clause in the BK contract that if there was no new contract by 9/12/15 there would be an industry average raise auto triggered. $68/week isn't a ton on money but it's more than you would of had without him. And he is still reigning as a ghost with the NMB's decision on the JCBA without even letting the AMT's vote. Both of his babies. And over at JFK one by one people are crawling back to him and with his 28 year seniority he's bumped plenty of people down and holds a great shift and is now running the weld shop and happy as a pig in #### going home to his hot wife every night and the boat that SHE bought as a stockbroker not your dues. I guess we should all be careful what we ask for first being what has our new leadership done for us the last 2 years? Why aren't we in negotiations? And when we go in there is no one at the International level with any experience to help and guide us. Something everyone claims they don't want. Lets see how this goes. 2 more years till 2017 convention start making a plan B cause these guys just want their pensions.    
As I recall, Bobby Gless was a die-hard AMFA supporter. Did those of you who worked with in Local 501 forget?
TWUBeliever said:
I love how people take credit for other people's work. This raise is all Bobby Gless. He put that clause in the BK contract that if there was no new contract by 9/12/15 there would be an industry average raise auto triggered. $68/week isn't a ton on money but it's more than you would of had without him. And he is still reigning as a ghost with the NMB's decision on the JCBA without even letting the AMT's vote. Both of his babies. And over at JFK one by one people are crawling back to him and with his 28 year seniority he's bumped plenty of people down and holds a great shift and is now running the weld shop and happy as a pig in #### going home to his hot wife every night and the boat that SHE bought as a stockbroker not your dues. I guess we should all be careful what we ask for first being what has our new leadership done for us the last 2 years? Why aren't we in negotiations? And when we go in there is no one at the International level with any experience to help and guide us. Something everyone claims they don't want. Lets see how this goes. 2 more years till 2017 convention start making a plan B cause these guys just want their pensions.    
If he did so well for himself, Why is he still an AMT at JFK? Hell he could of resigned since his wife is such a successful stockbroker.
He's probably is the weld shop because I heard no one talks to him and you give him credit for a couple things you think he did, How about all the bad things he did to destroy my career.
Sorry to rain on your parade but I'm glad he's back on the floor working for the very same working conditions he negotiated with that other idiot Don V.
wrong again Bobby still wears TWU shirts almost daily and once he entertained hearing what they had to say in the early 90's. That's not the same as supporting. Bobby has however supported Sonny Hall, Mike O'Brien & Jim Little the only airline guy ever at the helm and we threw him away and handed our union back to transit and if you think Harry knows or cares anything about us you are all delusional. Who waits almost 2 weeks to address Isom about the 4% and then signs the letter "Fraternally"? The only moron at the International who knows anything about AA is a hated fleet service clerk who is now treasurer (who qualified him for this job)? He makes 240k a year and sold his soul for the job. That's some group. And what about all Samuelson's sex offenders? Repeatingly raping a 7 year old girl over the course of a year? That was on the news, next day another 100 guy in the paper for something similar. What a classy bunch.    
TWUBeliever said:
I love how people take credit for other people's work. This raise is all Bobby Gless. He put that clause in the BK contract that if there was no new contract by 9/12/15 there would be an industry average raise auto triggered. $68/week isn't a ton on money but it's more than you would of had without him. And he is still reigning as a ghost with the NMB's decision on the JCBA without even letting the AMT's vote. Both of his babies. And over at JFK one by one people are crawling back to him and with his 28 year seniority he's bumped plenty of people down and holds a great shift and is now running the weld shop and happy as a pig in #### going home to his hot wife every night and the boat that SHE bought as a stockbroker not your dues. I guess we should all be careful what we ask for first being what has our new leadership done for us the last 2 years? Why aren't we in negotiations? And when we go in there is no one at the International level with any experience to help and guide us. Something everyone claims they don't want. Lets see how this goes. 2 more years till 2017 convention start making a plan B cause these guys just want their pensions.    
I'm guessing TWUBeliever is either Bobby Gless or his wife. haha
Yeah Ok Bobby's wife doesn't know what goes on everyday at this shithole and Bobby doesn't engage on this site. Bobby didn't destroy anyone's career AA did technically but we are all still here and again from 2001 to 2013 the guy had nothing but one **** storm after another. Everyone at the hangar talks to Bobby and his crew since he's one of our best mechanics is on the B check gets along great. He has no use for Santos & Owens or Chuck or Allen & I don't blame him. Garcia on the other hand is a fleet service clerk from Miami who they all HATE a bag slinger running our treasury for 240k a year. Gless never made that much. The weld shop was totally fucked up and mgmt went to him and he's only in there on OT. How does one retire at his age he's like 46. I have just seen all the YouTube videos you people have posted of his personal life which is so disgusting. You even brought his dog into it? I mention his wife because she works hard in a man's world and is smart. I admit I didn't know how I felt when I heard he was coming back here but I got to hand it to him he walked back in 2 years ago like not a day had passed and loves being a mechanic. You are right when he first came back 95% of the guys didn't talk to him but that has changed drastically day by day. .    
TWUBeliever said:
Yeah Ok Bobby's wife doesn't know what goes on everyday at this shithole and Bobby doesn't engage on this site. Bobby didn't destroy anyone's career AA did technically but we are all still here and again from 2001 to 2013 the guy had nothing but one #### storm after another. Everyone at the hangar talks to Bobby and his crew since he's one of our best mechanics is on the B check gets along great. He has no use for Santos & Owens or Chuck or Allen & I don't blame him. Garcia on the other hand is a fleet service clerk from Miami who they all HATE a bag slinger running our treasury for 240k a year. Gless never made that much. The weld shop was totally fucked up and mgmt went to him and he's only in there on OT. How does one retire at his age he's like 46. I have just seen all the YouTube videos you people have posted of his personal life which is so disgusting. You even brought his dog into it? I mention his wife because she works hard in a man's world and is smart. I admit I didn't know how I felt when I heard he was coming back here but I got to hand it to him he walked back in 2 years ago like not a day had passed and loves being a mechanic. You are right when he first came back 95% of the guys didn't talk to him but that has changed drastically day by day. .    
Hey TB, I'm in Fleet and don't sling a bag one...someone gave you your orders and "bam," you show up ready to defend at all cost. Agenda?? obviously!
TWUBeliever said:
Yeah Ok Bobby's wife doesn't know what goes on everyday at this shithole and Bobby doesn't engage on this site. Bobby didn't destroy anyone's career AA did technically but we are all still here and again from 2001 to 2013 the guy had nothing but one #### storm after another. Everyone at the hangar talks to Bobby and his crew since he's one of our best mechanics is on the B check gets along great. He has no use for Santos & Owens or Chuck or Allen & I don't blame him. Garcia on the other hand is a fleet service clerk from Miami who they all HATE a bag slinger running our treasury for 240k a year. Gless never made that much. The weld shop was totally fucked up and mgmt went to him and he's only in there on OT. How does one retire at his age he's like 46. I have just seen all the YouTube videos you people have posted of his personal life which is so disgusting. You even brought his dog into it? I mention his wife because she works hard in a man's world and is smart. I admit I didn't know how I felt when I heard he was coming back here but I got to hand it to him he walked back in 2 years ago like not a day had passed and loves being a mechanic. You are right when he first came back 95% of the guys didn't talk to him but that has changed drastically day by day. .    
I would put some money on the fact that he gets along with everyone on the B check because most of those AMT's are new hires that were not here to witness what your hero Gless has done to the AMT's at AA.
You want proof? Look at our contract!! Who are all attachments addressed to? Yeah thats right to your hero Bobby Gless.
This is what your hero got us and the one you defend him about,

[SIZE=12pt]Industry Comparable Pay Rate Adjustment [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]– [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Title I AMT[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]But he also got us this, [/SIZE]



These were to be done after the contract was signed and you couldn't vote on,

I can go on and there are attachments that are worse than these, but don't want to fill the page. 
But you go right ahead and believe what you want.
The B check he is on are the highest seniority guys they work 530am-2pm with steady Sunday/Mondays off and hes' low man on the crew. I have the contract. And guess what? he barely negotiated it, Don did most of it but used Bob as a scapegoat as his superior by having him sign his name to it. Everyone loves to pass the buck and responsibility to someone else. The day AA filed he was in NY & in the court in front of that judge at 4pm who looked right at him and said "I protect assets not people" were any of you there? I am no longer going to defend this you guys need to move on with your lives and worry about the here and now and what's ahead and let go of the worst time in the history of our company. And perhaps spend a little more time concernd about the Int'l. i noticed no one commented about Sammy's boys. they aren't just workers, they are HIS guys at 100. And rumor has it he's going after Lombardo's job at next convention. No loyalty amongst thieves and people with poor judgement.  
TWUBeliever said:
I love how people take credit for other people's work. This raise is all Bobby Gless. He put that clause in the BK contract that if there was no new contract by 9/12/15 there would be an industry average raise auto triggered. $68/week isn't a ton on money but it's more than you would of had without him.  
My buddys said that Bobby said when we was getting laid off about the virtual RIF BS that he never reed any letter, he just signed them because Don didn't have the power to sign and too ask Don since he wrote them.  Is we now suppose to beleive this raise letter is the only letter he wrote and reed.  I think you lieing

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