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raises comin sept 14

Roadking5560 said:
The question is who are we going to replace them with?  It seems in my 25 years or so that we swap one set of losers for another.  It seems they all start out telling us how they're going to shake things up and make things so much better for the average TWU guy and gal but soon revert to what we had in the last bunch, a bunch of worthless liars, cheats and scammers (but not necessarily in that order).  How do we get off this sad merry go round should be the question.
Need some fresh blood. Maybe some of the newbies can step up.
Overspeed said:
Agree, I have heard that he is not a fan of the ATD side of the house.
That's FAR from what I've heard. He's been very hands on as a matter of fact.

OS you have lately seemed to be taking little pot shots against the guys who WON the election? Do you have any personal dealings with them?

I'm starting to sense something more out of this then it just being your impression of them??????
The only way things will really change is to vote in AMFA.
You guys refuse to do it.
So bend over and assume the position for the umpteeth time.
WeAAsles said:
That's FAR from what I've heard. He's been very hands on as a matter of fact.

OS you have lately seemed to be taking little pot shots against the guys who WON the election? Do you have any personal dealings with them?

I'm starting to sense something more out of this then it just being your impression of them??????
Nope. Your spider sense is off.
And how do you WIN and election where no one is on the ballot against you? 
Overspeed said:
Nope. Your spider sense is off.
And how do you WIN and election where no one is on the ballot against you? 

My spider sense has always been very good at warning me of danger ahead. I'm not ready to doubt it just yet.

You win when you keep your head above the muck.
When you don't send out goons to attack your opponents credibility, or their personal lives. Or maybe invent lies.
Or putting things in a cheap rag like The Chief.
Or send out e-mails that wind up getting shared by people you never wanted them to be shared with.
Or taking other people's ideas without giving them any credit for them.
Or running such a nasty ass campaign using others that even your own team sees the writing on the wall and starts to bail from you. And you just suspend your campaign and fade away with not even a single word.

You win by remaining dignified. (And that doesn't necessarily mean an election)
WeAAsles said:
My spider sense has always been very good at warning me of danger ahead. I'm not ready to doubt it just yet.

You win when you keep your head above the muck.
When you don't send out goons to attack your opponents credibility, or their personal lives. Or maybe invent lies.
Or putting things in a cheap rag like The Chief.
Or send out e-mails that wind up getting shared by people you never wanted them to be shared with.
Or taking other people's ideas without giving them any credit for them.
Or running such a nasty ass campaign using others that even your own team sees the writing on the wall and starts to bail from you. And you just suspend your campaign and fade away with not even a single word.

You win by remaining dignified. (And that doesn't necessarily mean an election)
The point that was being made was one of a lack of an outsider getting in? Sounds like you are the one with the issue not me. Calm down brother.
The issue of the Transit folks believing that the former ATD sourced leadership had screwed up the TWU is well known by many.
Overspeed said:
The point that was being made was one of a lack of an outsider getting in? Sounds like you are the one with the issue not me. Calm down brother.
The issue of the Transit folks believing that the former ATD sourced leadership had screwed up the TWU is well known by many.
The financial picture both past and moving forward is the only thing anyone should really care about on that issue.

I believe in a 10 year time span the losses were roughly 60%? Did the market drop that much in that period?

Just my observation and the never ending nagging question?

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled program.
Overspeed said:
The point that was being made was one of a lack of an outsider getting in? Sounds like you are the one with the issue not me. Calm down brother.
The issue of the Transit folks believing that the former ATD sourced leadership had screwed up the TWU is well known by many.
I did !!! But I cannot believe I gave you a thumbs up...
Sounds like you might be coming around, what size T-Shirt will you need?

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