Zom JFK said:
La, you don't need to make words bigger to get your point across. I understand your mentality and I'm not trying to change your mind
I was not trying to be disrespectful. I just wanted to make sure the intent of what I was saying was very clear. Sometimes inferred meanings can get lost in text based communication.
Zom JFK said:
If your state has public employees that are doing well, you can move to one where they don't. NJ is doing wonderful things ( in your mindset) to their public employees. So are Wisconsin and Detroit. You can rest easy in the fact that it's over for them also. Their retirement is being stolen just like ours was. Isn't it great?
I hardly think asking public employees to fund part of their own retirement like most of the private sector means they are not going to do well.
Nobody stole Detroit's public retirement. Detroit lost their tax base when the automotive plants pulled out of Detroit. The auto makers blame the UNION employees high cost benefit plan. I will leave that for the rest of you to discuss as I have no expertise in the cost of living in Detroit at that time or exactly what benefits were offered.
I don't want to see anyone lose their retirement. I just don't want to be forced to fund someone else's while mine lags.
Zom JFK said:
Your taxes will remain high and be raised like always. They need that money to feed, house, and provide medical to employees of billion dollar companies like McDonalds and Wal Mart.
They remain high because socialism has gotten out of control in this country. A Democrat never met a tax or an entitlement he didn't like. And of course it takes the government about 3 times as much (money, employees, time) to accomplish anything as it would a private entity. Meanwhile your funding all that excess out of your own pocket.
What you fail to realize about the people working jobs like McDonald's and Wal-Mart is they are perfectly satisfied with their situation. The fact their employer pays them poorly is of little consequence because Uncle Sam is right there ready with a handout.
I mean think about it, they work 23 hours a week at some BS job, no worries, no expectations, just minimal effort and a lifetime of "entitlements".
What do you wanna bet that if you cut them off from the "freebies" that situation would change............... overnight?
That situation exist because of socialism. That is a fact.
Zom JFK said:
Being forced to pay for that should piss you off.
It does indeed.
Zom JFK said:
In NY we have to work tons of OT just to put food on the table. Forget about any extras.
NY suffers from out of control tax rates. Just ask Eric Garner and the Nazi tax enforcers that dare to call themselves peace officers. I find it funny you complain about what American Airlines pays you but not the excessive amount the city of NY rips out of your wallet every day. But then again you gotta fund those public pensions....... right? Meanwhile you can't even fund your
OWN retirement. Savvy?
I would also ask you why you chose to make a career out of something that was obviously a dead end for the area you live (pay vs cost). I mean working at American obviously does not meet your needs. I am sure there were a lot more lucrative options. So again why did you choose to make a career out of a job you knew would never meet your financial needs?
I personally would never work for a company in a volatile industry like an airline with a top out I knew would not meet my needs and limited growth potential for my trade skill (if you happen to be skilled labor).