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RPA Lawsuit Appeal Court Dates Schedule

Aug 27, 2008
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Please remember that for every dollar you contribute to the appeal process our anonymous donor will match that dollar with a another dollar. If you make a contribution of $20.00 you are actually making a $40.00 contribution. Your $50.00 contribution equals a $100.00 contribution and $200.00 means $400.00 (well, you do the math).

The court has responded to our Notice of Appeal and has released the following dates that require our attorneys to take action and provide all the documentation to continue with the appeal process.

10/20/2008 Pre-Argument Conference
11/03/2008 Index to the record on appeal and certified
copy of docket entries and clerk's certificate
to be filed
11/10/2008 Appellants' brief and joint appendix to be filed
12/10/2008 Respondents' briefs due.
02/02/2009 Oral argument no earlier than this date.

We have been doing battle for over five years and we are all battle weary but we cannot afford to lay our weapons down until after the money has been raised to complete the appeal process. The only weapons that we have to wage this war are our voices and our dollars to fund the appeal. We need our voices to help raise the money to file the appeal and we need the voices of the attorneys and plaintiffs to wage the war on the legal front. The attorneys and the plaintiffs have been doing their part for over five years, now it is our turn to do our part, CAN WE DO IT? I say, YES, we can! Send your donations to WeWantOurMoneyBack, 2222 Michelson Drive, Suite 322, Irvine, CA 92612 or log on to the website (www.wewantourmoneyback.net) and donate using PayPal.

This has been a long and difficult journey for all of us, chargers, supporters, plaintiffs and the attorneys. Let's continue the battle and see this through to the end. Please help continue to raise the final dollars needed to fund this appeal.

Thanks to the many that have made a contribution to fund the appeal process, we have raised about 60% of the money needed.
Please remember that for every dollar you contribute to the appeal process our anonymous donor will match that dollar with a another dollar. If you make a contribution of $20.00 you are actually making a $40.00 contribution. Your $50.00 contribution equals a $100.00 contribution and $200.00 means $400.00 (well, you do the math).

The court has responded to our Notice of Appeal and has released the following dates that require our attorneys to take action and provide all the documentation to continue with the appeal process.

10/20/2008 Pre-Argument Conference
11/03/2008 Index to the record on appeal and certified
copy of docket entries and clerk's certificate
to be filed
11/10/2008 Appellants' brief and joint appendix to be filed
12/10/2008 Respondents' briefs due.
02/02/2009 Oral argument no earlier than this date.

We have been doing battle for over five years and we are all battle weary but we cannot afford to lay our weapons down until after the money has been raised to complete the appeal process. The only weapons that we have to wage this war are our voices and our dollars to fund the appeal. We need our voices to help raise the money to file the appeal and we need the voices of the attorneys and plaintiffs to wage the war on the legal front. The attorneys and the plaintiffs have been doing their part for over five years, now it is our turn to do our part, CAN WE DO IT? I say, YES, we can! Send your donations to WeWantOurMoneyBack, 2222 Michelson Drive, Suite 322, Irvine, CA 92612 or log on to the website (www.wewantourmoneyback.net) and donate using PayPal.

This has been a long and difficult journey for all of us, chargers, supporters, plaintiffs and the attorneys. Let's continue the battle and see this through to the end. Please help continue to raise the final dollars needed to fund this appeal.

Thanks to the many that have made a contribution to fund the appeal process, we have raised about 60% of the money needed.

Thanks to all for the continuing hard work and advocacy.