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Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

Bob Owens said:
I asked you what you thought, you dont seem to have any problem expressing an opion on the motives of those who recieve entitlements so why is there such a reluctance to express an opinion on what motivates Mr Buffett and why he has taken this position?
I have a right to have an opinion on entitlements. I am funding  them.
I don't have a right to speak for Warren Buffet. 
Bob Owens said:
By advancing a lower tax rate for them you are also advancing paying a higher rate for yourself. 
That is your version. My version is we need to trim the government and lower taxes all around.
Bob Owens said:
Even if we cut off welfare, we would then still need to pay those taxes to build more prisons because if you take away peoples  ability to feed themselves they will most certainly resort to stealing what they need. 
Or........ and stay with me here Bob......................they could get a job.
Cutting off welfare does not rob someone of the ability to feed themselves. That is a lie propagated by the left. The only thing is does is motivate them to do what they should have been doing all along, supporting themselves. 
In my opinion the government is already stealing from the American worker every payday on their behalf.
Bob Owens said:
You would still need to pay taxes for roads, the military, and scores of other things that are not going away no matter which party controls the government. Even if they did away with government jobs they would simply privatize those tasks and you would still have to pay for them through higher taxes. Taxes have been around since before the Romans, they arent going away any time soon. 
I benefit from roads and the military.
Show me how I (or anybody else but Democrats and the recipient) benefit from paying for a lifelong welfare case.
If you mean do I ever get tired of pointing out how liberalism and socialism are out of control in this country than no. I never get tired of it. 

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