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Apr 3, 2003
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Dear Working Families e-Activist,

Please Help
Working Families Devastated
by Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina
has devastated
working families in
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

Please help.

Click on the link below to make a
tax-deductible contribute to the Union Community Fund's special Hurricane Relief Fund. Donations will be targeted to meet the most critical needs among working families.

No drinking water. No food. No electricity. No homes to return to. No workplaces to go back to. No schools for the children.

Most of us cannot imagine the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The hurricane left behind massive, unprecedented and enduring needs. Immediate needs for rescue, safe drinking water, shelter and food are staggering. The longer-term needs—help for working families whose livelihoods were washed away, for the injured and for survivors—are hard to imagine.

Those of us fortunate to be outside the hurricane's path must help—and we must help now. The AFL-CIO's Union Community Fund has established a special Hurricane Relief Fund that will target help where it's needed most by working families. We are working with the labor federations in affected states and with relief organizations to make sure your contributions help brother and sister union members whose lives have been turned upside down. Please click on the link below to make
your tax-deductible contribution now:


Please give, and please give generously. We must match this human disaster with our compassion, and match our caring with contributions that will make a difference for traumatized working families now and during the long rebuilding process.

Caring about each other is what marks us as union members and working family activists. Let’s put our values to work right now.

As an activist for working families, you take actions every day to help improve the living standards of working people like yourself. This is a moment when your commitment is put to the test. Will you respond by opening your heart AND your wallet? Please click on the link below to send your
tax-deductible contribution to this hurricane relief fund for working families:

Please act now. And forward the link bleow to urge others you know to contribute as well:


Thank you for doing your part for working families during this national tragedy.

In solidarity,

Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIO
Sept. 1, 2005

P.S. Please forward this e-mail to your co-workers, friends and family.

The Union Community Fund—labor’s charity for working families and communities in distress—is nonprofit 501©(3) public charity. Donations to the Union Community Fund are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.
I have been warned about bogus charities.
I will give to the church of my choice.