A lot more than if he didn't put anything and gave over $100k to the company by not getting the match.La Li Lu Le Lo said:
401k match is a con anyway.
Using Bob's example of 665k....... how much will that actually be when that 20 year old retires?
I didn't say that they should only put in enough to get the match, thats the bare minimum because otherwise not only arent they saving for retirement, they are giving money back to the company.Pay is not increasing but costs are.
My guess is in 47 (when a 20 year old would retire with full SSI IF it is available by today's retirement standard) years 665k MIGHT be about 9 years worth of income if that.
So you lose a pension that you are paid for the rest of your life and get........ enough to live on for 9 years or less.
And a 401K match is in no way comparable to a 401K contribution. Unfortunately Little and Videtich were able to get our peers to buy into it despite the fact that both the Flight Attendants (9%) and Pilots (16%) got contributions. If we were to successfully fight for a 16% Contribution and then match that we would end up just as well off as we would be under the pension. So thats what we should shoot for, a rate thats equitable to what the pilots get. Thats only fair, its not like our pensions would be as good as theirs because we make much much less, but we should have the same percentage contribution.401K is in NO WAY comparable to a pension. Not even close.
Unfortunately the Association has other plans for us, the IAMNPF , make us slaves like the old men we see at US tied to a Union run plan, run by a Union we don't belong to, that sets up so many restrictions that we are stuck here till we die.