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Racial Bias At Aa

LiveInAHotel said:
If you knew how to read you would see in a prior post I did mention I made a call to my friend in LAX. He said it didn't happen!
If you knew how to read you would see in a prior post I did mention I made a call to my friend in LAX. He said it didn't happen!

I have never seen somone try so hard to avoid answering a direct question.

Once again.........

1)Does your "freind" work in maintenance?

2)What did your "freind" say "did not happen"?
a)The top two managers were not fired.
b)There were no financial irregularities.

May I make a sugestion all over to the local there in LA, 564, and ask them.

Again I whish to thank you for allowing this debate to continue but I fear Hotel is not playing by your rules and is trying desprately to get this thread shut down. Might I suggest that you give her a "Time Out" until she agrees to behave herself so the information related to this event could continue to be discussed by the other participants.Who by the way have acted in a respectful manner and have debated this subject properly.Thnk you in advance.
Echoing Dissident,

LIAH seems to be maxing the template for the conditions set out for the thread to continue.

Having seen the conditions set by the DNC for dissent at the convention, I would say that LIAH and the DNC are consistent...

...No Cages for Al Qaieda, Cages reserved for those not spouting the pAArty line.

Put the offenders in timeout...not the subject matter.
The Dissident said:

Again I whish to thank you for allowing this debate to continue but I fear The Dissident is not playing by your rules and is trying desprately to get this thread shut down. Might I suggest that you give him a "Time Out" until he agrees to behave himself so the information related to this event could continue to be discussed by the other participants.Who by the way have acted in a respectful manner and have debated this subject properly.Thank you in advance.
Ditto to the moderators for you The Dissident!


The answer to your questions are:

1. No (Crew Chief on the Ramp)

2. B

If you post the proof, I will apologize to the both of you on this board! Until then, some of us feel it's a bunch of ****!
LiveInAHotel said:
No, just trying to show people you're full of **** and help you with your "small" problem!
Again, ad hominum

How tiresome. How utterly predictable.

And now, Hotel is accusing those with whom she disagrees of having a "small problem" I believe we know what she is intimating. This is a new low for this, or any forum. But she is pushing only her own buttons, not anyone else's.

I would generally agree with those who discredit Freud's concept of girls' Electra complex and ("the P word")envy, but Hotel is making old Siggy's assertion seem a little more reasonable.

BTW, the financial malfeasances were reported to HQ as early as 2000. No action was taken. The person reporting was later terminated. There is a civil suit pending on that.
LiveInAHotel said:
Ditto to the moderators for you The Dissident!


The answer to your questions are:

1. No (Crew Chief on the Ramp)

2. B

If you post the proof, I will apologize to the both of you on this board! Until then, some of us feel it's a bunch of ****!
If you post the proof, I will apologize to the both of you on this board! Until then, some of us feel it's a bunch of ****!

It seems to me that you contradict youself here. You say it's a bunch of crap but by anserwing B you admit that the the top two guys in LA were fired. So I guess it's not a bunch of crap afterall.

Another thing, what the hell does a ramp crew chief know about what goes on in maintenance? That IMHO is not a good source of info. Try gving local 564 a call and ask them. Or are you afraid of what they might say?
Live in a Hotel:

I will make this very easy for you, since you appear to be having trouble gathering adequate information. The reporter involved in the investigation writes for the Dallas Morning News. His name is Jim Morris. His office is located in the Washington, D.C. area (don't ask me why he lives there and writes for the DFW paper because I don't know). He had spent several months investigating several cases, conducting interviews with employees (current and former). He also sat in the courtroom where there was a trial for a former LAX supervisor who was let go by the former regime (since removed) under questionable circumstances. A full story was slated to be released, according to this reporter, however, he was receiving resistance from his editor. The company does purchase many newspapers for its passengers from this newspaper. Suffice it to say, I'm sure the editor wanted to keep it that way. You are rather naive to think this type of covert activity does not exist. Imagine, if you will, how much more would it cost the company, in millions of dollars, if they took legal action against these alleged individuals? These same individuals would in turn repay the company by testifying against them, essentially turning those million-dollar lawsuits into multi-multi-million dollar lawsuits. Think about it. Would it be cheaper to arrange a settlement with the culprits or risk going after them and having them testify against you? The treachery that went on at the LAX station affected many. As for George H: he was an incompetent Station Manager in LAX and I am sure he is just as incompetent in MIA. He represents a classic example of the saying "It pays to know people in high places."
Hotel, why on earth would you ask a line cargo crew chief about maintenance issues?

And why on earth would you take his answer as gospel?

Most (if not all) of us in maintenance know NOTHING about line cargo issues, and would not presume to speak as to whether something is true or not.
It seems Liveinahotel has lost intrest in this thread. I wonder why?
Maybe he is living in a hotel with no modem connections...which is good for the rest of us...
Last week on the West Coast, Arpey read a canned speech and then took questions from the audience. One was about the recently departed Western Regional Manager and LAX station manager. He said they were no longer with the company, and the amount embezzled was not as great as some of the rumors.l He would not, however put an exact number on it, nor would he answer any more questions, citing legal advice from corporate on CA privacy laws.

So, now maybe Hotel will also accuse him of "using the crack pipe, being full of s***, and having a 'small problem' ", since she has it on good authority from a cargo crew chief that none of this is true. Maybe she could attend a pres conference herself and tell Arpey all this.

I do hope her subsequent posts here will be better informed, or at least better thought out.

In any case, even the civil and polite non-believers here may now be more inclined to believe.
LiveInAHotel said:
If you post the proof, I will apologize to the both of you on this board! Until then, some of us feel it's a bunch of ****!

If you need to verify, I can provide you with the name of a Ramp crew chief who attended, since you seem to get your information from Ramp crew chiefs.
mjk said:
Hotel does have some credibility issues on this board. Plus he/she doesn't like cats, especially orange ones.
You would not be talking about me now would you?

MJK. I would argue that in order to have credibility issues one must have credibility. So I disagree with you. Hotel does not have any credibility issues. He does have plenty of issues though.
AgMedallion said:
I would like to point out that The Dissident is 100% correct in his assertion that Democrats (esp liberal Dems) do tend to label folks they disagree with, but can't intelligently refute the issues they disagree with, as "racists".
That's a load of hog wash. I have argued with liberals, conservatives and everything in between.

I assume by your dispersion of liberals that you are not one. Your statement just "labeled" liberals as people who cannot argue intelligently. To use Hotel as a representative of all FA's, much less liberals is like using Jerry Fallwell as a representative of conservatives.
AgMedallion said:
I have experienced this whenever I point to the fact that radical Muslims have been the source of virtually all major terrorism and passengers who apear to be Muslim (e.g. they're carrying passports from an Arab country or Pakistan, Iran, etc) should be screened a bit more carefully. I get blasted as a racist, like perhaps the next major terrorist act will be committed by a group of Swedish Lutherans, Southern Baptists, whatever. Yeah, right.
Seems to me this argument does not hold water. Either all people are held to the same standard or the policy will not work. If I was a terrorist, and I wanted to take out an aircraft or any other target, I would choose the easiest and most reliable method. Under your policy, any Muslim person will come under added scrutiny. So what to do? I’ll go find my self a disenchanted bitter Lutheran or Baptist (as if that would be a difficult feat) and have them do my dirty work.

I always find it humorous when people #### and moan about a little old lady and her kid get searched, as if they are not capable of committing a violent act. If everyone is held to a high, or in the case of the TSA, low standard, then the terrorist would have a more difficult time. Profiling, as far as I am concerned, gives them a better chance for success.

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