You call me Liar when I have found out some intresting information about yourself. Talk about misrepresentation. I have had three seperate individuals pm me and dropped a dime on you. Lets see, where to start.
1. Hotel is actually a male and not a female. :unsure:
2. Hotel does not have 27 years experience as an F/A. In fact he is actually on furlough and in his 30's
3. Hotel has been booted from every other major aviation related board his most recent former identity on this board was WRX.
Would you like me to go on?
Just because I have posted no proof does not mean it is not true. It only means that the company is keeping this very close to the chest.
Why dont you go and post proof that Kerry did not shoot an unarmed vietnamese teenager in the back who was running away.
As far as proclaiming me a liar there are people on this thread who have verified what I have posted. Are they liars also or are you only trying to deflect the facts that not only are you a liar but a pathalogical one as well.
I am comfortable in the fact that while I put my good name on the line maintaining the aircraft that the passengers fly in, which pays my salary, you are on the street collecting unemployment.Hopefully you will never return to gainful employment with AA. The passengers are far better off without you.We do not need a self loathing individual who has not accomplished much in his life and is bitter because of it,serving the passengers that pay our salries.