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Racial Bias At Aa


I am SO GLAD you are happy to be retired. I sincerely hope everyday is beautiful to you, you earned it (contrary to popular belief).

I know you won't forget us "little people" out there fighting to keep this career ahead of the curve. This is evidenced by your continued interest in this BB.


Coop 😀
Man of the People said:
To 777 Fixer, your willingness to have doubters contact the local is ludicrous. Everyone knows that you guys were in bed with the ousted management stooges. Why hasn't the local pursued a full discloser of the incident through legal means? Afraid it will ruffle some feathers. We wouldn't want MR, JC, and GH ruining their sweetheart deals with management now would we. 😛

Man of the people:

Exactly who is "you guys". Are you speaking from expereience?

To answer your question why the local has not pursued a "full discloser of the incedent through legal means" let me explain how the system works. The union recognizes the companies right to run the comapny as they see fit. While we might not agree with some of the decisions they still are in charge of the operation. Secondly since the individuals who were terminated are members of management and not the union we really don't have a leg to stand on.

If the local were to try and go through the court system here's what would happen. The judge would ask "Are these people member of the union?" The second the locals attorney said no the judge would throw the wloe thing out.
from Man of the People:

Wretched Wrench, you seem to be confusing the issues. A.P. is the LAX station manager. He is responsible for the station. J.H. is the western division regional manager overseeing aircraft maintenance.

No, I'm not confusing the issues. But I think a number of us are confused by the (seemingly ever-changing) titles. It is hard to tell the players without a score card.

John Healey is listed in Jetnet's employee directory as a Director, with his office in LAX.

Mike Kramer is listed as Manager of Maintenance LAX.

AP is listed as Director Operations, LAX. He is still here. Totally unaffected by the scandal. He had nothing to do with it or anything else in maintenance.

The original question was
From NH/BB:

Anyone know if a certain individual (A. P.) is STILL the AA western regional director ??

NH/BB, that title seems not to exist, although a Director with an office in LAX who is responsible for the Western Region would seem to be close. That would be JH, and the others I mentioned from the past.

MOP, I have no idea who is the LAX Station Manager you mention. That title does not seem to show up anywhere.

It's all NH/BB's fault. :lol:

Flydcoop: Artful pun, that.
Live in a hotel:

Once again you seem to be contradicting yourself. By your own addmission you state that these individuals were fired. Did your "freind" tell you the reason they were terminated? By the way, the chances of a ramp crew chief knowing what goes on in maintenance are rather slim. Have you given local 564 a call yet?


P.S. Do you ever actually make any trips or is your sole occupation posting on this board.
LiveInAHotel said:
The Dissident,

Still no proof. You're pathetic and a LIAR!

You call me Liar when I have found out some intresting information about yourself. Talk about misrepresentation. I have had three seperate individuals pm me and dropped a dime on you. Lets see, where to start.

1. Hotel is actually a male and not a female. :unsure:

2. Hotel does not have 27 years experience as an F/A. In fact he is actually on furlough and in his 30's 🙁

3. Hotel has been booted from every other major aviation related board his most recent former identity on this board was WRX. :shock:

Would you like me to go on?

Just because I have posted no proof does not mean it is not true. It only means that the company is keeping this very close to the chest.

Why dont you go and post proof that Kerry did not shoot an unarmed vietnamese teenager in the back who was running away.

As far as proclaiming me a liar there are people on this thread who have verified what I have posted. Are they liars also or are you only trying to deflect the facts that not only are you a liar but a pathalogical one as well.

I am comfortable in the fact that while I put my good name on the line maintaining the aircraft that the passengers fly in, which pays my salary, you are on the street collecting unemployment.Hopefully you will never return to gainful employment with AA. The passengers are far better off without you.We do not need a self loathing individual who has not accomplished much in his life and is bitter because of it,serving the passengers that pay our salries.
Anyone know if a certain individual (A. P.) is STILL the AA western regional director ??

A.P. is the LAX station manager. Yes, there is a AA West Region Director, he reports to VP of Customer Service Tom DelValle.

For what its worth I have spoken with someone in management in LAX that confirms much of this story and expects that criminal charges will be filled at sometime.
The Dissident said:
You call me Liar when I have found out some intresting information about yourself. Talk about misrepresentation. I have had three seperate individuals pm me and dropped a dime on you. Lets see, where to start.

1. Hotel is actually a male and not a female. :unsure:
2. Hotel does not have 27 years experience as an F/A. In fact he is actually on furlough and in his 30's 🙁

3. Hotel has been booted from every other major aviation related board his most recent former identity on this board was WRX. :shock:

Would you like me to go on?
Just because I have posted no proof does not mean it is not true. It only means that the company is keeping this very close to the chest.

Why dont you go and post proof that Kerry did not shoot an unarmed vietnamese teenager in the back who was running away.
As far as proclaiming me a liar there are people on this thread who have verified what I have posted. Are they liars also or are you only trying to deflect the facts that not only are you a liar but a pathalogical one as well.

I am comfortable in the fact that while I put my good name on the line maintaining the aircraft that the passengers fly in, which pays my salary, you are on the street collecting unemployment.Hopefully you will never return to gainful employment with AA. The passengers are far better off without you.We do not need a self loathing individual who has not accomplished much in his life and is bitter because of it,serving the passengers that pay our salries.

Boy, you're dead wrong! Last I checked I have a set of t**s, a v****a and have been flying for 26 years. Would you like to meet for coffee and see me. I will prove to you that I'm a woman and have 26 years of seniority. You let me know, the offer is out and everyone can see it. I'm based in BOS, so let me know. Also, this is the first time and first board I have ever been a member of. Nobody on here knows anybodys identity, unless you know them on a personal level. PM me the info you got from your "so called" 3 sources. I would love to get a good laugh from it!

777, he told me they were fired for harassment.
Hey Dissident,

The sooner you learn to just ignore hotel, the easier things will be for ya.

Isn't it interesting that when you post something hotel doesn't agree with, s/he resorts to name calling.

Good times. 🙂
Sorry LiveinaHotel,

I worked on the MIA ramp during "Ramp Rat"...the company said no managers were involved...not true. A Level 3 was involved.

Of course, when the statement was made, he was no longer employed as a manager. Technically, it was true. That's why I can see this whole thing being true.

Just my two bits,

The Dissident said:
I wonder if I would have said it was three white managers and the company is letting those good ol boys get away with it hotel probabpy would have jumped on the band wagon.

Poor oppressed white man! Used to be able to use racial slurs but now he can't. Used to send black people to the back of the bus but now he can't. Wiped out most of the indians and can't get rid of those that remain. Used to be able to discriminate in housing but now he has to put up with brown or black neighbors. Still, all the boards of major corporations are white.The media is run by white men. Congress is mostly white, there's never been a minority president (except for Clinton..ha, ha), AA is run by white men, most managers and supervisors are white and most AMTs are white. Damn, white man can't get a break! :down: :down:

What it boils down to is not race but us, the working puke and them the management elite. AA will always take care of management and screw everyone else; however 6 million dollars seems like a lot of money to just terminate the individuals implicated and not file charges. I'm willing to bet there's more to this story than what Angry White Man aka The Dissident has mentioned.
My own take on this is that it is not a racial issue. At least not at the outset. I am pretty plugged in, and there have been no vibes either way.

However, I have no doubt that AA is afraid of a lawsuit with racial overtones from the departed employees. It is not too far fetched to believe that they might play the race card for further personal enrichment. Several others have done just that.

Liberal or redneck, dollars play the major part of any business decision. I wish you folks would stop seeing so much in the context of racism. This is dollars.
Sadly, most people are ate up with their whiteness, blackness, browness or whateverness that they can't see the forest for the trees. It is about the money. It's not race vs. race, it's the haves vs. the have nots and we (working men and women) are the have nots.
I see people are missing the point again. The whole intent of this thread is to bring light to the issue that AA as of yet is refusing to bring criminal charges against the previously mentioned individuals based soley on their race. They stole from the company and they should be punished accordingly in a criminal court. But because of their race AA is taking a hands off approach and letting them get away with it solely based on their race.

As far as hotel I will use one of his lines. Post the proof or you are nothing but a common liar.

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