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Racial Bias At Aa

Garfield1966 said:
You would not be talking about me now would you?

MJK. I would argue that in order to have credibility issues one must have credibility. So I disagree with you. Hotel does not have any credibility issues. He does have plenty of issues though.
Garfield I see you still hang out at USaviation. How is the job hunt going for you? It's hard to find gainful employment after being fired from AA isn't it?

L1011 & Wrench,

Yes, I'm still here. Yes, you can give me a contact that can provide the TRUTH! This topic has been going for a while now and nobody has posted any solid proof.
LiveInAHotel said:
Ditto to the moderators for you The Dissident!


The answer to your questions are:

1. No (Crew Chief on the Ramp)

2. B

If you post the proof, I will apologize to the both of you on this board! Until then, some of us feel it's a bunch of ****!
It seems to me that you contradict youself here. You say it's a bunch of crap but by anserwing B you admit that the the top two guys in LA were fired. So I guess it's not a bunch of crap afterall.

Another thing, what the hell does a ramp crew chief know about what goes on in maintenance? A rampe cc IMHO is not a good source of info. Try gving local 564 a call and ask them. Or are you afraid of what they might say?
777 fixer said:
It seems to me that you contradict youself here. You say it's a bunch of crap but by anserwing B you admit that the the top two guys in LA were fired. So I guess it's not a bunch of crap afterall.

Another thing, what the hell does a ramp crew chief know about what goes on in maintenance? A rampe cc IMHO is not a good source of info. Try gving local 564 a call and ask them. Or are you afraid of what they might say?
No, I haven't contradicted myself at all. He did say they were fired but not for what you have posted on this topic. Post the proof or shut up! You can PM me the name and phone number to the local TWU in LAX and I will call them.

POST THE PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LiveInAHotel said:
No, I haven't contradicted myself at all. He did say they were fired but not for what you have posted on this topic. Post the proof or shut up! You can PM me the name and phone number to the local TWU in LAX and I will call them.
Well at least you finally admit that it happened. Guess there was something there all along. Please do tell what your "freind" said actually happened. I'm curious as to what a ramp crew chief has to say about this subject.

Go to <www.local564.org>. All the phone numbers you will ever need are right there.

Last week on the West Coast, Arpey read a canned speech and then took questions from the audience. One was about the recently departed Western Regional Manager and LAX station manager. He said they were no longer with the company, and the amount embezzled was not as great as some of the rumors.l He would not, however put an exact number on it, nor would he answer any more questions, citing legal advice from corporate on CA privacy laws.

So, now maybe Hotel will also accuse him of "using the crack pipe, being full of s***, and having a 'small problem' ", since she has it on good authority from a cargo crew chief that none of this is true. Maybe she could attend a pres conference herself and tell Arpey all this.

I do hope her subsequent posts here will be better informed, or at least better thought out.

In any case, even the civil and polite non-believers here may now be more inclined to believe.

Hotel, if you need to verify, I can provide you with the name of a Ramp crew chief who attended, since you seem to get your information from Ramp crew chiefs.

Did anyone on this board attend?
Hotel is still shoveling the BS that I have been canned. Do you really think he is interested in facts? That would cloud the issues for him.

Hotel confronting someone in public? You're kidding right? I'd love o see him dressed down in public. That would be a hoot. Just look at his language skills. Do you really think he would be taken seriously? Clampits go to town.

Just because there is not proof that something did or did not happen does not mean that something did or did not happen. The US government has committed numerous vile acts against its citizens in the past. The proof was only discovered years or decades after the act. I would no more trust a corporation to divulge the truth than I would the US government, or any government for that matter.

As much as I am up for a good conspiracy, the fact that 3 minorities were involved more than likely has nothing to do with how this is playing out. My guess is, as someone else mentioned, AA is trying to keep this quite to prevent its dirty laundry from being aired in public. As far as I am concerned, the purpose of this thread was race baiting and has no validity.
Garfield1966 said:
That's a load of hog wash. I have argued with liberals, conservatives and everything in between.
I assume by your dispersion of liberals that you are not one. Your statement just "labeled" liberals as people who cannot argue intelligently. To use Hotel as a representative of all FA's, much less liberals is like using Jerry Fallwell as a representative of conservatives.

Note that I said "tend to label". That doesn't mean the same as "always". I never said I wanted to "disperse" liberals, although sticking them all in one state on Nov 2nd might not be a bad idea. 😀 Btw, I'm "liberal" in some areas (abortion rights, gun control) and "conservative" in others, i.e. support GWB on war on terror, Patriot Act, tax cuts, etc. If I had my druthers, John McCain would be President, though I definitely support GWB over flip-flop Kerry.

Garfield1966 said:
As far as I am concerned, the purpose of this thread was race baiting and has no validity.

See, you proved my point!!

FWIW re this mess in LAX, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it were all true, i.e. that AA is looking the other way because they don't want potential EEO law suits, bad PR, etc. Unfortunately, folks like Jessie Jackson make a living extorting companies like Toyota and Anheuser-Busch for big bucks. Threaten to go to the press re some bogus discrimination issue if the company doesn't pay up. Often, it's not worth it for the company to fight for what's morally right. How do you think Jackson's sons got lucrative Budweiser distributorships?
I fail to see how making the statement that I felt this thread was nothing more then race baiting proves your point. I never labeled you. I merely stated that I felt the thread is being based on race, which to this point has not been proven to be an issue.

All we have determined was that 3 individuals (apparently minorities) were terminated for possible (more than likely actual) criminal activities. Until the reason for the companies actions or lack there of are proven, the individuals race is a non issue and only serves to muddy the issue.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Anyone know if a certain individual (A. P.) is STILL the AA western regional director ??

That post is currently held by John Healey. It was previously held by one of those in question.

Can't remember an AP.

RN (temp)

Who dat AP?
Wretched Wrench, you seem to be confusing the issues. A.P. is the LAX station manager. He is responsible for the station. J.H. is the western division regional manager overseeing aircraft maintenance. B)
To 777 Fixer, your willingness to have doubters contact the local is ludicrous. Everyone knows that you guys were in bed with the ousted management stooges. Why hasn't the local pursued a full discloser of the incident through legal means? Afraid it will ruffle some feathers. We wouldn't want MR, JC, and GH ruining their sweetheart deals with management now would we. 😛

Would there be an "art" to what you are implying?

I'm afraid I don't know the answer. That this whole event is true, I'm not surprised one iota. This is just based on my lowly former level 2 existence. I could bet cold, hard cash that a former level 5 MIA ramp manager (downgraded to a level 3 by a "new regime") still has his company purchased (and company OWNED) laptop. I personally heard and watched him brag about it. He seemed to have a certain sense of ENTITLEMENT regarding that laptop. This is hilarious because many of the pro-management cheerleaders on this BB love to accuse unions of the same behavior.

Based on my experience, you do not necessarily advance in this company on merit and hard-work alone. It is very political. I watched too many extremely brilliant people passed over for promotions that were given to non-threatening (to the boss) yes-(wo)men.

Disclaimer - by this time, I no longer cared to play the management game.

As a front-line employee (who chose a Union over the ever-Wacky World of Management), I prefer the best and brightest in management to be promoted who will be TRULY innovative in pushing this company forward. Too often, they are stifled at the mid-management level. Believe it or not, the Union members on the property know who the truly gifted middle managers are...it's real easy...they DON'T SKATE BY, they get involved and have the respect of the front-line employees. Not because they are doing "favors" for the Unions as some might think. Union employees recognize a hard worker miles away, if it's a manager, well, that condones a grudging respect, then loyalty. Too often, this type of management seems to vaporize...could it be that they "threaten" someone in a higher position who perhaps was "bequeathed" with their current position, rather than EARNING it?

I find what I do to be more honest. I deal directly with the people who PROVIDE my paycheck. That's always at the back of my mind. I love the immediacy of it all. I've yet to receive a bad letter (I've received quite a few complimentary ones, however).

I don't regret my decision,


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