Wing, what part of "cover up" do you not understand? There are many examples of an organization not wanting outsiders seeing how corrupt or incompetent it is. I believe a diligent researcher might come up with some information of a top AA officer embezzling millions two or three decades ago. It was kept pretty quiet, too.
There is an old premise in English Common Law, that "The King Can Do No Wrong". It lives on today in organizational behavior, in government, the military, and corporations. It exists at the lowest levels of AA management as well as farther up. Unions, too.
BTW, I did not mean to imply in my previous post that the 6 million figure was accurate. My sources quote conflicting numbers, some higher, some lower. A tremendous amount of TWA equipment disappeared, but whatever records existed have been lost. AA's own equipment was not well tracked, either. Embarrassingly so, it would seem.
AA is deathly scared of racial suits. Perhaps the parties in question have decided the best defense is a good offense. There is a law firm in EL LAY that specializes in suing AAL. The previous Western Regional Managers and LAX Station Manager were forced into retirement in the aftermath of a bogus racial suit. AA's investigation and defense of that suit was laughable. Or perhaps pitiful. They were both excellent managers and had the respect and cooperation of the rank and file, as well as their subordinates in management.
Those of you who think all this is just rumor or speculation are invited to explain the reason for the departure of all three of the parties at once with no explanation.