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Racial Bias At Aa

With nothing to back it up, other than the word of a single BB poster. We have to assume its nothing more than made up.
tkelly911 said:
There is nothing actionable in this post under California law. No reasonable inference to a named individual may be drawn.
Rest assured this matter is no falsehood. LAX has been a hotbed of racial accusations dating back to the mid-nineties. A former AMT Crew Chief settled with the company over a racial discrimination lawsuit. There are still pending lawsuits against the two outcasts. The former level 6 has apparently relocated to the Sacramento area. He was subpoenaed by counsel for the individual suing the company. All this former Level 6 had to say was ..."I plead the 5th...." The new management team in LAX inherited quite a mess, to say the least. The interim guy who filled in from ORD was a straight shooter. The new regime is at least efforting trying to return work back to the station. To the naysayers, you can believe whatever you want. I could care less. It is not too often Level 8's are let go. I have been told that only the CEO can terminate a Level 8 or higher. The CEO will be making his world tour. Perhaps this would be a good question to ask him.
Man of the People said:
Rest assured this matter is no falsehood. LAX has been a hotbed of racial accusations dating back to the mid-nineties. A former AMT Crew Chief settled with the company over a racial discrimination lawsuit. There are still pending lawsuits against the two outcasts. The former level 6 has apparently relocated to the Sacramento area. He was subpoenaed by counsel for the individual suing the company. All this former Level 6 had to say was ..."I plead the 5th...." The new management team in LAX inherited quite a mess, to say the least. The interim guy who filled in from ORD was a straight shooter. The new regime is at least efforting trying to return work back to the station. To the naysayers, you can believe whatever you want. I could care less. It is not too often Level 8's are let go. I have been told that only the CEO can terminate a Level 8 or higher. The CEO will be making his world tour. Perhaps this would be a good question to ask him.
Still to this day, nobody had posted any solid proof. Until someone does please stay off the crack pipe.
tkelly911 said:
There is nothing actionable in this post under California law. No reasonable inference to a named individual may be drawn.
You need to surrender your shingle gramps! Going onto a public forum and claiming that a named company is hiding a 6 million dollar embezzlement scheme, backed only by heresay and inuendo constitutes libel, and can be financially damaging to the intended target - clearly actionable. That's basic torts 101.

It happened.

The Western Regional Manager, his purchasing manager and the LAX Station Manager were walked out. And the purchasing manager's wife is still on the payroll. It is unlikely she was an active participant in the crimes.

The company will say nothing, but the stories check out. Aside from being thieves, they were lousy managers. Really lousy. One of them did some graffiti in a bathroom to make them seem the victims of racial hatred. HR sent some low level clerks out to interrogate employees. They were told at that time that is was a red herring, or a straw man, but HR would hear none of it. A little later, they all started using sick time, and finally quit coming in altogether. An incredible amount of ground equipment is missing. AA was over billed for new stuff, but got used or refurbished. AA equipment was found sold to other airlines on field. This goes back to Chicago and Miami. Ask around. I did.

Dissident and man of the people have it pretty close.

Ask Russ Newill in ORD. He is clean, but he knows. He is an honest man, so you will know it is true just by the way he answers you.

There are also several FAs married to LAX maint staff. Find out.
Even if as much as an inkling of this is true, it's still not embezzlement, rather theft of company property which in these amounts is a felony.

I find it extremely hard to believe that AA would let anyone get off the hook for something as grandiose as what is alleged here. If AA equipment was sold to other airlines, we have conversion, and other airlines in deep #### for receiving stolen property.

This is quite a curiosity, and I'd like to see something official on this and it surely must exist if this is true since AA does NOT give up for any reason without a fight. Their history proves they do not negotiate, and they do not roll over and play dead until the last card is played.

If there is 6 million dollars missing, be it from the loss of company assets or whatever, the SEC wants to know about it - in fact, they have a form for it. There is nothing official at the SEC or on the Edgar database about any such incident(s) being reported by AMR.
Wing, what part of "cover up" do you not understand? There are many examples of an organization not wanting outsiders seeing how corrupt or incompetent it is. I believe a diligent researcher might come up with some information of a top AA officer embezzling millions two or three decades ago. It was kept pretty quiet, too.

There is an old premise in English Common Law, that "The King Can Do No Wrong". It lives on today in organizational behavior, in government, the military, and corporations. It exists at the lowest levels of AA management as well as farther up. Unions, too.

BTW, I did not mean to imply in my previous post that the 6 million figure was accurate. My sources quote conflicting numbers, some higher, some lower. A tremendous amount of TWA equipment disappeared, but whatever records existed have been lost. AA's own equipment was not well tracked, either. Embarrassingly so, it would seem.

AA is deathly scared of racial suits. Perhaps the parties in question have decided the best defense is a good offense. There is a law firm in EL LAY that specializes in suing AAL. The previous Western Regional Managers and LAX Station Manager were forced into retirement in the aftermath of a bogus racial suit. AA's investigation and defense of that suit was laughable. Or perhaps pitiful. They were both excellent managers and had the respect and cooperation of the rank and file, as well as their subordinates in management.

Those of you who think all this is just rumor or speculation are invited to explain the reason for the departure of all three of the parties at once with no explanation.
Well, one of your LAX escapees you can have back. Hazy obviously wasn't experienced enough from that small LAX station to go to a huge hub like MIA, which is worse than it ever was under the last boob. To make matters worse, he brought a lot of his cronies with him as well so MIA will never heal from being the pathetic management mess it has always been and believe me, the passengers see it, know it, and talk about it. Don't know if he or any of his tribe were in on this rumored mess but I'll wager there are more than a few thousand folks at MIA that would just as soon ship him and his cohorts back to LAX.
Wretched Wrench said:
No, Hazy was not part of it. And experience (or lack of) is not his problem.
Then whatever his problem is, someone needs to recognize it and fix it. Out of every airport where AA has a presence, only in MIA does American Airlines seem to run like a totally different company. Guessing from one airport to the next about the TSA and security proceedures is bad enough but when the airline itself doesn't run the same in one of it's hubs as it does everywhere else, it just compounds the problem.
I guess people like "liveinahotel" are going to have to take peoples word on this. The reason for this being AA management has managed to keep this whole thing under tight wraps. For whatever reason the local press in LA has not picked up on the story for whatever reason. So I guess you are not going to see any links.

Now here are the facts as they stand:

1)The top three managers at LAX maintenance mgmt were fired.
2)There were financial "irregularities".
3)AA has not sought legal action against these three individuals as of this moment.

Now as to why AA has not sought legal action I do not know. I'll leave evryone to guess for themselves.
I wonder if I would have said it was three white managers and the company is letting those good ol boys get away with it hotel probabpy would have jumped on the band wagon.
The Dissident said:
I wonder if I would have said it was three white managers and the company is letting those good ol boys get away with it hotel probabpy would have jumped on the band wagon.
Are you calling me a racist? You have no idea what race I am or who I am. Keep your racial comments to yourself. It doesn't matter what race these people are. Until you post proof, keep your comments and mouth shut! If it happened you would have proof. AA is on the firing rampage as we speak. Being in a non-union position with this company is like committing suicide! Management is non-union and if they screw up, they have no protection.

Take your racist comments and stick them up your A$$!

Moderators, I think it's time to lock this thread.
I found some of the comments in this thread regarding race being an issue quite interesting. AA is not afraid of a race related or discrimination lawsuit, they defend against them all the time and from the ones I've looked at, they defend against them vigorously, and at any price. I highly doubt that AA is about to let anyone rip them off and get away with it because of their race, nor are they about to back down if they get sued for firing them. If someone hauls off millions of dollars from your company, you don't stop to ask what race they are before you fire them, have them arrested and/or sue their ass off. AA has lawfirms on retainer across the country, and is not about to let itself get a reputation for being a pushover in lawsuits. This is why I find this entire story hard to swallow.

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