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Racial Bias At Aa

LiveInAHotel said:
Are you calling me a racist? You have no idea what race I am or who I am. Keep your racial comments to yourself. It doesn't matter what race these people are. Until you post proof, keep your comments and mouth shut! If it happened you would have proof. AA is on the firing rampage as we speak. Being in a non-union position with this company is like committing suicide! Management is non-union and if they screw up, they have no protection.

Take your racist comments and stick them up your A$$!

Moderators, I think it's time to lock this thread.
My my my, a tactic straight out of your Marxist playbook. This is the second time you have asked to have this thread shut down because you do not like what it says. And you accuse me of being a racist to add fuel to the fire. It seems that you cannot come up with a valid response to my statements. So instead of confronting the issue which by the way is not racist but the inaction of the company to prosecute individuals for theft because of their race, you accuse me of racism. Another tactic straight out othe died in the wool Democrat playbook. which translates into " He's right and he has me beat so I'll confuse the issue with racism charges since I cannot debate him on this level".
I am very sure if this thread was racist in nature the moderators and owners of this board would have shut it down immediatly. I am also sure they would have either sent me a nastygram or banned me from this board. By the way neither of which has happened. Let me define Racist for you:


1 The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others

2 Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

And here is the other which you accuse me of.


adj 1: based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks" 2: discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion [syn: antiblack, anti-Semitic, anti-Semite(a)] n : a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others [syn: racialist]

There have also been other posters on this board verifying what I have posted as well.So before you start making accusations on this board you need to forget what they told you racism was in that Democrat controlled socialist utopia they call public school and do some research for yourself. I normally find that people who are quick to accuse others with racism are racists themselves and are trying to deflect attention away so they will not be exposed for what they truly are. :shock:
WingNaPrayer said:
AA is not afraid of a race related or discrimination lawsuit, they defend against them all the time and from the ones I've looked at, they defend against them vigorously, and at any price. AA has lawfirms on retainer across the country, and is not about to let itself get a reputation for being a pushover in lawsuits.

In the civil suits against AA in Los Angeles, AA has retained what appear to be really low rent attorneys.

By contrast, the law firm that is making a career out of suing AA really has their act together. I have heard from a really good source that AA has tried to buy them off. The offer was too low, so no deal.
The Dissident said:
This is the second time you have asked to have this thread shut down because you do not like what it says.

I normally find that people who are quick to accuse others with racism are racists themselves and are trying to deflect attention away so they will not be exposed for what they truly are.
You truly need to stay off the crack pipe! Actually if you knew how to read, oh and spell you would see that this was actually the first time I asked this thread to be tossed. Please post the proof that this is the second time I have asked to have this topic tossed. Just like you can't post proof on your topic, you can't post proof that this is the second time I have asked.

I haven't diverted from the topic. You have yet to post proof to back your topic. To all of us you look like a liar. Let me show you the definition of the word liar:

li'ar n. one who deceives by lying

In case you don't know the meaning of the word lie:

lie n. something meant to deceive; the manner in which something is positioned ---vi. to pass on false information or create a false impression

Like several of us have asked; post a link or proof to your story. You can be as dumb as you want and post BS topics. Here is a little tip for you: Don't call me a racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That word is not in my vocabulary.

In case you don't know what the word tip is:

tip n. a helpful hint

Now run a long and be a good little boy.
LiveInAHotel said:
Don't call me a racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That word is not in my vocabulary.

Posted on Jul 26 2004, 11:58 AM
Take your racist comments and stick them up your A$$!

Moderators, I think it's time to lock this thread.

Jul 20 2004, 10:02 PM

I will have to make a call to someone I know that can verify this. I still think this is a bogus thread, just to start something racial.
So you only did it once. But the word racist is in your vocabulary. The problem is you either do not understand what it means or do not understand how to use it in the proper context. Which one is it?
So two other posters verified what I have posted and have you asked them for any more details. Probably not.It just cannot be true.

Remember this. The eye that alters, alters all.

Did you ever make the phone call you said you were going to make as per your post on July 20th?

You truly need to stay off the crack pipe! Actually if you knew how to read, oh and spell you would see that this was actually the first time I asked this thread to be tossed.

Notice the elitest attitude presented by the poster. I have noticed that this is common among people who cannot argue the facts as presented to them and have to turn to personal attacks to draw attention away from the issue at hand.Which is that AA is not prosecuting these individuals as of yet based on their race. Didnt you get that flyer about doing the right thing and calling that toll free number. After we gave up so much to save the company, the compnay is not doing the right thing by letting these people slide. What kind of example does that set for the rest of us.That is what it is about. There is a reason why they call it the painful truth.

By the definitions I have provided for you the statement below is not calling you a racist.
QUOTE (The Dissident @ Jul 26 2004, 05:31 AM)
I wonder if I would have said it was three white managers and the company is letting those good ol boys get away with it hotel probabpy would have jumped on the band wagon.

It asked a question?

So where were you called a racist by the definitions listed earlier? You are the one who started crying racist without knowing the proper def.inition of the word.

Are you also calling Man Of the People,Wretched Wrench,and 777Fixer liars as well. They have verified my posts and yet you only attack me because my spelling doesent come up to your elitest standards.

By the definitions I have provided for you the statement below is not calling you a racist.
QUOTE (The Dissident @ Jul 26 2004, 05:31 AM)
I wonder if I would have said it was three white managers and the company is letting those good ol boys get away with it hotel probabpy would have jumped on the band wagon.

You could have said yes or no to the above question and the debate would have continued unabated. But instead you are blinded by emotion and start screaming RACIST! This is a common tactic used by liberals when they cannot debate the facts. You do not see me complaining about your spelling or telling you to keep your mouth shut. I have not called you a liar.


The facts of which are the company is not doing the right thing. The company is keeping this quiet for now and does not want many people to know about it.
"AA is not afraid of a race related or discrimination lawsuit, they defend against them all the time and from the ones I've looked at, they defend against them vigorously, and at any price. I highly doubt that AA is about to let anyone rip them off and get away with it because of their race, nor are they about to back down if they get sued for firing them. If someone hauls off millions of dollars from your company, you don't stop to ask what race they are before you fire them, have them arrested and/or sue their ass off. AA has lawfirms on retainer across the country, and is not about to let itself get a reputation for being a pushover in lawsuits. This is why I find this entire story hard to swallow. "


News flash for you. Any Fortune 500 company with half a brain is SCARED to death of a racial discrimination suit. It's bad press for the comapany and it brings charlatons like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to your door. Even if the company is vindicated in court people usually remeber that they were sued. Not the fact thay they were exonerated in court. That is why most comapnies will try an settle out of court in aorder to avoid a lengthy court battle.

Have you made your inquires yet as to the validity of this thread? If so have you found anything out. Chances are unless you know someone in maintenance or legal you are not going to find out much.

By the way just because you have not heard of something occuring does not mean it's not true. Something similiar could happen on the flight attendant side of the house and those in maintenance would have no idea that it occured.
I too have heard about this, it's true. It's well known in MX. The truth can't be hidden forever. How can 3 high level managers simply disappear? I'm going to stay out of the race issue.
The Dissident said:
You could have said yes or no to the above question and the debate would have continued unabated.

I have not called you a liar.
If it truly happened, I could careless what race they're. Why? Because it doesn't matter!

I also never called you a liar. I said "to all of us you look like a liar." Calling and saying you look like are two different things. Like I have said, back your topic up and post some proof!

777 and lpbrian... If you have a link or proof, back it up.
LiveInAHotel said:
. I said "to all of us you look like a liar."

Not all of us. Not by far.

It is also possible to disbelieve without casting aspersions on the speaker. Many of us say things we believe to be true, but might not be believed by another. A liar is a person who says something he knows is not true, with the intent to deceive. How do we know what the other person knows or doesn't know, or what his or her intentions are?

Those of you who do not believe are OK. But those who do believe and discuss it are not liars. Admittedly, there is speculation, but most of it is well-founded. Those of you disbelieve should do your own checking. Anyone with FBI connections can find out a little, too. They were there.

Perhaps someone would like to propound an alternate theory explaining why they left all at once.

I thought you had "connections" that you were going to contact to find out more about the story. Guess you really don't have any. I know that some flight attendant are married to mechanics so you could always try there. This is assuming that you work for AA of course.

Let me explain it agin to you. AA has kept this thing under tight wraps. Nothing has appeared in the local press. However since you have convinced yourself that this is one big conspiracy with many indiviaduals taking part that really does not matter.
Then perhaps someone should just tip off the press in L.A. and let them dig up the dirt.
777 fixer said:

I thought you had "connections" that you were going to contact to find out more about the story. Guess you really don't have any. I know that some flight attendant are married to mechanics so you could always try there. This is assuming that you work for AA of course.

Let me explain it agin to you. AA has kept this thing under tight wraps. Nothing has appeared in the local press. However since you have convinced yourself that this is one big conspiracy with many indiviaduals taking part that really does not matter.
I would not trouble yourself too much with hotel. I did a search on her posts and from them I learned much. For instance:

She has been a F/A for almost 27 years which now means that she is currently in the beginning or middle of menopause which accounts for her emotional swings on this board.

Her favorite saying is Get off the crack pipe or some derivative therof. When confronted with an honest debate she usually uses the above phrase to detract attention that she really doesent know what she is talking about and cannot construct a sutiable reply.

She does not know how to use the words Racist or Racism properly and when confronted with a debate over those issues and unable to make a reply to previous statements cries racism.Note this is a typical tactic used by Democrats when the sublect of race is brought up and discussed.

She thinks she knows more than anyone else on the flight crew.

Is a chronic complainer.

I have also noticed in the tone of her posts that she thinks F/a's espically her are superior to anyone else working for the airline. This is indicative of someone with little or no secondary education and have to insult other people to make themselves fell superior.

She probably got the job of F/A on her looks and put off her secondary education and now that she is in menopause she has come to the realization that she no longer has her looks or any skills to work in the outside world. This of course makes her very bitter which is evidenced by her previous posts on many diffrent topics throughout this entire board.

She probably takes her latop with her while on the job just so she can post on this board to spread her opinion just so she can correct those on the board whom she feels are wrong or are to ignorant to know any better to give her the feeling of superiority.While at the end of the day she has come to realization that her job is to put on that skirt and push that cart down the aisle while serving the passengers their sodas and mystery meat meals.


The above post only concers LiveinaHotel.It is not indicitive of the many other hardworkng F/A'S that I have met and known while working for this company who I have encountered. Just the one above individual and this information was gethered from her previous posts on this board.
Hotel does have some credibility issues on this board. Plus he/she doesn't like cats, especially orange ones.
The Dissident said:
I would not trouble yourself too much with hotel. I did a search on her posts and from them I learned much. For instance:

She has been a F/A for almost 27 years which now means that she is currently in the beginning or middle of menopause which accounts for her emotional swings on this board.

Her favorite saying is Get off the crack pipe or some derivative therof. When confronted with an honest debate she usually uses the above phrase to detract attention that she really doesent know what she is talking about and cannot construct a sutiable reply.

She does not know how to use the words Racist or Racism properly and when confronted with a debate over those issues and unable to make a reply to previous statements cries racism.Note this is a typical tactic used by Democrats when the sublect of race is brought up and discussed.

She thinks she knows more than anyone else on the flight crew.

Is a chronic complainer.

I have also noticed in the tone of her posts that she thinks F/a's espically her are superior to anyone else working for the airline. This is indicative of someone with little or no secondary education and have to insult other people to make themselves fell superior.

She probably got the job of F/A on her looks and put off her secondary education and now that she is in menopause she has come to the realization that she no longer has her looks or any skills to work in the outside world. This of course makes her very bitter which is evidenced by her previous posts on many diffrent topics throughout this entire board.

She probably takes her latop with her while on the job just so she can post on this board to spread her opinion just so she can correct those on the board whom she feels are wrong or are to ignorant to know any better to give her the feeling of superiority.While at the end of the day she has come to realization that her job is to put on that skirt and push that cart down the aisle while serving the passengers their sodas and mystery meat meals.


The above post only concers LiveinaHotel.It is not indicitive of the many other hardworkng F/A'S that I have met and known while working for this company who I have encountered. Just the one above individual and this information was gethered from her previous posts on this board.
You need help in a big way! You have no credibility on this board and your **** between your legs is as small as, well I need a microscope to see it. I actually do have a Bachelor of Science degree from UCONN. You seem to think all f/a's are as dumb as a box of rocks. Sorry sweetie, we are not! I did make my phone call to my friend in LAX and he said it's not true.

Post the proof! You talk the talk, but you can't walk the walk.

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