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Question Convience Us?

Checking it Out said:
Here is the topic of this thread. I ask after reading the posts how many are actually addressing the Question? Do these Amfa wantabes actually know what their fighting for? It looks to me like it is the blind leading the blind.

What has amfa done in the last 90 days to bring members back to work or settle contracts?

This was the Question, Is it Pro Amfa rhetoric on this thread or Anti TWU? Looks to me you could dangle a carrot in front of these amfa wantabes and they would follow anyone!

It is a shame they are willing to destroy our livelyhoods and don't have a clue what their fighting for!!!! God Help us all if they were ever to get In!!!!!
Mr. mullins (cio),

Being a 514 officer, we exspect you not to know what we are fighting for. 514 twu clowns don't know how to fight anyone except your own members. As long as you have your twu company "goo gobbling" deal for yourselves, and you don't have to work on the floor, your happy.

What has AMFA done in the last 90 days? Won two arbitration cases (PDX, PHX) and have two more very large cases being decided for MSP.


Still side stepping the question because you can't answer it? We understand, the twu only answers when the question is from another twu company goo-goobler.

Destroy livelyhoods??? I think the twu has done an exceptional job already.

We are the lowest paid major airline, we have the worst benefits of any major airline, AND we have 2000+ twu members on the street. The only recall I have seen is for OSM positions, and very few are coming back at the paltry twu negotiated wages.

There are going to be many bare bones Christmas trees thanks to the twu.

Hopefully god will answer our prayers, and we will be rid of the twu and non-leaders like cio (rick mullins) for ever.
I've got one simple question!

how much work can AA farmout per our scope clause?
Rick Mullins, answer my question first. What has the twu done for my profession within the last 90 days? I tell you what, I'll make the question easier for you. What has the twu done for my profession within the last 90 MONTHS? :unsure:
Ken MacTiernan said:
Rick Mullins, answer my question first. What has the twu done for my profession within the last 90 days? I tell you what, I'll make the question easier for you. What has the twu done for my profession within the last 90 MONTHS? :unsure:
Forget getting answers from CIO, after all he is TWU and we all know that the TWU does not feel that they have to answer to anybody, except the company.
Article 1-Recogntion and Scope.

...It is understood that nothing in this article requires the maintenance of the present volume of work...
Well there you have it! Normally we would be called out of order for asking questions detrimental to the status quo but on this forum we just get the silent treatment.
Hackman, you are really enthrawled with the phrase "goo gobbling" . Not sure of your intent or meaning with that phrase, would you please explain so I might better understand the mantality of AMFA reps and what I might have to look forward to if AMFA would attain bargaining agent at AA.

Thank you and have a great Holiday Season.
Could you explain "mantality" ?
Let us pray...

Let us pray that GLEAM TEAM TWU can once and for all explain what ...
..It is understood that nothing in this article requires the maintenance of the present volume of work... means...For this miracle we pray...Amen.
TeamTWU said:
Hackman, you are really enthrawled with the phrase "goo gobbling" . Not sure of your intent or meaning with that phrase, would you please explain so I might better understand the mantality of AMFA reps and what I might have to look forward to if AMFA would attain bargaining agent at AA.

Thank you and have a great Holiday Season.
Well, I'll not to get into the graphic nature of what twu officals do behind closed AA doors to keep their company men happy. Another excellent reason to have open door negotiations.

I will leave it to your own personal twu imagination, being that you are assumed to be one of the said twu union officals of which I spoke, therefore you would know better than I.

What you can look forward to when AMFA replaces the twu is you'll be back at your box (again, assuming your M&R craft and class) or maybe with the broke afl-cio, being that the twu will be almost totally removed from the airline business.

Have a safe holiday Team twu, please don't drink and drive. 😉
Thank you for the holiday wishes Hackman, I hope you also enjoy the holidays and are safe during those times.

I currently work from my box daily, so no action will be changed there. Also, first things first, you have to file for a vote which you have not. You have mailed a card to me but I decided not to reply, nor will I send the requested donation. Hopefully AMFA will file shortly so TWU can get on with more pertinent business than dealing with a rogue membership of sorts.

If AMFA loses the vote will you support the TWU as you have asked many here to support AMFA? Just a thought.

Have a great Holiday Season!

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